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#230243 The Last of Us - Can't seem to retrieve arrows

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:11 PM in General Gaming

Never had that problem but then again I didn't use that many arrows  :P


Anyway, I'm sure it has nothing to do with enemy type being an infected, it might be a glitch or it might just be that you broke the arrow or it's somehow stuck.  :wacko:

#230242 XBox One or PS4?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:09 PM in General Gaming

I'm not sure if or when am I getting a 'next-gen console', since I just recently bought my Wii U and I'm pretty happy with it, but the obvious choice will always be PS4.

#230239 Any news on Tvii in the uk?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Maybe if Nintendo of Europe can't bring the same TVii experience to all European countries exactly like the American TVii, they could instead use TVii as an enhanced TV Remote app that would allows to control our current DVR devices.

#230237 Developer Interview with Frozenbyte: “Wii U is a truly powerful console”

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

This really comes down to the different approaches devs have to their games. Devs complaining about the Wii U are those who care mostly about profit and 'milking' big franchises like Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, FIFA, etc.  When the dev is just really passionate about videogames and is open minded to new experiences, like most indie devs are, the Wii U is a great system to work on, like any other Nintendo system because Nintendo was never really about the technical side of gaming. Nintendo cares about games being different, innovative, but most of all, fun.

#230234 EA: "Wii U is a Box that’s out of sync for EA’s online future"

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm out of sync with EA's douchery that's what. If I can I'll try and avoid giving any more money to them. Any game developed/published by them is being boycotted by me, even if it means not playing one of my favorite franchises anymore (Mass Effect).


EA seems to be looking at strictly the number of players playing their games on Wii U in multiplayer, however, for me, the Wii U is the most social gaming system I have ever owned - I feel immersed in Miiverse and love it. I hardly ever send notes to other players on my Vita or PS3, but the way Nintendo set up Miiverse, I'm constantly dropping notes and pics into the community and feel connected to the communities.


I feel exactly the same way. According to my daily log, I spend almost as much time on Miiverse than I do playing. I've owned many gaming systems, and the Xbox Live (considered the biggest online community) made me feel the 'loneliest' of all the online experiences I've had. Miiverse was such a nice surprise when I got my Wii U, I wasn't expecting to engage this much in the communities, for the people to be so nice and responsive and just how easy and fun it is to connect with others through our favorite games.

#229895 Wii U 3rd party games should be done like AC:3 was

Posted by IvyT on 08 July 2013 - 10:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The textures issues in AC 3 are also present in the PS3/360 version. AC 3 is one of the worst games in the series and I'm afraid Ubisoft is 'milking' the series too far, without taking care into not losing its quality.

#229893 Pachter: “Why Would Anybody Buy A Wii U?”

Posted by IvyT on 08 July 2013 - 09:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I just bought mine last week and I have no regrets, even though I already own a PS3. It's not really in my plans to get a PS4 now that I have a Wii U. I don't have that many games yet, but the few I have have been the most fun I've had in years, so I'm assuming any third-party game I might want will probably see a PS3 or Wii U version and if it doesn't... well, still have the Wii's entire catalog to play yet AND all the first-party exclusives coming to the Wii U.


You can't get experiences like you have on Nintendo's games on the Playstation or the Xbox, but you can have the same bland, overrated experiences you have on the Playstation and the Xbox on the Wii U. 

#229890 Any fall Wii U titles to pre order?

Posted by IvyT on 08 July 2013 - 09:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Definitely get Pikmin 3 this August if you can. Then pre-order Wonderful 101 (I think some places already have it), Wind Waker HD, Rayman Legends, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.

#229651 Hello

Posted by IvyT on 07 July 2013 - 11:10 AM in Introduction Central

Cats are awesome, and everyone who loves cats is awesome too.


Welcome!  :laugh:

#229615 Wii U 3rd party games should be done like AC:3 was

Posted by IvyT on 07 July 2013 - 09:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the use they gave to the gamepad on Batman: AC was pretty useful, to be honest changing equipment on screen required more steps than just simply selecting them with my finger on the gamepad.

#229613 Getting 10 Hours Of Battery Life On My Wii Pad Now

Posted by IvyT on 07 July 2013 - 09:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

Just a question, for those who have the charging stand, is it bad for the battery if we put it in the charging stand even without it being fully discharged or is that not an issue? Because if it isn't, then this battery isn't that necessary. The charging cord is pretty lengthy and you can just put it on the charging stand every time you're not using it so it's always fully charged when you pick it up again.

#229552 Is the Wii U being sabotoged?

Posted by IvyT on 07 July 2013 - 02:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

It's not the 3rd party developers fault that the Wii U is underpowered compared to the other consoles and that no one is buying it. 


Underpowered doesn't mean not capable. Say, the 3DS is technically underpowered compared to the Vita and we all know who's the clear winner there. The Wii U's only weakness at this point is Nintendo's lack of a good marketing strategy for it.

#229551 Getting 10 Hours Of Battery Life On My Wii Pad Now

Posted by IvyT on 07 July 2013 - 02:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wow I had no idea the original gamepad battery was so small, what was Nintendo thinking?


At $20 I think it's a great deal and it's almost for sure cheaper than any battery that Nintendo might come up with.

#229393 Wind Waker U Discussion

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 03:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not expecting everything to be perfect I think Nintendo are rushing this a bit.


They're rushing it because the Zelda team said they want to deliver a better experience for the "true HD Zelda on the Wii U" but that's taking them longer than expected so they want to give something to Zelda fans anyway.

#229391 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 03:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

At this point, the Wii U's library is very limited, especially when it comes to games worth paying full retail price.


I personally think New Super Mario Bros. U, Lego City and Sonic All-Stars are the ones you should get, especially if you're more of a casual gamer. If you want to get something a bit more intense, Monster Hunter 3 and ZombiU are great titles.


On the eShop the definite must have is Trine 2. Give a try to the Rayman Legends Challenges App because not only it'll give you new challenges everyday, it's a great glimpse at what's coming when the full game comes out. And it's free, so you can't really beat that.


You can also get great games from the Wii library if you skipped the Wii last gen, and you can get those for a pretty cheap buck now.

#229302 Did U ever have a fallout with Nintendo?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I used to get all the Nintendo handhelds up until the moment we got a PS2 for the household. Stuck a few years with it, until 2/3 years into next-gen I got  a 360, something I regretted quite quickly. Got a DSi XL, which is a handheld I still very much enjoy, but to be honest handhelds are not satisfying me anymore, that's why I don't feel compelled to buy the 3DS (yet). The Wii had a few titles I felt really sad I was skipping on like Skyward Sword and NSMB and Xenoblade Chronicles, but it never really managed to convince me to get one (mostly because I was really skeptical about the motion controls). I got a PS3 last year, which has been a great experience but I really missed all those amazing Nintendo franchises like Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc. so on a whim for my 18th birthday I got myself a Wii U and it's been great so far. 

#229300 Ubisoft has a 10 year/long-term plan for Watch Dogs

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:53 AM in General Gaming

The gaming industry is slowly giving up on delivering unique experiences and instead trying to remake the same successful formulas they manage to come up with just so they can earn more money the easy way.

#229299 PS3 Last of US ending - Am i the only 1?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:50 AM in General Gaming

I've seen so many people criticize the ending but to be honest what did you want instead?


Joel grew to care about Ellie, it wasn't about what was morally right... if you were in the same situation as him, caring for someone so much like Joel does for Ellie, would you have let them go for the sake of something you didn't know wasn't 100% guaranteed? The vaccine wasn't a sure thing.


Besides Ellie had a bad case of survivor's guilt. Here's a really good quote on Tumblr that explains that issue a little bit better.

#229295 Your first experience with Pikmin?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:39 AM in General Gaming

Does playing the Pikmin minigame on Nintendo Land count? Because if so, that experience got me really interested in buying Pikmin 3.

#229292 Which game are you playing right now ?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:37 AM in General Gaming

On my PS3 I'm playing New Game Plus on The Last of Us, ICO and The Cave (too many titles too play thanks to PSN+).


On the Wii U, only playing Nintendo Land and Rayman Legends Challenges. Trying to get Lego City or MH3U soon.

#229291 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:34 AM in General Gaming

  • Playstation 2
  • Playstation 3
  • PSP (sold mine, but I can play on my brother's anytime)
  • Xbox 360 (meh, never really liked it much, it's not even hooked up to my TV anymore)
  • NES (that I'm looking to sell)
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Boy Advance (had an SP too, my brother lost it)
  • Nintendo DSi XL
  • Wii U

and a gaming PC which is currently needing a small upgrade but I'm pleased with my PS3 and Wii U :)

#229288 Wind Waker U Discussion

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 08:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never played the original, and since there's not a lot of games I want to buy for the Wii U this year, I might get it during the 1st month if I find it cheap somewhere. Maybe wait til there's 2nd hand copies.

#229284 Kamiya concerned that Nintendo isn't marketing Wonderful 101 much at all

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 07:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

All I can say is Nintendo of Europe needs to change their policies on advertisement ASAP, especially here where I live in Portugal. There's zero to none advertisements for anything, whether it is a game or a console. I think the last Nintendo ads I've seen on TV were for the release of Wii Fit. Not to mention Nintendo could greatly benefit from more Nintendo Events (which again, since the release of Wii Fit are non-existent here).


Sure, my country is mostly a "Sony-land" but that's because Microsoft limits their services for the Xbox here, they don't do any kind of localization to Portuguese on any of their titles and again, there's no advertisement whatsoever.


Nintendo manages to fair a bit better but still, you can notice if you go to any retail shop (even online ones), there's at least 10 shelves for Playstation games, 2 or 3 for Xbox games and 3 or 4 for Nintendo. Again because only with the Wii U now have they made Portuguese an option as a system language but they keep not localizing their games to Portuguese. Not to mention there's no way to buy eShop cards anywhere and still no TVii.


They really need to step up to Sony's level if they want to sell more, they can't just expect things to sell more and then start investing on it. They need to take a risk and I think they'll be rewarded.

#229238 Is the Wii U being sabotoged?

Posted by IvyT on 06 July 2013 - 02:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

Obviously there will always be deals and other stuff going on in the background that we will never know. Everyone's in the business to win, to get more money and that means that they have to weaken the competition. Now, can others be fully faulted by some of Nintendo's mistakes, mistakes that have even been admitted themselves they made them?

#229146 Iwata: The whole industry is dealing with region locking

Posted by IvyT on 05 July 2013 - 05:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Order your games online. I agree tho, for someone who doesn't know anything about region locks or different region games (for example, the mother in your story) it is a little problematic. But the guy at the retailer should direct her to where to get the games. 

 Still, why make things harder for people when they could just unlock their devices? And considering Nintendo wants their devices to be 'family-friendly', I think something like "order online if you want" is not a good policy.

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