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#312911 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by Marcus on 12 May 2015 - 09:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't care about Amiibos either. But apparently they've sold more than they have WiiUs....

#309301 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by Marcus on 19 February 2015 - 07:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Actually it's kinda funny. Sony is talking about removing it's TV brand and smartphones. Downsizing even more. Sony is selling buildings. PS brand only thing making profit right now. Sony has closed doen studio's and sold  off SOE.


Nintendo already owns Seattle Mariners to the make money there and now expanding to QOL. Nintendo built a new HQ and gave Intelligent Systems a new building to work in. Retro moved into a much larger studio. Monolith has two studios.


At this rate Sony will only have PlayStation while Nintendo will continue to expand and adapt.


Does any of that affect the gaming at all though? It could. But maybe not, depending on how well they compartmentalise their businesses.

#309186 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by Marcus on 18 February 2015 - 09:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

With the size this world supposedly is I can't see a whole new zelda with a whole new world being developed before the end of the wii u's life cycle.

Which makes me wonder since we usually get two zelda games per generation, does WWHD count as one or instead of a second game will we see a new story in the form of large-scale DLC a couple of years down the line?


Yeah, I'd seriously doubt we'll get another on the Wii U. Just consider the 3 we've had on the 3DS as compensation! 

#309213 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by Marcus on 18 February 2015 - 07:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Right, but you can't really compare Sony and Nintendo. Sony do a lot of other things. And their problems are largely with those other things. The PS4 is probably their single most valuable business. Whereas Nintendos is sadly their handheld (not that sad, I like both)

#309151 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by Marcus on 17 February 2015 - 05:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software


No it wasn't.  It was fine plus got fast travel mid game.  It was slower to travel as young link in OoT or on horseback in TP.  Just people don't understand how sailing works that whatever way the wind blows you go faster. They made the game easier for people complaining an easy game is to hard.  No matter where the wind is go faster. There was a lot to discover in WW ocean and it was at the perfect speed to let you do so.



I'm pretty sure everyone understood how sailing worked. I even used the sale-pumping trick that speedrunners use. I still found it a nightmare. Just having to change the wind direction was annoying. And if you look at the various reviews for the game, the swift sail was pretty much universally acknowledged as a great addition.

#309147 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by Marcus on 17 February 2015 - 05:00 PM in Wii U Games and Software

and I think that the fast sailing might have been a test to see how much the new hardware was capable of loading at certain speeds


Lol I'm more inclined to think that the fast sailing was because the game was a nightmare without it. Could be both of course!

#308718 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 11 February 2015 - 04:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nobody's hyping it up ether. Still have no idea if its going to be good then.


Well they've been almost silent about it. And the stuff we have seen looked incredibly last-gen and lacked any memorable style or character. Compare some of the screens to Bayonetta 2 and it's just an instant loss.

#308625 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by Marcus on 10 February 2015 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Haha I hope they're not spending too much on the budget for Devil's Third. Cos no-one's buying the damn thing.

#310269 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 09 March 2015 - 07:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

only thing duel analog (twin sticks) offers to shooters is comfort/ease of use.  It is inferior to wiimote and mouse/keyboard in accuracy and precision, to make up for this they add enough aim-assist that the game literately aims for you at times. 


wiimote offers near identical precision to PC, but suffers from less options for button layout, and a much harder to use/learn aiming settings, though its worth it once you adjust to it. 



Ok well I agree on PC. I haven't played a game that does shooting with the wiimote very well in a situation where you have to run and gun. I thought the wiimote was excellent in RE4 but that was largely because you stop when you shoot. What games have done it well for running and gunning? And how did they deal with problem of turning the screen to aim? Cos that's the part where the wiimote seems inherently inferior to a control stick or mouse.

#310193 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 05:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Hard to imagine how it would be. You surely need twin sticks for a shooter. Ok you don't NEED twin sticks but it's definitely the optimum method.

#310201 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 07:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well they tend to just stick their new ideas into existing IPs, so it's not that meaningful a question.

Mario Galaxy could've easily been done with a new IP and the main mario series could've remained more 'Cartesian', if you will. It had hardly anything to do with Mario after all.

#310519 new Splatoon gameplay!

Posted by Marcus on 14 March 2015 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

the screen turns in the direction you aim, which is perfectly viable, and often times preferable to run'n'gun play styles simply because it lets you aim, and react much quicker than the other 2 control scheme, but sacrifices ease of use, as the player needs to track their courser in relation to the player and the camera. 


The screen turning from your aim does make the wii-mote as a whole harder to use effectively, and one of the reason's the sensitivity options are much more complex then a bar, with dead-zones, turn speed, acceleration based-on distance from the dead-zone/box/center of the screen, ect.  It does make the control scheme a little harder to use competently, but it doesn't sacrifice from the precision or effectiveness of the controller as a whole. 


other note, the lack of the camera responding to where i was aiming on the scheme through me off and it made it a little harder to respond to things like getting flanked, though it does make the control scheme easier to use for people new to wiimote aiming, i would have added the option for more traditional ir aiming where it controls the camera, and had floating scope for the snipers, as having them fixed on screen made snipers only useful as pre-magnum magnums. 


Here is a example, this is of COD and there is much room for improvement to the IR in this game, but it is a example, atleast until (if one is even made) there is a well made shooter with IR controls on wiiU.  This player can also benefit by resting his arm/wrist on something to help stabilize his aim. People who are used to the control scheme also tend to crank the sensitivity.  If turning with the mote throws you off, just make big dead-zones so you rarely do it while you are aiming.



Well I do own COD on the Wii U so I'll give it a try at some point. My only memory so far was of trying it on the Wii and finding it an absolute nightmare. I think it was Goldeneye I played.

#309830 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Best suggestion Ive heard was minecraft.


If you read the original job ad from 2012, it says "port of a currently unannounced AAA game". That doesn't seem to fit Minecraft.

#309919 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My greater concern is that they are apparently porting a Wii U game to the PS4/Xbox One...


Ya see, I'm all for the Wii U getting more games, but losing exclusives?  They'd better not be porting Bayonetta 2 (and btw, that CAN be possible since Sega owns the IP and can publish a port on other systems themselves [obviously outsourcing the port job to a developer like Tantalus] if there is no explicit part of the contract stating that the game will remain Wii U-only indefinitely).


This is much like how Mass Effect, originally published by Microsoft Game Studios, eventually ended up on other platforms through EA buying out Bioware and Bioware owning the IP.


It depends on what kind of publishing contract they had I would assume. Microsoft seems to generally go for the timed exclusive thing much more than complete exclusivity. I don't know if that's what happened with Mass Effect or not but they have done it with a lot of games. Whereas Nintendo don't tend to do that. I didn't look into the figures but I think they invested quite a bit in Bayonetta 2 and you only tend to do that if you've got complete exclusivity.

#309843 Tantalus’ Wii U port will be announced soon for this year, studio’s biggest .

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

have no idea what that means but ok


I assume he meant it mirrors your own creativity. People enjoy it more if they have an aptitude to run wild with ideas that work in a sandbox world.

#310950 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 25 March 2015 - 02:41 AM in General Gaming

Interview with Hiro Yamada on the 3ds port.



Yeah, I saw that. It does sound quite impressive a technical achievement. I hope the fact that they seem to have sacrificed some graphical quality in order to maintain the draw distance ends up being a worthy sacrifice. The epic views were a big part of this game, from what I'd played and seen.

#312276 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 09:57 AM in General Gaming

Lots of people on the gaming site comment sections is complaining about the graphics. Do they bother you?


Not at all. It's perfectly playable and the original game feels completely intact. There are just a few moments when you think it looks a bit rough, Colonies 6 and 9 buildings all look a bit muddy for example. In contrast though, some of the wide-open natural parts don't feel like they've suffered at all. The fact that areas like the Bionis' Leg run without any framerate dips is pretty incredible to witness on a handheld. The only performance hit I've noticed so far is in parts of Sword Valley. 

As ports go, it's better than average.

#312272 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 23 April 2015 - 09:11 AM in General Gaming

I've just got to the Mechonis (actual body, not the sword).


Such an incredible game. This probably has to be my favourite video game world ever created. I don't think I've ever really stopped to take in the view in games before.

#310966 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 02 April 2015 - 09:02 AM in General Gaming

So far it's looking very good!!


NintendoLife 9/10

Gamespot 8/10

Gamesradar 9/10

Nintendo-insider 9/10

God is a geek 9/10

Mynintendonews 8.5/10


So probably only slightly lower than the metacritic average for the original if things continue in this pattern. Big sigh of relief!!




Got my copy today. Really enjoying playing it on handheld so far. The graphical downgrade is noticeable but doesn't ruin it for me.


The 3D however is really terrible! One of the worst implementations in a 3DS game. It seems to add almost no depth at all.

#309927 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 02 March 2015 - 10:47 AM in General Gaming

Fiora has made major improvements to the recompiler, making the emulation base line far more effecient, and she has also reverse engineered a lot of missing instructions, the lack of which would result to resorting to the snail speed cpu interpreter, killing performance. Shes also concentrated on games which use extremely rare instructions, greatly improving their performance and fixing many unplayable games. Particularly one game shes (Obviously) A huge fan of: Xenoblade chronicles. She also helped fix the rounding problem of floating point multiply and multiply add, fixing the physics in most all games, and fixing the ghost playback features. Kids a right busy bee, and a real smartie.

Pretty much an average rig now should be able to run xenoblade at full framrate, 1080p, with the enhanced textures, AA, and with no sound problems.


Well it sounds like an impressive list of improvements! Although I'm curious what the physics was like before? I assume rounding errors don't cause that big a problem with physics anyway. Although I have no idea how physics engines work. Something to do with numerical integration estimates I'm guessing.

#309831 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 07:24 AM in General Gaming

Unless you go dolphin with the HD texture pack, its just preferences.

Xenoblade Wii:
Dual Audio (Japanese and english)
Higher resolution (480p woohoo)
Still a collectors item


Even going with Dolphin for just a higher resolution is worth doing if your PC can handle it. I seem to remember mine struggled with anything higher than native resolution sadly.



Europe.. buy the game before April 9th and get a free theme.



I think this just applies to digital purchases though right? I've got the physical pre-ordered. Depending on what the music is, I'll prob get this theme! 

#309839 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 28 February 2015 - 10:14 AM in General Gaming

Yeah just eshop purchase it looks like. Probably will be available to buy in the theme shop though.


I hope it's the opening theme for the music. I'd welcome opening my 3DS to that.

#310192 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 05:12 AM in General Gaming

Floating point doesnt just affect your physics, it affects the accuracy of your polygons vertex placement as well. For example, the reason the psx had wobbly polygons that warped and juttered all over the place was because it didnt have accurate enough floating point precision.


I noticed that a lot when playing the Spyro trilogy. I always assumed it was just a really bad kind of LOD.


By the way, since you seem knowledgable on the emulation scene. Can you give a similar summary of PCSX2? Has that seen any improvements like Dolphin?

I used to use that a while back but its performance was hugely varied depending on the game. FFX worked a dream, which no longer matters as I have it on Vita, but FF12 had a lot of framerate issues. 

#310196 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 06:04 AM in General Gaming

What about MacBook Pro 2014? 2.6 Ghz Core i5, 16GB RAM. Graphics is Intel Iris, which I haven't heard of (1536 MB)


What on earth is the point of having that much RAM but no dedicated graphics card? I guess there are some non-visual tasks that might use that much memory but surely the main one that would necessitate that amount would be gaming.

#310200 Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - Final Game Stable, Steady Frame Rate

Posted by Marcus on 08 March 2015 - 06:27 AM in General Gaming

Not to get off topic but if you want to build a pc, look up Austing Evans on YouTube. He has a ton of vids for pc related stuff.


Lol this was already off-topic!


I'm a web developer and at my current job I sometimes have three virtual machines running depending on what I'm working on (3 apps that live in different places but communicate with each other). *shrug* At any rate, I didn't pay for it. :)   


I'm starting to think I'd like to build a PC at home for gaming. Maybe I'll make another thread to ask for advice. 


Does that ever get anywhere near to 16GB? What are you simulating on virtual machines, all of google?

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