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#149167 Two players - New Super Mario Bros. U (help)

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You can only use the GamePad to control a character in single player mode. When you try to use the GamePad in multiplayer, it automatically goes to boost mode.

Finally plain English lol thank you. Good thing I have two wii remotes!

#148838 Two players - New Super Mario Bros. U (help)

Posted by 9646gt on 17 December 2012 - 06:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sadly no. Multiolayer can only be done with every player using wiimotes

Sorry but that statement is confusing. Do you mean if you start the game with ONLY two wii remotes that both players can s be on screen at once? I how does one do this

#149131 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 02:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im 18, always been a Nintendo gamer since the first consoles i played were N64 and SNES. I skipped the gamecube and got the PS2 (which IMO nintendo have never made a console as good as). I never bought a PS3 or £60 and continued to play my PS2 with its massive catalogue of games until i got Wii and played that along with my PS2. My brother got a 360 and i played that too but now the Wii U is out im hoping it will be my main console and i wont need to play the 360 for many games apart from exclusives.

Luckily there are only like 4 exclusives on Xbox lol

#145773 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by 9646gt on 09 December 2012 - 01:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

28 here :) Was at walmart the night before thanks giving and told the wife I wanted a wii u for Christmas. There was 3 deluxe systems in the case so the wife bought me one :) Can't have it till Christmas which sucks! lol. But yeah had Nintendo systems my entire life. First was the NES in 1990 when I was like 6 years old haha. But yeah I don't care much for Black Ops or other FPS's. I will be playing NSMBU Nintendo Land and Sonic racing however!

#149503 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Correct. A headphone jack will always be two channel. Some devices will simulate surround sound over a head phone Jack but the wii u does not. Dolby pro logic is what the old wii used to simulate surround sound. This is why I am plugging my headset in to my surround sound. Because it will take the audio from the wii and with the correct option selected it will turn it into simulated surround sound and send it to the headset that's plugged in :)

#149887 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 02:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think that's going to work. From my understanding and from my experience using three different surround sound amps when you connect headphones to the headphone jack on an amp it automatically goes into stereo sound mode disabling all digital sound processing including all the various surround modes. I would imagine this the case with all amps.

Should work fine if you plug a turtle beach DSS into the game pad and the plug in a headset. That's what it is designed to do right?

#150875 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 06:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

I guess I'll be able to make more sense of all this when. I get my console on Christmas morning lol

#149963 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah guess I was sounding confusing and over complicating the setup. But as the feed from gamepad is stereo only it should work with the DSS attached

#149531 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 03:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

You are on the right track it seems but the Mic situation is something I am still trying to ffigure out. Also seven plugging the headset into a proper receiver will not guarantee simulated surround. You will have to choose a receiver that can take the incoming surround sound and convert out to some form of simulated surround sound and feed that the the headset. Which I think my onkyo can do.I think out can covert the sound using neo 6 to simulated surround and then pad out to the headset but I may be wrong and will have to look into the manual more.

As for the Mic I have no clue. My headset can use either usb or out has its own mic cable.but I don't think the console supports usb chat. And I dont know if plugging the mic into the gamepad will force the console to output sound only to the gamepad or what.

#149108 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 12:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly there is no way to get true surround from a head at on the wii u. The built in Jack in the game pad will only offer two channel audio. One plan I have to use my existing turtle beach headset is to use the head phone Jack on my surround sound receiver where my wii u is hooked up with hdmi. Then I can set my receiver to neo 6 or another mode to simulate surround sound on my headset. Just still researching to see which mode will give the best results. Most headsets only have single speakers anyway so even on say ps3 or 360 are still getting simulated surround sound.

#150044 Good news about slow loading times

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 12:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

I am almost 30 years old. I have been waiting on load screens all my life lol. My first 386 computer took forever to load its primitive graphics. But in this day and age of highly efficient processors and solid state storage, it's not acceptable. I am not going to go on youtube crying about it. HOWEVER, if Nintendo is able to update the software so that loading is down to a minimum, this means the software was never properly optimized to begin with. So are you telling me I should just accept the fact that Nintendo released a console with unfinished un-optimized software and sold it to me for $350 + tax? I think we have a right to be upset. But some people do take it too far. I would like to bring back up the day 1 update. That update was a direct result of shipping unfinished software. And almost everyone complained about that, yet this lack of optimization should just be kept quiet?

#152993 How powerful is the PlayStation Vita?

Posted by 9646gt on 28 December 2012 - 08:25 AM in General Gaming

Drives me crazy that the games on my vita seem as grainy as games did on PSP. Some mobile games on my galaxy s3 look much cleaner.

#150861 Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 05:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Alot of whining going on here... I assume most people who complain about using a Wiimote to play Mario havent owned or played a NES then?

I grew up on the nes as my first console. But I just don't care for using a sideways Wii remote to play Mario. I would much prefer there pro controller. The Wii remote never felt comfortable to me. I actually prefer the actual squared edge nes controller. Don't ask why but I just never feel comfortable with a Wii remote but we all have our opinions. I think we all are more upset that we know it can't take hardly any work to make a game compatible with the remote but decided no to. This makes us feel like it has just been provided to make third party devs happy and that Nintendo still doesn't care about what we want.

#150872 Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 06:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

They didn't get "too focused" with the new hardware, because the new hardware was the focus. And the reason why SMB doesn't support the Pro Controller is because they want the focus to be on, you guessed it, the new hardware.

I still can't get over the fact that you were complaining that Nintendoland didn't take advantage of the Pro Controller, and then when you were called on it, you made no further mention of it.

Nintendo made a new console with a new way of controlling it; the Wii U Gamepad. Gee, and I wonder why their first few games were Gamepad specific. Could it be that they want to show off what it can do? No, that can't be it. :wacko:

I agree on the Nintendo land statement. But nit the NSMBU statement. Impressed you are playing multiplayer the single really makes no user of there gamepad that would keep it from working g seamlessly with a pro controller

#150042 Wii U Pro Controller disapointment, needs a fix!

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 11:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

I honestly have to agree with the motion controls part. I mean even in new super mario on wii you had to shake the controller just to do a jump with the propeller power up. I prefer to just be pushing buttons. Touch controls on a phone and motions controls on a console are two things I personally do not care for. Motion controls on some type of games like wii sports is one thing. But I don;t think it should be pushed on you in every game. The first time I played mario kart on 3ds I was so happy to know I could boost of a jump without having to fling my handheld up into the air lol.

The gamepad is an awesome advancement but I hope they don't push it too much to where it gets in the way. And I agree that while there are a good bit of games that support the pro controller it's kind of odd that a game as simple as mario would not support it. Sometimes I don;t want the big tablet in my hands and I really despise playing mario on a wii mote. It just has never felt comfortable. I think alot of what the op is on about is that he is concerned the controller will not be supported by nintendo really. Like I said, I love the gamepad but sometimes I want to be lazy and kick back with a small controller that is anything but a wii mote lol

Well this third party controller had one pretty good review so far..
You shouldn't prejudge a controller because its third party.

Agree, I have bought some crappy 3rd party controllers in the past but if they don't work out I take them right back to the store :)

#145775 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by 9646gt on 09 December 2012 - 01:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

So when I bought my Wii U the day before Thanksgiving my local walmart had 3 deluxe systems. Went back on black Friday to pick up some 360 and ps3 games on sale and the two systems that were left after I bought mine were still sitting there. Then tonight at the same walmart there were about 8-10 consoles mostly basics just sitting in the case. I couldn't find a wii or 360 to save my life at launch. I don't think this issues is the systems fault, I think it's marketing. I think to many people assume it's a add on for the wii or something. I was playing my ps vita at work one night and someone asked if it was the new Wii U?!? Seriously?!?!

#146173 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by 9646gt on 10 December 2012 - 12:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

Some very good opinions here. I there are plenty of tv ads here in the USA. But they focus so much on the game pad that is hard to see what a huge leap this console is from the wii. The 3ds got the same type of feedback from people I work with add the wii u is getting from them. The ps3 and 360 owners when they saw me playing 3ds just thought it was a d's with 3d and still thought you needed glasses. Nobody even knew that the graphics are such a drastic difference that it was almost like a hand held wii. But Yeh I think it will pick up soon. It's just odd that this is the first console launch in recent memory to have systems just sitting on the shelf this early in.. But then again the 3ds had been this way since launch and it doing really well for a handheld. I but this is a console and I guess only time will tell.

#148836 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by 9646gt on 17 December 2012 - 06:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Some interesting replies. Every store I visited this weekend in a decent size city all had multiple wii u consoles in both versions sitting on the shelf. Even game stop had a decent amount but the guy there said it had been selling really well and that Nintendo just seems to be keeping a better stock than in the past. Did any sales numbers ever get announced for the Us minus the Nintendo statement? All I know is I will have mine in a week and I can't wait!

#152986 Next Gen Graphics?

Posted by 9646gt on 28 December 2012 - 08:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Project Cars is a next gen game nuff said.

God I hope this looks as good as the PC version I played! Think it will be a great game if they tighten it up a bit could be Wii u's gran turismo or forza!

Also, I know it outs not a next gen Game nor does it have any Wii u specific graphics enhancements that I know of but sonic all stars transformed looks stunning. If a current gen game can look this good I can't imagine a true next gen game. The water portions are mind glowingly beautiful

#151313 Wii U Launch More Successful Than Xbox 360 And PlayStation3

Posted by 9646gt on 24 December 2012 - 09:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

What are you talking about. The PS3 neither has a lack of games nor inferior technology.

^^^ This ^^^ PS3 got off to a slow start due to high demand and high price but didn't have enough units on the shelves. And PS3 started off just like every other console with mostly ports and few exclusives. HOWEVER PS3 has LOTS of great exclusives these days and ports on it are usually of good quality with some exceptions.

#149168 Rayman Legends confirmed to run at 1080p 60fps.

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My Macbook has a 2880x1800 screen and games look amazing on that but alot of them won't run that high of a resolution with the video card it has. Rayman will and is so amazing it is like looking at a painting. 1080p looks terrible on it due to it being 16:9 on a 16:10 display. But it's a great preview of what we have to look forward to when 4k tvs become affordable.

#152990 So for the final time I have to ask, should I get rid of my PS Vita?

Posted by 9646gt on 28 December 2012 - 08:22 AM in General Gaming

Just put my vita on eBay. I constantly sell the 3ds for a vita then go back. Have done this 3 times. This time I am sticking with 3ds. It is selling waaaay better and I generally enjoy its games much much more.

#149505 DVD Playback

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why do so many people still watch up scanned DVD on a high tech 1080p tv when Bluray is way more advanced? That's like watching the sd version of a channel on tv knowing that an he version is available

#147432 DVD Playback

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 12:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

I hate watching DVD quality videos honestly. I would much rather consoles be able to play videos saved to a USB hdd
Or even a network share


Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 02:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Lol I didn't know people still used TiVo. I honestly hope it supports DirecTV s that is really all I use. To me paying for Netflix is like paying for the stars or encore channels where all they play are old movies all the time lol

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