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Guys, I started cleaning my wii U today (the dust was terrible) and I ended up wiping the vents a wee bit too hard and got a small bit of suds inside. I flipped it over as fast as I could and let it air out for 10 minutes, now I don't see anything inside, I tried cleaning them out with a cutip too just to make sure, and felt no dampness. I plugged the system in and apparently there IS power going to it, with a red light showing, but i'm scared to turn it on. Should I be worried?
Feb 28 2013 11:09 AM
Both of you. Stop making me cry due to the fact that these don't exist...yet.
Feb 26 2013 03:33 PM
Abcdude So this is what ubisoft must be doing with that spare time
Feb 18 2013 08:48 PM
No hyrule historia, can't find FE:A anywhere, what kind of day is this I don't even.
Feb 13 2013 11:15 PM
Little inferno and Bit.Trip Runner 2 (when it releases), Jak II and III, or 3 Months of playstation plus? Dat feel when can't decide :l
Feb 10 2013 07:36 PM
sweet, will do, too bad I bought nano assault a few weeks ago, just noticed that chasing aurora is $10 this week :(
Feb 10 2013 08:07 PM
People should just be happy that Rayman Legends wasn't canceled all together.
Feb 09 2013 09:49 AM
I don't mind a delay, I don't mind a non-exclusive game, but when people boycott something that'll be incredible, things get personal.
Feb 08 2013 01:35 PM