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There have been 21 items by DanI (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#291293 General controller advice

Posted by DanI on 22 June 2014 - 10:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

We are playing local MK8 multiplayer with the gamepad and two wiimotes and it works quite good. I also tried wiimote+nunchuck, which is ok, too. I'm thinking about getting two wheels for wiimotes :)

#266476 New Nintendo TVii European Info

Posted by DanI on 14 January 2014 - 05:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't have TVii, I don't have netflix, neither love film, nor hulu... :( I only have an IPTV box, which I can't control with the gamepad. At least I can stream movies from my mac to the wii u wirelessly :)

#265771 I think Wii U did the impossible!

Posted by DanI on 09 January 2014 - 10:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

All the negativity might have a good part: it makes people curious; at least it made me curious about Wii U. I said to myself let's see why are people hating this console so much... After a lot of reading and watching youtube I ended buying my first home console ever - a Wii U, which I enjoy a lot and play every day with my family :)

#263936 The Wonderful 101 is $30 on Amazon

Posted by DanI on 29 December 2013 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I got the demo today from eShop. After 10 minutes of playing, my first impression was kinda meh... After few hours, as I was a little bored, I started to play again, trying to pay more attention to the tutorial and control scheme. It is indeed a great game if you manage to get it right. I had a lot of fun playing it and I was so disappointed when the demo was finished. It will be the first game I'll buy next year :)

#263880 should i buy an ipad?

Posted by DanI on 29 December 2013 - 04:17 AM in The Café

I have an iPad and it's very good, but I wouldn't recommend it for playing games on it... I downloaded and played a lot of games, but I got bored pretty fast; it doesn't compare to a 3DS, which is much, much better :) For everything else it is an excellent product, but I might be a little biased because I use mostly Apple products.

#263865 Immersion

Posted by DanI on 29 December 2013 - 12:40 AM in General Gaming

Of course maximum immersion would be great; very few games manage to do it... but a decent immersion is enough to enjoy a game :)

#259258 How many people do you are going to buy a Wii for Christmas?

Posted by DanI on 06 December 2013 - 03:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

I know nobody with a Wii U or who intend to buy a Wii U :( I also know nobody with a 3DS; I walked all over the town with my 3DS and didn't get a single SpotPass. I think I'm the only one who has Nintendo consoles in my town :) I can't say people hate Nintendo here; they are just ignorant. When I told them I bought a Wii U they asked: What is it? - A game console, I responded. Aha, a playstation! - this is the reply I got most often. :wacko:  I don't know what to say after this kind of talking; I often say ok and leave <_<  I am tired of explaining there are other consoles beside playstation.

#258918 Assassins Creed Series

Posted by DanI on 04 December 2013 - 01:29 AM in General Gaming

I got AC3 with the low price and I enjoy playing it. I never played a game in AC series, so I can't compare it with others... It isn't an extraordinary game, but it sure worths the price. I'll buy AC4 too, after I'll finish AC3.

#258736 Wii U, The Worst Holiday Gift This Season.

Posted by DanI on 03 December 2013 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Oh, Santa, I was so bad, please give me the worst holiday gift.... And a lot of bad, ugly games for it. And punish me to play them all day long. And night, if possible :D

#258101 Fighting Games

Posted by DanI on 28 November 2013 - 12:04 AM in General Gaming

I don't like fighting games very much, though I'm thinking to give Smash Bros a try... I used to play Mortal Kombat on my PC back in the '90s, with my wife. (yes, I know, I'm 100 years old, from the dinosaur era, as my daughter always says). Though I got my ass kicked in almost every single game, I remember it was quite fun :) At least my wife seemed to enjoy it...

#258100 whos getting the ps4 then? :)

Posted by DanI on 27 November 2013 - 11:42 PM in General Gaming

I won't buy a PS4. There are enough games on Wii U and 3DS to keep me busy :) Only if I'd have enough free time to play them :)

#257939 Help pls: HDD acting strangely

Posted by DanI on 26 November 2013 - 03:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

No! For god's sake, no! A normal full format is well enough. Doing a low level format will make things worse, it'll reduce the lifetime of the hard drive. Formatting in NTFS then doing a chkdsk is perfectly fine and will help troubleshoot.

It won't make things worse... Beside destroying data on disk, it reallocates suspicious sectors. I revived literally tens of hard disks reported as bad and they still work, after years from repairing. Some of them are in NAS systems, under a heavy use, and still work without error.

Anyway, it might be another problem... a problematic USB cable is another thing which appear very often; same as a problematic power source.

#257815 Help pls: HDD acting strangely

Posted by DanI on 24 November 2013 - 11:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Try to reformat the disk on your pc/mac using a low level format utility; also check the surface of the disk - there are many programs for physical checking for bad sectors. Then connect it to the Wii U again and try once more.

#257540 What do you expect from Nintendo in 2020?

Posted by DanI on 23 November 2013 - 02:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Let's hope Nintendo will still be in hardware business in 2020 :) This will be enough to be sure we'll have a lot of entertainment and funny games to play then.

#256921 Game design vs programming

Posted by DanI on 19 November 2013 - 12:34 AM in The Café

For game design you need to be talented, to have a natural gift as an artist; it's not only technique. Of course you can learn all about software for 3D modeling, polygons and stuff, but you need a vision and this is not something one can learn, only can develop from a natural talent.


For programming you have to be capable of abstract thinking, and this is easier than game design, in my opinion. Start with C++, but don't use an IDE because you'll depend on it later. Using an IDE for learning programming leads to bad habits. Use only a simple editor with syntax highlighting, without autocompletion and any C++ compiler you like.


In any case, do a lot of work. Do not limit only to make homeworks; do a lot of extra stuff. Discover things; try different ways of thinking.

Good luck! :)

#256919 Happy Anniversary, Wii U.

Posted by DanI on 18 November 2013 - 11:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

I bought my Wii U almost a couple of weeks ago and I'm very happy with it. I never owned another console, except for a 3DSXL, which I also bought earlier this year... I think this makes me a Nintendo fan :) I don't intend to buy other consoles; the 3DS and the Wii U are enough for my family's gaming needs.


The only bad thing is I can't find many games in our shops here, so I have to order them online... And postal services aren't very good. I was lucky to find a single NSMBU disk yesterday in a shop and I bought it immediately :)

#255538 What do you want for christmas this year?

Posted by DanI on 11 November 2013 - 04:34 AM in The Café

I'd like to be healthy enough to live until the next Christmas and also to be able to play and to work for getting the money which will bring me more games :)

#255522 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by DanI on 11 November 2013 - 12:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

One quick question about Assassin's Creed III: now that it is 15-16 pounds in the eShop, is it worth getting? How much gameplay time has it? I should mention I just got my Wii U and I never played a game in this series.  

#255513 wii u press

Posted by DanI on 10 November 2013 - 11:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

If someone really wants to find information about a product, he will find it :) I read a lot of articles which said just "Wii U sucks", though my first gaming console is Wii U. My first portable console was a 3DS, which I bought earlier this summer. There is good information about Nintendo's product, but unfortunately you have to search for it. I can put all the power I want in my PC and play games on it with high graphics and so on, and I still do this, but I feel quite happy when I play games on the console. It is another feeling :) And in my opinion, games on xbox and ps feel too much like PC...

#255138 Hello everybody!

Posted by DanI on 08 November 2013 - 12:32 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks for replying :) Sure I'll get Mario Kart 8 when it will be launched; I played a lot of Mario Kart 7 on my 3DS, though I'm not very good at it :) I also hope to get Super Mario 3D World at the end of the month or early in December.

#255071 Hello everybody!

Posted by DanI on 08 November 2013 - 04:00 AM in Introduction Central



I just ordered a WiiU console and I hope to get it this weekend :)


I'm from Romania and though I'm not very young, I never had a Nintendo console until this year. I used mostly PC for gaming and Mac for working. Earlier this year I bought a 3DS XL console and since then I just love Nintendo :) I hope the WiiU will be at least as a satisfying experience as the 3DS.


As I wrote in the signature, my English isn't very good... Please don't make too much fun of it ;)



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