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#233270 Hey Euros! Buy Pikmin 3 on the eshop and get 30% off on The Wonderful 101

Posted by IvyT on 19 July 2013 - 03:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If downloading a full retail game wasn't such a bother (really, waiting more than 10-15 hours for it is annoying) I'd probably consider this offer. Also, I like to have the opportunity to trade in the game if I don't like it or, if I do like it, displaying it proudly on my shelf. Aaaand also I don't really want to get dedicated external drives for the Wii U, so 25GB of free space is a bit small to fill my HDD with full retail games.

#233195 The creators of Pokemon teases a new project.

Posted by IvyT on 19 July 2013 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh my glob, I hope this is the Pokemon RPG for home consoles that everyone has been begging, even if it's not an MMORPG.

#233055 Earthbound for Wii U releasing today

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 11:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yuck, 9.99 Euro.

Why are Dollar and Euro always priced the same?  At least the pricing for pounds is fine. Oh well, thanks but no thanks nintendo.


THIS. 9,99€ is more expensive than $10. And the worse is they do this with every title. I pay almost $100 for a game on release day just because someone thinks 60€ is the same as $60.

I'm sorry for the double post but I'm highly considering getting this one, despite the price. Never played the original but I feel as a RPG fan I'm missing out on a classic. But I have a few concerns before I go in... First, for those of you who already bought it, what's the filesize once it's installed? And eShop purchases on the Wii U, do they stay "bound" to my account or is the license exclusively for the console I buy it on?

#233059 OUYA first month sales

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 09:04 PM in General Gaming

Despite the low price, the Ouya is just not compelling enough for me. The gaming experiences it offers I can easily get on my smartphone and/or PC. The rest is up to my gaming consoles.

#233053 Are Devs "Lazy" Or Is The Wii U Difficult To Develop For?

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think for these big shot devs the issues lies in profiting. Developing a game for the Wii U is obviously going to be different than developing for the PS3/360 but that extra effort might also require more human resources and it's also possibly more costly. Now, do they want to shell out extra $$$ (even if it's a small amount considering all their wealth) for a console that's selling poorly? No. They rather invest in other, more successful, consoles that'll give them more sales, therefore more profit.

#233051 Wondeful 101 Prologue Trailer

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I like how everyone is quick to pass this off as a "KID" game.


That's like saying Ni No Kun is only for kids

That's like saying Pokemon is only for kids

That's like saying Pikmin is only for kids

That's like saying Little Big Planet is only for kids




Let's just wait because I'm sure this game offers more depth other than just being a superhero game with a bunch of pretty visuals and awesome moves.

#233048 E-shop summer sale

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think they should consider it. Say, when I bought my Wii U I had obviously made a big dent in my economies, so for this month I can't really afford to buy an expensive game, therefore I have the console but only one game (Nintendo Land which I rarely play now) for it. Now if there were something like these sales, I'd be very motivated to get a couple of games. I feel like other people in the same situation would too.


So Nintendo should do something like Apple does on the App Store. Regular discounts, sort of like in a rotational monthly basis, even if some discounts are smaller than others, it'd be an incentive and it'd improve sales in the eShop.

#233046 Miyamoto wishes Nintendo went HD sooner with the Wii

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

We've gotten so complacent ever since HD became a common thing that we can't even enjoy good entertainment content if it's not in HD and imo that's a bit ridiculous. I'm just sorry for those who refuse to play all these great games on the Wii just because they're not in HD.

#233041 How to market Bayo 2 into a success.

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The question is, why doesn't Nintendo's team of marketing professionals do not see this too.

#232905 Watch_Dogs Collector's Edition Unveiled

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 02:02 PM in General Gaming

Is the Wii U version not getting a Collector's Edition or is just an "honest mistake" from Ubi's part? This is ridiculous.

#232904 Should Nintendo have offered Wii U owners an Ambassador Program?

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 02:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

At this point I don't see this happening. Unless something drastically changes with the Wii U, I doubt they'll do something like that again.

#232902 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really liked what they did with Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, so yeah it could totally be successful in a home console, it's just probably Game Freak doesn't want that. 

#232900 Wondeful 101 Prologue Trailer

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 01:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

looks very cheesy  :unsure:


I wonder if this will also have a comedy component to fight all the cheesiness of the storyline.

#232745 I think people are overestimating the PS4.

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:56 AM in General Gaming

Will see on launch day, I have 120gb fibre jobbie and our PS3 takes hours to download a game....


Yeah but that's more of a problem with the Sony servers than anyone's internet connection. I have a great internet connection too and it takes me hours too.

#232744 New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:53 AM in Wii U Game Reviews

 It's worth $40.  Do you like Luigi at all? You could also wait for the retail version of New Super Luigi U that's only $30.  You seem to be playing a few games at the moment though. If I were you I would play what you're playing now, wait for Pikmin to come out, decide if you're going to get that (I bet you will) and then use NSMBU/NSLU as a bridge when there's a gap in games you don't like.


Hmm I don't think I'll be getting NSLU but I have enough points in my GAME card that when I go buy Pikmin 3 I might be able to bring a NSMBU copy too. I do have a lot of Wii games to finish but I'm just so excited to play all these Nintendo franchises in HD  :P

#232743 Pokemon Rumble U NA release date & details

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd love to see a Colosseum or Gale of Darkness type of game on the Wii U. Those are the good kind of Pokémon games for consoles. These spin offs are pointless.

#232741 Action games: 3 choices

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't own the game but a good friend of mine has it and she totally reccomends. It does seem to be one of the best ported games, the others have all sorts of issues really and if you have other consoles or a gaming PC just get the other version.


Waiting for Bayonetta 2 is obvious though. It's gonna be a must have for every Wii U owner.

#232740 In hindsight, I'm glad that Nintendo did not make Mario Galaxy 3 yet

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've only just now started playing the Galaxy series, and although I'm not terribly disappointed, I do have to say I'm struggling with the controls a little. I mean, the physics idea is pretty inovative, but some of them seem pretty nonsense.


I'm not that excited for 3D World because it doesn't really seem to bring anything new or exciting to the 3D Mario games, but then again I don't think the Galaxy series belongs on the Wii U either. Even though I'm sure it would look absolutely gorgeous in HD, I'd like for Nintendo to get bold again and try something completely new that hasn't been seen on 3D Mario games before; it could be a possible huge system seller for the Wii U too.

#232735 Wii U's 1 GB of Ram.... how to use it.

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 05:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

If we look at the difference between first and third-party titles on the PS3 you can tell first-party games are usually the ones that utilize the full power of the PS3 better. So why expect different from the Wii U? It's clear that Nintendo struggled a bit with HD development but Pikmin 3 is the proof that the Wii U hardware is capable of some really beautiful, next-gen looking games. It's a shame that most people don't consider Nintendo games as "next-gen" just because they don't have "realistic graphics".

#232686 Rayman Legends to include 40 graphically updated Rayman Origins levels

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Choosing Pikmin 3 over this one. Might get it down the road, but not at launch. It does look amazing though.

#232685 Will you buy Pikmin3, or not?

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll likely get it when the price drops to about $20.


Hmm if it ever drops that low. It's rare for Nintendo first-party games. But that'd be a great deal, obviously. Maybe you can get it that low 2nd hand.

#232684 Get The Wii U Now, Be A Late Adopter To PS4 / XBone

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

I was a very late adopter to the PS3 (only got mine last year) and I don't feel like I missed out on anything from the experience. Multiplayer communities from older games are still somewhat relatively active, especially if the MP is good. Still have lots of benefits from PS+, I barely have to buy new games, really. And the games are pretty cheap right now, so I can afford a couple of them every now and then.

#232683 The Wii U Difference

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:26 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wow just wow, I can't belive Nintendo UK did it, the rest of the website is still crap though, try having an account, hardly anything works as it's "under construction" which it has been for the last year or so now, the layout is horrible and the rewards catalogue is rubbish!


I have to agree, the rewards catalogue is rubbish. I don't know how the US catalogue is, but rn Nintendo of Europe needs to give me some actual "rewards".


Wow, that's actually a really cool page.

I hope they rethink their TV advertising to make it more like this. Imagine a series of different ads each with a "Wii U difference" and gameplay. Those would be ads worth viewing.

Also, I notice the website is very black, aiming towards older users I guess.

It'd be nice if you had multiple colour choices for the Wii U OS.


I think the "Wii U difference" ads would be a success but they'd need to push them really hard, across all countries, not just a few select ones. Hopefully someone from Nintendo realizes that.

#232681 Rayman Legends director criticizes Wii U GamePad’s resistive touchscreen

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

When I use my fingers I can barely notice it's a resistive screen, what the hell is he talking about? And I'm used to capacitive screens a lot, since my phone has one too. Besides, I like using my stylus for some stuff like Miiverse or even navigating the Internet feels much more accurate.

#232680 EA, possibly others may charge over $60 US for PS4/XB1 games

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:14 AM in General Gaming

Just a while ago it was higher... Games still launched at $100. The Wii U was going for nearly $500 at launch.

Right now it's worth 0.92 US cents, so that's about $92 for a new game. Would you pay that much...?


And Nintendo games barely lose more than $10 off their launch price here as well.


Well that's crazy. But I pay almost as much as you do. Games here cost around 70€ at launch, which is around $91. If we're lucky, that game gets a price cut down the road, but usually that only happens with Playstation games. There's some Wii (not Wii U, actual last-gen Wii) games still priced as much as 60€/70€. That's the only reason why my Wii U collection only consists of Nintendo Land as of now.

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