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Need help deciding what games to get october, can only get 3. Sonic Lost Worlds, Wind Waker HD, Mario and Luigi, Batman Arkham Origins, or A link between worlds?
Aug 23 2013 11:28 AM
Poor markus. He doesn't know what he's done. Now he'll suffer death by fanbase.
Aug 20 2013 12:16 PM
Its all right, he can use the mountain high stacks of bajillions of dollars to shield himself.
Aug 20 2013 12:38 PM
I'm surprised that Disney Infinity got a higher review than the wonderful 101. It kind of makes me want it. Too bad there's no gravity falls or Mickey figures though :(
Aug 19 2013 09:57 AM
I just got saints row 3 for $1... and apparently risen 2, sacred 2 and saints row 2 were tied with the key... yay for 3 more games i'll never play!
Aug 16 2013 09:55 PM
I'd take a look at Saints Row 2 if I were u, Stilwater is much bigger than Steelport in Saints Row 3
Aug 17 2013 02:15 AM -
it was a humble bundle last weekish
Aug 17 2013 06:01 AM -
I didn't know it was a bundle last week. Honestly I just gave someone this week's bundle for it, lol
Aug 17 2013 09:52 AM
Nollog you should buy it, supposedly these games are going to be added if you beat the average later
Aug 15 2013 11:50 AM -
I already got all the games I wanted (Sims 3, BF3, DS1, DS3, Mirror's Edge, Crysis 2 and Burnout) for $2. So i'll probably trade a few cards for DS2 if it ends up becoming part of the bundle.
Aug 15 2013 12:03 PM