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#234558 MS pulls another 180, indie's can now self publish on X1

Posted by IvyT on 24 July 2013 - 03:28 PM in General Gaming

Good for them but they lost a customer for life where I'm concerned. This not only shows poor decision making but also lack of confidence and worst... if they can reverse all these policies now, who's to say in a few years they won't reverse them again? They were so confident that digital was the way to go, doing a complete 180 about ALL their stances on everything just makes them look like fools to me. And yeah, maybe Nintendo does make some poor decisions in some fields, but at least their consistent about their beliefs and stances.

#233271 New Lightning Returns "13 Days" SAN DIEGO trailer

Posted by IvyT on 19 July 2013 - 03:30 PM in General Gaming

One of the things I really liked about XIII was some of its characters, one of them being Lightning, but I think they're overdoing it by now. FF XIII-2 was a complete drag for me and even if this is a Lightning-centric game, I can't imagine it being that much better either. Just focus on XV, Square.

#232335 New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 05:00 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

I really want to get this one since the last SMB game I played on a home console was on the NES times... But I've heard this is basically the same as the DS version (which I own and love) and the Wii version (don't own but I've played it as well). I could get it for around $40/$45... Do you think it's worth the price? I doubt it'll ever go down to budget price, since I still see the Wii version priced as much as $50.

#232744 New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:53 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

 It's worth $40.  Do you like Luigi at all? You could also wait for the retail version of New Super Luigi U that's only $30.  You seem to be playing a few games at the moment though. If I were you I would play what you're playing now, wait for Pikmin to come out, decide if you're going to get that (I bet you will) and then use NSMBU/NSLU as a bridge when there's a gap in games you don't like.


Hmm I don't think I'll be getting NSLU but I have enough points in my GAME card that when I go buy Pikmin 3 I might be able to bring a NSMBU copy too. I do have a lot of Wii games to finish but I'm just so excited to play all these Nintendo franchises in HD  :P

#235334 New Zelda U Rumours

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow did Nintendo get inside my head and found out all the stuff I wanted from a Zelda game?


Is this a dream??? I can't believe this, if this is true, this might be one of the best, if not the best, Zelda game ever.

#234656 Nintendo is apparently making many upcoming Wii U games with female characters?

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 05:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes for more girl power in games! I'd definitely love to see a Zelda game where we can actually play with Zelda :P If not only for a few levels or maybe some type of co-op mode with one player as Link and the other as Zelda... it could give a whole new twist to puzzles in dungeons.

#230531 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Something they should have considered when discontinuing FE on Wii.  That game was going for $70 on ebay a couple years after release because it was gone from retail shelves.  The game could have sold for years but the plug was pulled far to quickly. 


Nintendo also needs to figure out a good way to market the Wii U to their 3DS userbase.  There is no reason that Nintendo shouldnt be able to strike a chord with the 30 million 3DS gamers out there.  So when a game like Fire Emblem does better than expected on the 3DS, then that should be an indication that the game might be something that could presuade 3DS gamers to buy a Wii U.  Its insane how well the 3DS is doing while the Wii U is barely staying afloat right now.  Why is nintendo unable to sell a Wii U to those who bought a 3DS?  The market should be theres for the taking. 




I've certainly done that: buying a console for a franchise that I'm a fan of in another system... and that new console ended up being one of my favorite gaming systems, and I invested on a lot more games for it.


Nintendo could really use the momento from FE's success on the 3DS to bring it to the Wii U and sell the console to 3DS owners.

#230267 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly this trend of 'we won't develop games because they won't sell' is getting a bit annoying. One of the reasons the Wii U isn't selling is exactly because it's lacking games. Sometimes we need to invest and take a risk and maybe the profit won't be there right away but I do believe that with the success FE: Awakening had on the 3DS, now would be a great time to try and bring new people to the Wii U, lure them with an amazing FE game and make them stay for all the other amazing Nintendo first-party exclusives.

#228694 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by IvyT on 04 July 2013 - 03:05 AM in General Gaming

Just got my Wii U but feel free to add me: IvyTamwood


Currently I only own NintendoLand but I'm looking to get more titles soon  ^_^

#230753 Origin of your username

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 07:03 AM in The Café

Mine comes from one of my favorite fictional characters, Ivy Tamwood from the Hollows series. It's a pretty good series of books but the main character annoys more than anything, I only read them for Ivy  :P

#233059 OUYA first month sales

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 09:04 PM in General Gaming

Despite the low price, the Ouya is just not compelling enough for me. The gaming experiences it offers I can easily get on my smartphone and/or PC. The rest is up to my gaming consoles.

#232270 Pach-Attack: Did Sony make PS4 too cheap?

Posted by IvyT on 17 July 2013 - 12:06 AM in General Gaming

That makes absolutely no sense. How does a good console with good specs and games having a decent price constitute as a problem? In what world? Honestly. When the PS3 came out, it was too expensive. Now the PS4 is too cheap. This guy is a tool.

#229893 Pachter: “Why Would Anybody Buy A Wii U?”

Posted by IvyT on 08 July 2013 - 09:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just bought mine last week and I have no regrets, even though I already own a PS3. It's not really in my plans to get a PS4 now that I have a Wii U. I don't have that many games yet, but the few I have have been the most fun I've had in years, so I'm assuming any third-party game I might want will probably see a PS3 or Wii U version and if it doesn't... well, still have the Wii's entire catalog to play yet AND all the first-party exclusives coming to the Wii U.


You can't get experiences like you have on Nintendo's games on the Playstation or the Xbox, but you can have the same bland, overrated experiences you have on the Playstation and the Xbox on the Wii U. 

#230247 Persona 5 Domain name registered by Atlus

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:16 PM in General Gaming

I get teary eyed at the mention of Shin Megami Tensei... I'd love to see this on the Wii U, I really don't want to have to buy a PS4 to play this but I might just do it.

#234721 Pikmin 3 download code for £35 at Game

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I ordered mine from Shop To for £32.86 but PC World has it for even less at 29.99.



Hmm if they ship it to my country I'll maybe order it from here instead of just going to my local store where I'm sure they'll be charging me at least 50€ (~$60)

#234710 Pikmin 3 download code for £35 at Game

Posted by IvyT on 25 July 2013 - 09:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I paid less then that for a physical retail copy online and I rather have that then a digital one that is tied to my console and not my user account.


Where did you order yours from, if you don't mind me asking?

#231697 Pikmin 3 Gamestop hands on july 20 and 21st

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 06:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just wish Nintendo of Europe made a deal with some major retailers in Europe too, because we're also interested in this and it would be a great way to promote games and the console itself.  :(

#232240 Pikmin 3 is apparently selling well in Japan

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Great news! Now it just needs to do well in NA and Europe and we're off to a great fall/winter season for the Wii U  :)

#234145 Pikmin 3 may be getting DLC according to Miyamoto

Posted by IvyT on 23 July 2013 - 07:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd be willing to pay for these on two conditions: 1) the price and 2) the length of these missions

#232239 Pikmin 3 NA commercial!

Posted by IvyT on 16 July 2013 - 11:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That ad is so good, now Nintendo of Europe needs to step up too and get an ad running all across Europe too, especially since the game comes out here sooner!

#233909 Play wii u on tv only

Posted by IvyT on 22 July 2013 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think it's possible to play TV only but most games will allow off-TV gameplay, either by selecting the off-TV mode on the settings or just turning off the TV :P

#233755 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 10:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You didn't think about this post as all did you?

The GameCube had an add on that allowed people to play game boy advance games on the tv. Think of this as a program that performs a similar function. The game I still a 3DS game and runs on the 3DS, this just streams to the Wii u and has a texture pack that allows for HD (or at least higher quality visuals). Still a 3DS game, just with a way to continuously sun with the Wii u so you can play on your console while you are home and your 3DS is in range

The 3DS will always be worth owning because it is a portable and I can always keep it with me. I've always gamed a lot more on the portable side than console side.


Well, I thought you meant playing 3DS games like some sort of Virtual console thing. Streaming 3DS games to your TV via Wii U, that makes more sense. 

#232902 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really liked what they did with Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, so yeah it could totally be successful in a home console, it's just probably Game Freak doesn't want that. 

#233275 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by IvyT on 19 July 2013 - 03:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would rather see them make a way to play 3ds games on the Wii u with a hi res texture pack. You know, like use street pass to somehow have the 3DS stream the Pokemon versions to the Wii u, the Wii u has a program on it that plays the 3ds game in hi res.


What? What 'program'? Because damn, the moment the Wii U starts playing 3DS games than what's the point of owning a 3DS? Nintendo would never do that.

#232743 Pokemon Rumble U NA release date & details

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd love to see a Colosseum or Gale of Darkness type of game on the Wii U. Those are the good kind of Pokémon games for consoles. These spin offs are pointless.

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