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#149503 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Correct. A headphone jack will always be two channel. Some devices will simulate surround sound over a head phone Jack but the wii u does not. Dolby pro logic is what the old wii used to simulate surround sound. This is why I am plugging my headset in to my surround sound. Because it will take the audio from the wii and with the correct option selected it will turn it into simulated surround sound and send it to the headset that's plugged in :)

#150875 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 06:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

I guess I'll be able to make more sense of all this when. I get my console on Christmas morning lol

#149506 REPORT - Thieves Steal $2M Worth of Wii U Consoles

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why did they refer to them as a portable wii console? Lol that article is all over the place

#149531 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 03:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

You are on the right track it seems but the Mic situation is something I am still trying to ffigure out. Also seven plugging the headset into a proper receiver will not guarantee simulated surround. You will have to choose a receiver that can take the incoming surround sound and convert out to some form of simulated surround sound and feed that the the headset. Which I think my onkyo can do.I think out can covert the sound using neo 6 to simulated surround and then pad out to the headset but I may be wrong and will have to look into the manual more.

As for the Mic I have no clue. My headset can use either usb or out has its own mic cable.but I don't think the console supports usb chat. And I dont know if plugging the mic into the gamepad will force the console to output sound only to the gamepad or what.

#149887 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 02:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think that's going to work. From my understanding and from my experience using three different surround sound amps when you connect headphones to the headphone jack on an amp it automatically goes into stereo sound mode disabling all digital sound processing including all the various surround modes. I would imagine this the case with all amps.

Should work fine if you plug a turtle beach DSS into the game pad and the plug in a headset. That's what it is designed to do right?

#149963 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 08:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah guess I was sounding confusing and over complicating the setup. But as the feed from gamepad is stereo only it should work with the DSS attached

#149108 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 12:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly there is no way to get true surround from a head at on the wii u. The built in Jack in the game pad will only offer two channel audio. One plan I have to use my existing turtle beach headset is to use the head phone Jack on my surround sound receiver where my wii u is hooked up with hdmi. Then I can set my receiver to neo 6 or another mode to simulate surround sound on my headset. Just still researching to see which mode will give the best results. Most headsets only have single speakers anyway so even on say ps3 or 360 are still getting simulated surround sound.

#147906 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 14 December 2012 - 01:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks guys. :) not sure you could do it with a n64 cart unless you had a really small ssd drive or something. You can do it with a snes cart!

#147433 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 12:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks guys. I works like a champ too :)

#150048 This is the silliest response from a developer/producer yet

Posted by 9646gt on 20 December 2012 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why does EVERYTHING have to centered around the gamepad? I am guessing Nintendo requires the developer support minimum gamepad functions at least? Why not release the game with just pro controller support if it's that big of a deal and Nintendo isn;t enforcing any restrictions? Just put a warning that it requires a pro controller. I mean, I have all 3 current consoles, but some more hardcore Nintendo guys may only have the wii u and will miss the chance to play.

#147031 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 12 December 2012 - 11:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

So got bored and remembered seeing those pics of the externals hdds you can buy that are made from a SNES or NES cart. I had a spare hdd out of my old PS3 I was going to use on the wii U so I decided to give it a go myself :) The only cartridge I had that I didn't mind messing up was Rad Racer. It was that of Jeopardy that I got free and I couldn't stand the thought of seeing that label each time I showed someone the drive lol. This was easier than I thought because the drive was very thing but it also worked with a thicker old 80gb drive I had also but was more tight. I also had three different enclosures laying around and I picked the one I have right now because if I decide to use the drive with something else later it has firewire and stuff and it also has a plug for external power so I can safely use it with my Wii U when I get it for Christmas.To trim the inside of the case I simply used a bottom of the line Dremel with a drill bit I had installed in it already lol. I used the PCB board from the external enclosure and just put it on the drive and did a test fit. After trimming the cartridge if fit perfectly with no movement! It's not very professional looking but I like it :) What do you guys think?

Sorry for the large pics.Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

#147594 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 11:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think this might be something better suited for The Museum, seeing as it's something you made?

Any way, I always see things like this on etsy (like http://www.etsy.com/shop/8bitmemory).. They are kind of expensive though, but I always wanted to learn how to make one because I want oneeee~ Le sigh~ Technical skill failure T__T

This one came out great, though. Sweet job!

LOL I never even saw that section of the forum existed :) Guess I am guilty of lurking on jsut the Wii U sections haha. Yeah it turned out decent and was very easy really. Not nearly as professional but Nobody will see it much :) The friends I have showed loved it!

#147563 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 10:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

looks like you have just taken the external drive circuit and put it into the cartridge, beware, looks like the drive could overheat in there with hardly no ventilation, if you put an ssd drive in there it should be ok

That is pretty much what it is.I don't see any way of doing it different unless you want to build your own PCB board? Doesn't matter as I was just doing it to kill time. Not worried about overheating as it's a 5400rpm drive and all the enclosures I own have zero vents on them. I stress tested it for an hour straight with no issues and barely got warm.

Nice stuff man! I would try to seal off the part with the connectors though... I wouldn't want dust to get in there!

Yeah still gotta look into that. Not much dust will get in but it will still bother me lol. Gotta find a way to make it look clean but that may be beyond my skill level haha. 99% of people won't see the back :)

Not RAD RACER!!!!!!! That game was awesome!!!!!!

It was also a PITA lol. But the 3d mode was so cool back in the day!

#147041 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 12 December 2012 - 11:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

Because it has Firewire and USB 2.0. Firewire connectors on the card are two different sizes. The round port is where you can plug in a Ac adaptor but isn't needed.

#146909 Volume in Black Ops 2?

Posted by 9646gt on 12 December 2012 - 03:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I do not know how it will work as far as voice chat but if your tv is like mine it has optical audio out you may be able to plug your headset into that. My turtle beach headset uses optical audio but haven't tested with my wii u since I can't get it till Christmas lol

#147432 DVD Playback

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 12:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

I hate watching DVD quality videos honestly. I would much rather consoles be able to play videos saved to a USB hdd
Or even a network share

#149505 DVD Playback

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why do so many people still watch up scanned DVD on a high tech 1080p tv when Bluray is way more advanced? That's like watching the sd version of a channel on tv knowing that an he version is available

#149170 Sonic Racing transformed...ahh brings me back to the 90s... :' )

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Picked this up this weekend and can't wait till I get my wii u on Christmas to play!

#149501 John Carmack: "A lot of next gen games will still target 30 fps."

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

It is a big speed difference between 30 and 60 in a racing game

#149250 John Carmack: "A lot of next gen games will still target 30 fps."

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 09:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't mind 30fps as long as it's not a racing game. There I prefer 60fps if possible. In other games I don;t mind 30fps as long as it is nice and steady and Visuals get a nice bump in it's place :)

#151315 Anyone agree Wii U has the best controllers ever?

Posted by 9646gt on 24 December 2012 - 09:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

Digital triggers are either on or off. In other words they only have two settings and no increments in between. Analogue triggers have various degrees of response which is far better for controlling the level of braking and acceleration in racing games.

Exactly. Think of analog triggers as real gas and brake pedals that you can control the amount of force on them. Digital triggers are like a gas or break pedal that is either all the way of or putting it to the floor. I Suppose racing games could use the right analog stick as throttle and break like gran turismo but for me that never felt natural at all.

#151191 Anyone agree Wii U has the best controllers ever?

Posted by 9646gt on 23 December 2012 - 08:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

My only complaint is lack of analog triggers. This should be a standard thing. it is crucial for some things like racing games. It's like dual analog sicks in fps games.

#149168 Rayman Legends confirmed to run at 1080p 60fps.

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My Macbook has a 2880x1800 screen and games look amazing on that but alot of them won't run that high of a resolution with the video card it has. Rayman will and is so amazing it is like looking at a painting. 1080p looks terrible on it due to it being 16:9 on a 16:10 display. But it's a great preview of what we have to look forward to when 4k tvs become affordable.

#150859 wii u cpu and gpu clock speed.

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 05:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

For the live of God. Clock speed means almost NOTHING these days. A Intel i7 quad core at only 2.3 GHz will absolutely rape a previous generation CPU. you have to remember that it's all about architecture these days. The speed wars are a thing of the past. Chip maskers make processors so efficient these days that it does not take a high speed chip to be fast. Sorry to hurt any feelings but I am so sick of seeing this stuff every time I check forums

#150962 wii u cpu and gpu clock speed.

Posted by 9646gt on 22 December 2012 - 11:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree. Its mostly old war horses, and up and coming gamers who still rely on numbers like many of my generation used to do in the 90's (I personally wan't self aware about these things til around mid 2000's or so 0_0 ) Still, I can't help but be excited about these super efficient architectures pumping out amazing visuals , you know. It reminds me of Initial D in a way; having an old 86' Corolla out race all those fast cars with drifting and all. Good times. ^_^

*realizes he bumped thread slightly*

sorry!, oh, and welcome OP to Wii U forums! Enjoy your stay here. :)

Edit: Sorry bout that Unchained Goku. My mistake.

I feel ya lol. we were raised on numbers back in the 486 and even 386 days lol. I love the initial d reference! The only anime I ever liked enough to but the entire series lol

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