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Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active May 03 2024 08:18 AM

#293304 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by Gruff on 15 July 2014 - 03:26 PM

We'll get to this. :)

Looking into it further. May take some time.


I guess no one is reading what I'm saying to other people. Which means I will have to explain this to every one of you individually. :/

Calling what I'm saying ridiculous because I'm generalizing is a non argument.

What you're essentially saying its that because I didn't say "Some Americans do this" instead of "Americans do this" or because I didn't say "some places in america" instead of "in america" that everything I'm saying is wrong.

Essentially you're getting caught up in details. People say things like "in amercia" all the time. It's commonly accepted that when they say something like that, they obviously don't mean in every single state, town, city and household, because that's just ridiculous. No one in their right mind would think any country is that standardized. When I say things like in america, I mean it just like everyone else means it. I mean it's fairly commonplace. It's something that you're not surprised to see, because it happens all the time.

Further, I know you guys obviously feel like I'm picking on you because I'm attacking your country, but I'm not. If you look over what I've written, I haven't actually said a single insulting thing to anyone in this thread. Every person in this forum I base my relationship on what I've seen of them as a person. If, like you're all suggesting, I was hating on you all simply because you're american, then why don't I just insult you guys for being american? I never have and never would. Someone being american is obviously never going to be enough to put me off of someone. Like I've said quite a few times in this thread, I've been to america numerous times, and have a lot of american family. I know there are lots of great american people. Most of my "generalizing" has to do with certain cultural things that your country supports more frequently than others. As I've also said, I have my criticisms about every country, and the things they support more than others. I've already stated some of the problems I have with Canada, where I live

-side note: I mentioned Canada is incredibly liberal. They're also increasingly anti religion. That's a place where I definitely think america beats Canada. I know two, possibly three actual actual Christians like myself in my school. It's incredibly taboo (though Canadians will try to tell you otherwise) and trying to find support for Christian view is impossible. My world issues class had an (anonymous, thankfully) vote asking if you believe overall women should have the right to abort a child. I was the only person who said no, and people were outraged. It was considered disgusting, and the only reason a witch hunt didn't start right there was probably because 1. the teacher had to remind people it's okay to have opinions other than theirs 2. A classmate was kind enough to calm people down by letting them know it was definitely just someone trying to get a rise out of everyone with a sick joke. Not fun.- and acknowledged some of the Caribbean(where I was born, and the culture in which i was raised in)'s problems. The only reason you see me talk about america more, is because many of the problems I have with other countries are also present in america, and that's on top of all the problems that only they themselves have. Also america has huge stake and influence on pretty much every country in the world, so they almost always come up in the issue.

Anyway long story short. I don't hate anyone for anything they are. Heck I don't even hate anyone for anything they support. No one this forums has done anything to make me hate them, especially not something as silly as living or being born in america. In fact no one in america would make me hate them simply by being american. I'm not trying to offend any of you, and my generalizations aren't xenophobia or anything of the sort. It's just an easier way of writing.

Also Peach is awesome :3

The tone you had in your writing sounded upset, so I was taking it as you didn't like America or their people. If you're not then that's good.

I personally think this thread should be closed because it hasn't been much more than an argument. I haven't particularly enjoyed reading everything in here.


And yes Peach is awesome...

She decided she was so awesome that she is standing up against Bowser.

[picture removed]

#293299 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Gruff on 15 July 2014 - 02:50 PM

yep, boxes are pretty creepy. i think you can also just request to buy the toy, $3 bucks or something. Happy Meals are not too bad, especially with milk choice, apple slices or gogurt.

nice find btw for a quarter!

Yeah I guess the apples aren't bad. But the McNuggets are.



I bought another copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf:



Now I have 3 copies total!


I NEED them!

#293296 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Gruff on 15 July 2014 - 02:43 PM



this week we got Bowser at our local McDonald's

I'd try and get these but I don't really want to eat the scary food... Besides that, I don't think I want to see the even scarier Happy Meal face.

#293293 Books you're reading now

Posted by Gruff on 15 July 2014 - 02:33 PM

I'm reading a very sad book

It's called: "The end of instruction booklet nostalgia."



#293266 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by Gruff on 15 July 2014 - 10:07 AM

Yeah but a lot of other countries have those privileges as well, and more, and they don't go around spouting all that best country in the world crap.


I'll agree i'm probably the most obnoxious on the subject, but that doesn't make what i'm saying less true. Fact is i hate america almost as much as you hate ea, and i've very little patience for subtlety and beating around the bush these days. So when people try and defend america and american laws, and the  try to tell me i'm just against it because i'm tryig to be cool, i become easily irritated.

Also i'm very much NOT what i hate about it. I have no single allegiance to any particular country. Born in the Caribbean (and raised with mostly Caribbean values) moved to britain while still young, the  moved to canada after a coupe years. No matter where i go in the world, i am not one of them, and so i have no allegiance. Therefore i don't go around shouting that my country is the best since it's non-existant. If someone insults one f the countries i don't like, i very much consider the possibility they are right, and often agree with them. I DON'T Tell them they're just tryng to be cool.

The fact is, socially, america is a messed up country. If I can avoid it at ll in anyway i will live in i thin just about any other first world before america. I know this because i hve spent a lot of time in america, i have many american relatives who are american, and living in canada, when anything is broadcasted nationally for you, i hear about it. This is lso how i know that the group of americans you've deemed "mysterious" exist. I've encountered them in their natural habitat.


I didn't stereotype. At most i generalized by saying america, instead of "parts of america" or by saying americans instead of "certain people in america". I didn't do that for two reasons.

1. It's stupid

1.5 It's essentially just a formality, much like political correctness. If you're being rational you know i don't mean every single pwrson living in america.

2. I'm writing on a Wii U gamepad and hate touch screen.


Our internet speed rates come in at like 80th or something i think. we pay waaaayyyy more than we should. Ever been to britain? Unlimited internet is like 15 pounds. Cell phone service? Forget about it. rollover minutes were standard 10 years ago. Ratees are loads cheaper and there are plans fr everyone. TV? 999 channels is actually affordable, and doesn't bring tears to your eyes when you see the bill. I think the only countries we beat in money to quality ratio are third worlds.


I wanna see more than just a picture. I want to see its source. I have trouble believeing this study when i hear you guys account for about 50% of shootings in first world. And have a way more serious gang problem than pretty much wvery country there.

That could very well be true. You could be treated with respect wherever you go, but that doesn't mean pople don't dislike your country. Many smaller countries don't insult americans for many reasons. Tourism is one. Slave trade is another heard of (though that's less common).

On the oppoite side of what you've said, everyone i've talked to on the subject doesn't like america and will willingly admit much of the country is messed up.

And american culture is evrywhere because america is the most powerful country in the world. Look up neo colonialism and the westernization of culture. This isn't because everyone loves americans.

Also english isn't your language, and it sure as heck isn't popular because yoy speak it. The English language, believe it or not, was is the language of the English. And it was them who spread it to one third of the world's population through colonialism. America is just one of the colonies it was spread to.

Everyone is coming to your country because it's better than where they live now economically speaking. Also if you've ever read the grapes of wrath, you know how everyone thought there were jobs in California long after all the jobs had disappeared? I think that's very much the american situation, with opportunity taking jobs' place.

Just like the rich douche i described, people will still suck up to him if it gets them what they want.

also, please read what i said above about generalizing.

I think you mistook what's going on here. Everyone else is saying "i LOVE america and you're (i'm) just jealous"

but i agree. A completely ridiculous sentiment.

You're making generalizations about people just because of where they live, that's not right. There are over 300 million people that live in the United States, and they are all different. Not everyone in the US worships this place. Most people live here just because it's a free country and has good career opportunities, not to brag about it.


Btw, You were a fun person to have around on these forums, I mean you like Princess Peach and she can kick some @$$ in Smash Bros., but the fact that you're picking people out on where they live shows me you obviously don't care a person based on who they are. At least that's what I got from what you said.

I know this is going to sound really, really corny but... A person matters for who they are, you know, what's on the inside, not what race, religion, gender, etc. If you moved to the US, you would still be you. If I moved to Canada I would still be me. Same with everyone else in the world. Where you live can be the least of who you are. It all depends on who the person is and whether or not they want to be very patriotic, not so much the country.

#293116 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Gruff on 13 July 2014 - 03:15 PM

I should be posting here. I get new things all the time.

I found this at a thrift store for 25¢.


#292966 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by Gruff on 11 July 2014 - 11:23 PM

You could live in North Korea where there is many people starving or Iraq where there is excessive violence. Or how about a country in Africa? Your expectations for a country are to high if you complain this country when really it's not all that bad. I live in the US and I appreciate that I can play whatever I want or say what I want. I like that we have a developed society with plenty of food and decent enough medical. I'm no patriot but I don't disrespect where I live. I look at what life I could have, and it makes me appreciate what I do have. And beside that, what experience do you have? According to your profile you're 14 years old. Why don't you become an adult before you decide where you're going to live and try experiencing being an adult first. And stop listening to what the internet and news say. People really shouldn't be complaining, because no matter what country you go to, there will always be a problem with it in some way, since no country can be perfect.

#292579 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by Gruff on 08 July 2014 - 08:16 AM

I went ahead and took pictures for anyone that's want to see my collection.
Consoles, controllers, etc:
Extra's (Like figures):
And the honorable mentions... (Not really):


#292418 Zelda U graphics thoughts

Posted by Gruff on 05 July 2014 - 10:13 AM

looks like typical anime rainbow with an even rainbowtier art style to compensate for the rainbowty hardware.

Go eat a big pile of rainbow.

#290802 Aonuma wants to include less tutorials in Zelda U, ethink/reconstruct the idea o

Posted by Gruff on 18 June 2014 - 10:48 AM

But aren't we all going to miss this?

It was the best part of the game. ;)

#290798 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by Gruff on 18 June 2014 - 10:42 AM

Don't see why you need to stay here then. No offense, but I'm done with all these negative nancy's towards the Wii U. I still hold a strong spot for Nintendo, and I really don't want to deal with this site, designed for Nintendo, to be full of complaints towards something I care about. If you're not going to associate yourself with the Wii U then why stay? I came here to talk about the Wii U, not complain about it. And I'm not putting focus on only you. There are several members that just can't seem to appreciate what the has to Wii U offer. And I know there are people here that do appreciate it, believe I noticed those people since they actually made my day better once, but for the ones that are always complaining about it, they make me upset and make this site worse. They hurt the Wii U's image. I want people to see what a good system the Wii U is. I'm not saying your decision is wrong, I'm saying if you are not going to associate yourself with Nintendo, then you don't need to be here. I want this site to be the fun and positive place it used to be back a couple years ago, and post like these don't help. I know this site isn't strictly Nintendo, but it is meant for the Wii U.

#289175 My Hype For E3

Posted by Gruff on 10 June 2014 - 07:13 AM

I'm with my friend Charlie and we couldn't hold back the hype for Nintendo's E3 anymore.

Please ignore our terrible hype dance.

#289155 Star Fox, anyone?

Posted by Gruff on 10 June 2014 - 06:38 AM

Never thought I would see this... All I can say is...

#288979 E3 2014 Predictions

Posted by Gruff on 09 June 2014 - 01:31 PM

Aw, you made a big boy topic, look at you!

I predict Animal Crossing. 

#287931 Mario Kart 8 Sells 1.2 Million Copies Worldwide

Posted by Gruff on 03 June 2014 - 06:32 AM

I guess I was wrong a bit on the "no one on these forums appreciates the Wii U". After the several comments in support for it I guess only some people on these forums don't appreciate the Wii U.


Glad to see that.

Thanks, this actually made my day!

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