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#149604 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by hubang on 19 December 2012 - 10:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly there is no way to get true surround from a head at on the wii u. The built in Jack in the game pad will only offer two channel audio. One plan I have to use my existing turtle beach headset is to use the head phone Jack on my surround sound receiver where my wii u is hooked up with hdmi. Then I can set my receiver to neo 6 or another mode to simulate surround sound on my headset. Just still researching to see which mode will give the best results. Most headsets only have single speakers anyway so even on say ps3 or 360 are still getting simulated surround sound.

Assuming you mean true surround from a headset on the Wii U, it is possible, just not really easy nor affordable to most at this point. You'd need a device that can split the HDMI into 6 analog sound channels; this usually involves a converter or a mid-range to high-end AV receiver. You'd then need a surround headset with analog multichannel inputs, such as the Tritton AX Pro.

Everyone seems to be rushing for an immediate solution, but I'd suggest waiting it out for a bit to see new solutions pop up via USB (perhaps a USB Dolby Digital decoder with optical out if someone decides to test one) or when manufacturers decide to move forward with Wii U-specific headsets.

#146785 NSMBU: The Best Mario Game Since Mario World?

Posted by hubang on 11 December 2012 - 08:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The challenge mode really adds so much replay value to this game.

#146157 Dark Souls 2 needs to be on the Wii U!

Posted by hubang on 09 December 2012 - 10:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Seems someone started a petition!


#145514 RUMOR- HipHopGamer: Nintendo planning to buy Sega

Posted by hubang on 08 December 2012 - 11:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

Even if those numbers from the anylist are corrrect, thats 600m dollars made in console sales only. Not including controllers or software sales. Nor is that including DS sales, which if you assune 6 dollars per unit sold, and factor in Wii profits, Nintendo has made over a billion dollars in the last six years.

Yes, Nintendo might have lost money the last year ... considering they are selling 3DS at a loss and were busy making the Wii U, which wasn't cheap. And since it is the end of the DS and Wii's life, they weren't making as much as they were. This is normal and to be expected.

However your arguement seems to be different. You are trying to make sense of such a purchase and seeing if it would make sense finacially for Nintendo to make such a big purchase. That is a different question all together and not one either you or I can answer.

But, Sega probably isn't worth billions, I would say millions. Per share is like under 5 dollars right now. Nintendo would never buy all of Sega, just buy Sammy's shares.

And why would Nintendo buy them? Maybe for the IP's, maybe because they have actually made profit in the last couple years. Maybe ... for whatevet reason.

I do agree that Nintendo may not buy Sega. But i don't agree that they couldn't. They could.

Nintendo has made well over a single billion in the last 6 years.  Since we are fans of speculating, I will speculate that they might have around $10 billion USD in the vault.  However, that is merely an educated guess.


This article shows that in 2011 they posted a net loss of 70 billion yen, largely based on aforementioned exchange rate gyration.

It is easy to bust out a calculator and crunch out simple profit numbers.  And it is easy to assume that because there are tons of sales, Nintendo must yield major bucks.  The point of my posts was to say that there are other factors that contribute to heavily serious losses.

I will correct you in that the 3DS was only in its initial production sold at a loss; it now yields a profit.

As far as what you or I can and cannot answer: yes we cannot definitively answer on Nintendo's behalf, but you merely have to examine the facts to arrive at what is probable and sensible.  This is critical in investment decision-making.

I have never said that Nintendo cannot buy Sega, only that it would be a highly risky decision in its current financial state, and thus unlikely.  Nintendo no doubt has the savings to cover operating losses for the foreseeable future, but not if it starts going out and buying companies like Sega.

#145437 Dark Souls 2 needs to be on the Wii U!

Posted by hubang on 08 December 2012 - 08:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Nintendo is an affiliate, but I don't think posting on here speaking to them in the second person will make a difference. Why don't you start a petition? Dark Souls has a huge fanatical following and From Software is very loyal to its fans.

#145361 RUMOR- HipHopGamer: Nintendo planning to buy Sega

Posted by hubang on 08 December 2012 - 12:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo sold 100 million Wii's and 150 million Ds's. That's 250 million consoles at a profit from the start. This is not including software either. Nintendo has money to buySega if they want to. I just don't think they do.

Allow me to play devil's advocate for just a bit longer.

It is not as simple as Wii and DS sales alone.  Those may be the hardware units that Nintendo sold for a small profit (I think the Wii was $6 per unit?), but what about the 3DS (until recently) and now Wii U that they sold at a loss?

As far as software, most software sales with Nintendo are first party titles, and they lose out majorly on significant licensing fees.  Piracy was rampant for all the aforementioned systems, present one excepted.

And what about the billions Nintendo lost on the currency exchange when there was serious fluctuation?

I'm not saying that the coffers aren't substantial or that they don't have enough to acquire Sega; I just don't think they are as gargantuan as everyone thinks.

#145334 RUMOR- HipHopGamer: Nintendo planning to buy Sega

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 11:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

how many wii's and DS's and countless games for each did they sell last gen? The DS is the second best selling hardware of all time and they were making a profit that whole time, plus the wii owned this last gen in number of units sold. what makes you think Nintendo doesn't have a large pot of cash from the past six years stored up? one year losing a little cash while releasing the 3DS which is outselling the DS for the time it's been out, and a successful launch of the Wii U means they are more than fine money.

The facts:

Here's their cash flow in a 5-year trend to-date:

Numbers in parentheses are an outflow, not a loss. A company can have a negative cash flow and still enjoy a profit.

However, here is their income statement:

Their net income is a net loss compared to previous years.  If this trend continues in the long run (large outflow of cash and net loss), they will eventually go bankrupt.  If the Wii U (and their other products) succeeds, they will pull out of the red.  It is my opinion that Sega will not undergo acquisition by Nintendo until they pull themselves out of the red.  A merger is also highly unlikely.

As far as your large pot of cash that I didn't address; I don't speculate on how companies store/spend their cash.  Sure, Nintendo could have enough in the vault.  What I will speculate on is that Sega has not created any highly-acclaimed releases in years to my knowledge, and I don't see why Nintendo at an operating loss would take expensive risks in that regard when it has its own uncertainties to settle.

Maybe not the best analogy, but if I'm behind on bills and have savings, I'd be taking a huge risk in going out and buying something major (say, property) to finance those bills.

#145301 RUMOR- HipHopGamer: Nintendo planning to buy Sega

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly I can totally see this happening. Nintendo isn't Apple rich, but right now they are sitting on a HUGE amount of cash and they need every edge they can get against Sony and MS's next systems.

Where are you getting this information from? To say they have a HUGE amount of cash seems like conjecture to me.

For over a year, Nintendo has been at an operating loss (their expenses are greater than their income).  This has been known up until their last financial quarter ending September.  There are tons of articles on this but here are two:


Various sources have claimed that they have been selling the Wii U at a loss and only see a profit after 1 game is sold, and they currently average 1.2 games sold per unit.


I honestly don't see how Nintendo could realistically purchase Sega from a financial standpoint without leveraging their assets, which they are unlikely to do with all the industry uncertainty revolving around the Wii U.

#145059 Deluxe Digital Promotion - North America

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 12:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

For North American Wii U Deluxe owners, the Deluxe Digital Promotion website has launched:


For newcomers, 10% of all digital game purchases earn points that can be redeemed for credit in the eShop. Every 500 points = $5 eShop credit (in US and Canada, Mexico is different).

For example, $59.99 = 599 points.

Ends December 2014.

#145051 2012 GoTY

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 11:53 AM in General Gaming

Journey or Mass Effect 3 IMO.

#145048 RUMOR- HipHopGamer: Nintendo planning to buy Sega

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 11:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Gotta Go Fast

Posted Image

Ha! Awesome!

#145045 We need this so badly!

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 11:34 AM in Site News and Feedback

OP is ironic! No offense Mr. Saturn! :P

Q&A section/subsection is a great idea.

I think negativity and complaints are inevitable with a release like this; Nintendo cut hardware costs in so many ways (Dolby, wired ethernet, USB 3.0, etc), no heavy-hitter first party title, launch ports were construed as "lazy", not to mention the "next-gen" issue. When you have the industry as a whole casting doubt on the system, that doubt will be projected by the community. Don't get it twisted though, I am really happy with the Wii U and its potential myself.

I think the larger issue is the repetitive threads. Not sure why such a large and obvious Search Bar is so underused. I think its use needs to be encouraged by both forum members and mods. Repetitive threads need to be merged so the forum doesn't get trolled by however many compressed 5.1 threads and what not.

2 cents from a new guy who is more often than not enjoying these forums.

#145021 Online Play

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Only thing on your list I would say is a no go is 007. Figured we were talking of games currently out due to him asking of recommendations. (Sort of counts though, so close, but so far ;P)
http://www.target.co...erm=007 Legends 007 is out the 11th of this month.

As far as pricing goes, it is kind of hard to justify purchasing on the Wii U for a higher price on that note. Being as you can get it for like 42.50 plus 3.99 shipping on Amazon for the PS3. That or get it on sell via Steam sometime on a PC. (46.49 is a grand price verse say the Wii U price 59.99). Kind of sad when older games are released onto another platform to get a higher price tag. Specially with all these horrible ports being released these days (On any platform).

For some reason 007 Legends is showing as available and in stock for multiple stores in Canada. Perhaps not elsewhere?

Recommendation-wise, I haven't played any of them personally on the Wii U with the exception of Trine 2 (which is fantastic).

I would agree that the pricing on ports is unfortunate, not to mention size of community (and thus matchmaking). However, a smaller community can result in more notoriety!

#145013 Possible to use HDMI and Standard cables together?

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:35 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

Well im already using the wiis component cables.

I do want the digital video provided by hdmi/dvi, its just, dvi only carries video, not sound.

Yeah I figured as much; sadly I couldn't find an HDMI to DVI converter with an analog RCAs for ya, at least through Monoprice anyways. I've seen ones on other sites with Toslink, but they are REALLY expensive at over $200. If anything comes up I'll definitely keep you posted.

#145007 Online Play

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

There's also Tekken Tag Tournament 2, FIFA, Madden, and 007 Legends, but those are all available for your other systems. There might be some others too that I don't know about.

#145003 Wii U SKINS! FINALLY! Found a online deal for today only!

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Sure ill post some pics and a review. I have ordered their skins before for other devices and they were top notch. Also I believe it did see a plain black one and all of the skins are available as either a matte or gloss finish...... so there you go.

Good lookin out! I whizzed by it the first time apparently lol.

#145001 Possible to use HDMI and Standard cables together?

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 10:07 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

I know this was possible on PS3 but was wandering (have looked in settings but no luck yet) to use the HDMI for just video and the standard red and white cables for just the audio? BTW reason i ask is bc i use a PC monitor to play Wii U in my room and my surround sound doesnt have hdmi (its a bit dated).

Not exactly what you want but a possible solution for you:

Yeah, no. This would also help me, as I have an earlier (but fantastic, they dont build em like they used too.) plasma, and it has dvi instead of hdmi (which doesnt carry audio, only video). So it would ve great for me, too.

We need similar solutions, a
15-30 dollar connector with analog audio outs. For me, hdmi to dvi, for you, hdmi to hdmi.

3Dude, if your plasma has component and you're willing to go that route, there's always this:

#144988 Wii U SKINS! FINALLY! Found a online deal for today only!

Posted by hubang on 07 December 2012 - 09:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks for the heads up; some interesting designs on that site. Would you be willing to give us some feedback once you've gotten yours and put them on?

Someone would make a killing if they made a matte black one.

#144575 Two things that speedup Wii U downloads

Posted by hubang on 06 December 2012 - 11:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks Alex. Set up privoxy last night but haven't tested download speeds yet.

#144570 Microsoft Denied ‘Killer Instinct’ Trademark Renewal By US Government

Posted by hubang on 06 December 2012 - 11:08 AM in General Gaming

US Government learnt a C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

#144567 Old broken Wii. Useless?

Posted by hubang on 06 December 2012 - 11:00 AM in General Gaming

You could always order a new disk drive on amazon with the nintendo triwing screw driver and replace the drive.

Its not hard to do and will only take 30 minutes or so. Its not even worth trading in at gamestop. They are only offering $20 on trade in value.

I say keep it.

I'm with you on this. Replace the drive and make someone happy by giving it to them as a gift. Sadly we live in an apathetic age of replacement where repairing things is a dying skill.

#144561 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by hubang on 06 December 2012 - 10:47 AM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image

#144133 Mass Effect 3

Posted by hubang on 05 December 2012 - 12:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Fully agree with 3Dude and UnchainedGoku, Trilogy is the way to go.

#143962 Japanese ND tomorrow 6 hours before North America and Europe

Posted by hubang on 05 December 2012 - 07:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Some highlights:



Also, here's a bonus trailer from Square Enix:


#143678 WiiU Friendly Media Sites.

Posted by hubang on 04 December 2012 - 05:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Great idea! Worth a sticky/pin.

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