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#149573 Headsets/Gaming Headsets for the Nintendo Wii U.

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hello 9646gt,

Ahhh I see. Sometimes it takes that alternate explanation to finally get it haha. Thank you for your multiple explanations and patience! :)

So it seems like no matter what, I will need to purchase a receiver. Just which receiver is the question.

Take care! :)

Sincerely, NintendoFan

You are more than welcome! I am so OCD it isn't even funny lol. I would look at the Onkyo ht-s3500 receiver. I just bought it tax free and with free shipping on amazon. I got it for $249 shipped and it sounds amazing. It's actually a pretty advanced receiver so it was tricky to set up to my OCD liking lol. But 249 for a receiver and all speakers is not bad. Yeah the sub woofer is passive but it will be fine for the new few years for me. It also has 4 hdmi inputs and supports the wii perfectly! It is only like 660 watts and sounds night and day better than my sony 1000w it replaced :)

I wonder if my Turtle Beach X12's would work?

They will work but only in stereo if plugged in the wii u gamepad. To get surround sound simulation from them you would need to plug them into a receiver that will convert to Dolby Pro logic or similar. Turtle beach sells a box that I am pretty sure will turn the stereo into Dolby Pro Logic II as that is what mine came with.

http://www.turtlebeach.com/product-detail/dolby-processor-accessories/ear-force-dss2/33 You SHOULD be able to plug this into the gamepad and get dolby surround headphone processing for pretty damn good simulated surround with any turtle beach headphones :)

#149532 Headsets/Gaming Headsets for the Nintendo Wii U.

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 04:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

There are a couple of good threads going on this. The only way to get surround is with simulated surround created by a receiver like a home theatre. This is mainly because the wii u only sports uncompressed audio and does not support and Dolby prologic or anything like that. So the receiver had to take the audio from the Wii u and then make its own simulated sound such as neo 6 and send that to the headphones.

#149531 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 03:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

You are on the right track it seems but the Mic situation is something I am still trying to ffigure out. Also seven plugging the headset into a proper receiver will not guarantee simulated surround. You will have to choose a receiver that can take the incoming surround sound and convert out to some form of simulated surround sound and feed that the the headset. Which I think my onkyo can do.I think out can covert the sound using neo 6 to simulated surround and then pad out to the headset but I may be wrong and will have to look into the manual more.

As for the Mic I have no clue. My headset can use either usb or out has its own mic cable.but I don't think the console supports usb chat. And I dont know if plugging the mic into the gamepad will force the console to output sound only to the gamepad or what.

#149530 Idea: Premium Controllers. Please like, vote, and contribute!

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 03:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

I just wish Nintendo would have or a Mic port and analog triggers on the pro controller to begin with. Analog triggers should be a industry standard to be expected by now I think

#149529 USB voice chat? Game pad Jack size?

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 03:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

Your setup sends a little complicated lol. There should be no need to send audio to the tv since you can use the jack for headphones on the rreceive. I. You run audio from tv to headset the tv will not create virtual surround sound effects like the receiver can if setup properly.I know that the audio if hooked up the way I plan will automatically come from the headset like I plan. And I can get an adapter to plug the mic cable of e headset into the game pad. But the main thing is, I'd you have anything plugged into the Mic port on the game pad can you still get audio over the hdmi from yhe receiver or does all audio automatically get directed to the gamepad headphone plug with no option to change it?

#149504 USB voice chat? Game pad Jack size?

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Does wii u support USB voice chat from something like a turtle beach headset? What size is the head phone Jack on the GamePad? I'm asking because my turtle beach has USB for the mic or it had a jack that fits the Xbox 360 controller which I think is smaller than the wii u game pad which is what 3.5mm?

Also if I have the mic from my headset plugged into the game pad with an adapter will the wii u stop playing audio over hdmi? I basically want to plug in the dedicated mic from my surround sound into the wii u and be able to get the game audio from my receiver the headset is plugged into. Just like it works with my 360

#149506 REPORT - Thieves Steal $2M Worth of Wii U Consoles

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why did they refer to them as a portable wii console? Lol that article is all over the place

#149505 DVD Playback

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why do so many people still watch up scanned DVD on a high tech 1080p tv when Bluray is way more advanced? That's like watching the sd version of a channel on tv knowing that an he version is available

#149503 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Correct. A headphone jack will always be two channel. Some devices will simulate surround sound over a head phone Jack but the wii u does not. Dolby pro logic is what the old wii used to simulate surround sound. This is why I am plugging my headset in to my surround sound. Because it will take the audio from the wii and with the correct option selected it will turn it into simulated surround sound and send it to the headset that's plugged in :)

#149501 John Carmack: "A lot of next gen games will still target 30 fps."

Posted by 9646gt on 19 December 2012 - 12:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

It is a big speed difference between 30 and 60 in a racing game

#149250 John Carmack: "A lot of next gen games will still target 30 fps."

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 09:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't mind 30fps as long as it's not a racing game. There I prefer 60fps if possible. In other games I don;t mind 30fps as long as it is nice and steady and Visuals get a nice bump in it's place :)

#149249 Just tried Rayman Legends demo, so good!

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yep, but the 3ds release was not very good. It was on wii, 360, ps3, pc and 3ds that I'm aware off.

Was also on Vita :)

#149247 Anyone else wii u downloading slow

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 09:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah I haven't got to open my Wii U yet, but I was planning to use a LAN adapter to bypass all that wireless lag. But then I found on neogaf that the lan adapter is even SLOWER than the wireless in speed tests! But it IS worth noting that doing a speed test on a WIFI connected laptop vs WIFI connected Wii U showed the Wii U wireless adapter is also much slower than a PC or Mac connected to wireless. So I honestly think alot of this is that the network interfaces on the console are just kind of slow.

#149244 Nintendo should release wii u enhanced wii games.

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 09:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess I just don't understand the hole wanting remakes thing. I LOVED Mario 3 back when it came out. And still play it every once and a while. But would I choose a Mario 3 remake over a brand new 3d Mario adventure? No way! Ocarina on 3ds was good yes, but wouldn;t you rather have already had a NEW Zelda game on 3ds?

#149170 Sonic Racing transformed...ahh brings me back to the 90s... :' )

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Picked this up this weekend and can't wait till I get my wii u on Christmas to play!

#149168 Rayman Legends confirmed to run at 1080p 60fps.

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My Macbook has a 2880x1800 screen and games look amazing on that but alot of them won't run that high of a resolution with the video card it has. Rayman will and is so amazing it is like looking at a painting. 1080p looks terrible on it due to it being 16:9 on a 16:10 display. But it's a great preview of what we have to look forward to when 4k tvs become affordable.

#149167 Two players - New Super Mario Bros. U (help)

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You can only use the GamePad to control a character in single player mode. When you try to use the GamePad in multiplayer, it automatically goes to boost mode.

Finally plain English lol thank you. Good thing I have two wii remotes!

#149166 Nintendo should release wii u enhanced wii games.

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 05:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm sure Nintendo won't be able to resist doing remakes. But honestly I would rather be playing fresh new games than a bunch of previous generation games.

#149131 Age of wii u buyers

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 02:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im 18, always been a Nintendo gamer since the first consoles i played were N64 and SNES. I skipped the gamecube and got the PS2 (which IMO nintendo have never made a console as good as). I never bought a PS3 or £60 and continued to play my PS2 with its massive catalogue of games until i got Wii and played that along with my PS2. My brother got a 360 and i played that too but now the Wii U is out im hoping it will be my main console and i wont need to play the 360 for many games apart from exclusives.

Luckily there are only like 4 exclusives on Xbox lol

#149108 Audio capabilities: Nintendo Wii U (comprehensive post).

Posted by 9646gt on 18 December 2012 - 12:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Honestly there is no way to get true surround from a head at on the wii u. The built in Jack in the game pad will only offer two channel audio. One plan I have to use my existing turtle beach headset is to use the head phone Jack on my surround sound receiver where my wii u is hooked up with hdmi. Then I can set my receiver to neo 6 or another mode to simulate surround sound on my headset. Just still researching to see which mode will give the best results. Most headsets only have single speakers anyway so even on say ps3 or 360 are still getting simulated surround sound.

#148838 Two players - New Super Mario Bros. U (help)

Posted by 9646gt on 17 December 2012 - 06:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sadly no. Multiolayer can only be done with every player using wiimotes

Sorry but that statement is confusing. Do you mean if you start the game with ONLY two wii remotes that both players can s be on screen at once? I how does one do this

#148836 So it's odd seeing this many systems jsut sitting on shelves.

Posted by 9646gt on 17 December 2012 - 06:56 AM in Wii U Hardware

Some interesting replies. Every store I visited this weekend in a decent size city all had multiple wii u consoles in both versions sitting on the shelf. Even game stop had a decent amount but the guy there said it had been selling really well and that Nintendo just seems to be keeping a better stock than in the past. Did any sales numbers ever get announced for the Us minus the Nintendo statement? All I know is I will have mine in a week and I can't wait!

#147906 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 14 December 2012 - 01:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Thanks guys. :) not sure you could do it with a n64 cart unless you had a really small ssd drive or something. You can do it with a snes cart!

#147594 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 11:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think this might be something better suited for The Museum, seeing as it's something you made?

Any way, I always see things like this on etsy (like http://www.etsy.com/shop/8bitmemory).. They are kind of expensive though, but I always wanted to learn how to make one because I want oneeee~ Le sigh~ Technical skill failure T__T

This one came out great, though. Sweet job!

LOL I never even saw that section of the forum existed :) Guess I am guilty of lurking on jsut the Wii U sections haha. Yeah it turned out decent and was very easy really. Not nearly as professional but Nobody will see it much :) The friends I have showed loved it!

#147563 Made a NES cartridge External Hdd for my wii U! largePics!

Posted by 9646gt on 13 December 2012 - 10:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

looks like you have just taken the external drive circuit and put it into the cartridge, beware, looks like the drive could overheat in there with hardly no ventilation, if you put an ssd drive in there it should be ok

That is pretty much what it is.I don't see any way of doing it different unless you want to build your own PCB board? Doesn't matter as I was just doing it to kill time. Not worried about overheating as it's a 5400rpm drive and all the enclosures I own have zero vents on them. I stress tested it for an hour straight with no issues and barely got warm.

Nice stuff man! I would try to seal off the part with the connectors though... I wouldn't want dust to get in there!

Yeah still gotta look into that. Not much dust will get in but it will still bother me lol. Gotta find a way to make it look clean but that may be beyond my skill level haha. 99% of people won't see the back :)

Not RAD RACER!!!!!!! That game was awesome!!!!!!

It was also a PITA lol. But the 3d mode was so cool back in the day!

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