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lol wtf Mega Kangaskhan: LOL the offspring attacks too.

also, her ability allows her to attack twice, a reverse truant (slaking's ability)
Aug 11 2013 05:17 PM

guys you know sonic the hedgehog genesis, the terrible gba port of Sonic 1? yea one person successfully ported the game with no bugs or glitches that the "official" port had. but the thing is ONE DUDE made a more functional port of a game than SEGA!!! lol.

LEAKED SSB4 ROSTER ON THE SSB4 SITE. It was taken off a second later but luckily I took a picture of it:

2 things I believe people misunderstand: 1) Overrated does not mean bad (and vice versa) 2)Gimmicks are not always bad.

FACT: Marth was gonna be called Mars in English which is evidently proven in the Dubbed animation.

Pikmin 3 got 37/40 from Famitsu whilst Mario & Luigi Dream Team Bros. got 38/40 from Famistu as well.

it really REALLY BUGS ME when someone calls Dr. Mario, a Mario version of Tetris. I mean they're so different. You might as well call any other puzzle game Tetris too. URGH!

But you don't need a whole line to clear the blocks, you match 4 coloured "blocks" which aren't really blocks. Plus you can like actually finish the level by clearing the viruses. So that's different. And you don't get different shaped "blocks".
Jul 13 2013 10:54 AM -
You might as well call Sonic, Mario because both require you to move from point A to B. and Mario was orginated in the 80s. There's so similar because you can jump as well. and they're platforms
Jul 13 2013 10:56 AM -
there are a lot more differences between mario and sonic than there are between dr mario and tetris
Jul 13 2013 11:33 AM

Lol the xbox was gonna be called FACE. "Hey can we play on your FACE?" "Whoops I broke my FACE" "I think you need a new FACE"

Chuck Norris and his Asian Counterpart have heard of Melee and gave it a go:

People are usually like: How is Little mac going to be in SSB64? All he does is punch. Well all ice climbers did was jump and whack their hammers yet they still got in in melee and they were only really starred in one game.

I don't hate Ice climbers, I use them in both melee and brawl, I'm just saying that people who argue that Little mac shouldn't be in SSB4 cause all he does is punch are wrong.
Jul 01 2013 08:18 AM

It's funny cause when I was younger I used to prefer Luigi over Mario but Now I think Mario is superior!!! *gets shot by having an unpopular opinon once again*