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#204853 Portal ds (no, not the 2d portal game)

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 12:58 PM in General Gaming

No, it cant, The n64 was far more powerful. Though I wont argue they do often look much better.

Prime example is mario 64 ds. Looks much better on ds.

But its only a fraction of what the n64 game did and rendered, such as the trilinear filtering and even Marios model, as primitive as it looks takes far more polys than ds's better looking model.

They simply were better/ had more experience by the time the ds came out.

I highly suggest you do some research should you attempt to persue this, as you dont know where or why the n64 model has so many more polygons than the ds model, and will likely erroneously try to point out his hair or something where the ds game looks better, and i have model rips of both.




As for why valve hast tried anything like this? EVen if you wanted to they couldnt. They dont know how to. The days of future crew level talent is long gone. Devs are far too hard pressed, rushed, and under resourced by publishers making their code sloppy nowadays, and require gratuitious amounts of power to chug through their sloppy code.... singing the praises of raw power for gameplay innovation.... when it can basically run on a machine like the ds

Well, I was just under the impression that the DS is more powerful because I can't imagine many games on the DS looking like they do on the N64, but if the N64 is more powerful, fair enough. (I think it's mainly the screen size that makes DS games look good.


Because Valve has no interest in the handheld market.

Well they should.

#204780 Portal ds (no, not the 2d portal game)

Posted by Happy Monk on 07 May 2013 - 10:13 AM in General Gaming

As sombering as it is impressive. Portals gameplay was some of the most progressive and innovative of the entire generation, and here are its fundamental game mechanics running on a ds, a system less powerful than the n64.

The DS can outperform the N64, so many games on it look better than N64 games...

More to the point, this is very impressive, why did Valve never make this a reality?

(I know it's not an official game).

#211775 Who hates this show?

Posted by Happy Monk on 27 May 2013 - 10:19 AM in The Café

Is it another Family Guy wannabe? I do not like those shows at all (Family Guy included).

#225364 TitanFall Wins IGN's Best Game of E3 2013 Award

Posted by Happy Monk on 22 June 2013 - 03:10 PM in General Gaming

Titanfall didn't impress me, it looks alright, but not amazing. It should have gone to a Nintendo game, the comments on IGN would have been great!

#271523 DK Tropical Freeze: Gameinformer 9.25

Posted by Happy Monk on 10 February 2014 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Bring on the rest of the review scores, which will be good.

#232403 How many units do you expect the Wii U/Xbone/PS4 to sell this Holiday season?

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 July 2013 - 10:09 AM in General Gaming

I think Wii U sales will jump to over 7 million - so a 3.5 million sales at christmas.

PS4 will do about the same if not a bit better - 3-4 million.

Xbox One will sell the least - 2-3 million.

Bonus: 3DS - more than all combined.

Bonus: Vita- it might sell one.

#252275 For those who were getting Watch Dogs..

Posted by Happy Monk on 20 October 2013 - 06:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I was always going to get Watch_Dogs as well as Assassin's Creed 4, but now I can spend more time on Assassin's Creed 4. Which is a plus.

It makes me now want Call of Duty that much more, but to be honest, pretty much every Wii U game coming out for the Christmas period has my interest. If anything, the lack of Watch_Dogs just helps my wallet's survival this year.

#245660 Sony to discontinue wi-fi only OLED Vita mode

Posted by Happy Monk on 12 September 2013 - 10:11 AM in General Gaming

I think the main problem is that the OLED wi-fi version is cheaper than the 3G alternative.

I for one think they are fighting a losing battle with the Vita, but it will sell OK in the end, not like the PSP, but OK.

#251908 Sooo any mobile gamers here?

Posted by Happy Monk on 18 October 2013 - 03:46 AM in General Gaming

I didn't know there was such a thing as a mobile "gamer". Distraction games are OK - Puzzle games for example. But for proper games to sink your teeth into? A console or handheld console is where it's at. Sorry PC, needless complications just pushes you out.

#257760 NPD Report: Digital Sales surpass Physical

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 November 2013 - 02:18 PM in General Gaming

Digital is easier as it requires little to no effort on the consumer's part. But physical is the way to go by a long shot, for any kind of media.


But I know why people buy less physical copies - the death of the instruction manual. That was the only thing that kept people buying games in a box obviously.

#199289 PS4 will have strongest launch lineup in PS history

Posted by Happy Monk on 24 April 2013 - 01:01 PM in General Gaming

Does this mean they'll have one game that people want?

#257295 Boyenetta 1 on Wii U

Posted by Happy Monk on 21 November 2013 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

I'd get Bayonetta for the Wii U.

#244339 Ninty have almost certainly not bought atlus

Posted by Happy Monk on 05 September 2013 - 05:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never expected Nintendo to buy Atlus.


It could have been good, but oh well.

#232057 Dreams involving video games?

Posted by Happy Monk on 16 July 2013 - 08:38 AM in General Gaming

I dreamt that I got a Wii U on launch day and when I turned it on, it was exactly like the original Wii.

That's because you didn't know what it would be like.


I had a couple of dreams about the 3DS, and in each one I could never actually see the console turned on, or I couldn't get my hands on one. It was fairly funny.

#228848 New Pokemon X & Y trailer + new Pokemon

Posted by Happy Monk on 04 July 2013 - 03:18 PM in General Gaming

I'm really digging the new Pokemon announced for X & Y (Sylveon not so much), and every time they show the game my excitement rises by a fair amount.

Deciding whether to pre-order is hard...

#265655 Why I think the Wii U will do alright in the UK.

Posted by Happy Monk on 09 January 2014 - 07:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

I forgot I made this thread... Well, just yesterday I was told I had to show my Wii U to a friend from university (by him), and he really appreciated it. He is now going to get one for his birthday this year. On top of this I know two people who got one for Christmas, and I don't know a huge amount of people, but a fair amount. I think the Wii U will see a gradual upturn in sales in the UK, and I think Donkey Kong will start this properly, Country Returns was a big deal over here.

#200209 COD Ghosts

Posted by Happy Monk on 26 April 2013 - 03:26 AM in General Gaming

They will show the game, no one will be very excited. We've come to expect exactly what it'll look and play like, which is something you don't really want, other than it provides a nice safety net of quality; the games are quite fun.


It seems legit enough.

Although the box art is terrible.

#276323 Will Nintendo Take The Stage Once Again At E3?

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 March 2014 - 11:14 AM in General Gaming

I think Nintendo will go for a Nintendo Direct again. It would be good for them to have an on-stage presence again, but I do not like all the boring business talk that goes along with it.

#276327 Will Nintendo Take The Stage Once Again At E3?

Posted by Happy Monk on 08 March 2014 - 11:21 AM in General Gaming

No need to worry about nintendo business talk. There are not any good numbers to highlight except for 3ds and 1st party meta critic numbers :)

Yeah, and that's boring enough.

#264060 Why I think the Wii U will do alright in the UK.

Posted by Happy Monk on 30 December 2013 - 02:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

We all know that the Wii U has not been selling in the UK (especially), but a few things have happened over the course of this Christmas week that have made me think there is hope for the Wii U yet in my home country.


First off, I've noticed a general amount of buzz just while walking down the high-streets I have been hearing people talk about the Wii U, not as much as the new Xbox or Playstation (or 3DS), but a huge amount more than before. It's not like everyone is talking about it, but I have overheard the odd conversation while out and about.


Secondly, my brother got a Wii U for Christmas (he's wanted one since launch but he's a poor student) and it was faulty - the right-hand speaker on the Gamepad buzzed when over 50% volume. When he was trying to return it by way of a replacement through Tesco (where it was bought) he could not as it was out of stock. I know Tesco don't exactly sell a lot of Wii Us or any other console and the fact that it is a Windwaker bundle may have helped, but it does show that people have been buying them.


Thirdly (and lastly), someone my family knows when asked what they got for Christmas responded by saying a Wii U. Now, this is someone who does not play games, one of your types of families who bought the Wii just because it was the hot thing to own. If this is the kind of family that actively went out to purchase a Wii U, that has got to say something - people are finally starting to take notice from a more casual perspective.


I'm not saying the Wii U is going to sell a lot, but I have definitely noticed trends and more people taking notice of the cheapest option for new games.

#214760 Hello from a born again Nintendo owner

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 June 2013 - 01:10 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome from the world of tomorrow!

#249268 How much did you play in September?

Posted by Happy Monk on 02 October 2013 - 04:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure of exact times, but I can give a loose list.


Overall, around 46 hours.


1. Call of Duty.

2. LEGO City.

3. Assassin's Creed III.

The rest, Rayman Legends, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Runner 2, Nintendo Land, Art Academy, Miiverse, Internet Browser, eShop and Animal Crossing plaza right at the bottom.

#243903 Petition to have Reggie Fils-Aime in the next Smash Bros. Game!

Posted by Happy Monk on 03 September 2013 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Now this is why Change.org exists.

#232407 Is Retro really only working on DK?

Posted by Happy Monk on 17 July 2013 - 10:22 AM in General Gaming

Donkey Kong is, and always was their big project. Believe it or not, it takes time to make a Donkey Kong game.

#246858 Hiroshi Yamauchi dies at age of 85

Posted by Happy Monk on 19 September 2013 - 05:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

The man is the reason we are all on this site, why people across the world can and do play games on whatever console. He really deserves a huge amount of credit and respect.



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