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Robotic Sunshine Commander
the chat thing is fake.
wait for nintendo to confirm or deny. journalism for gaming is shi1 now
Oct 22 2012 12:49 PM
Xinhua: "We'd like to review your labour policies." Foxconn: "Uhhhhh, sorry, Ancient Chinese Secret."
Oct 17 2012 11:21 AM
I don't know who banned me but I will find you and I will kill you (In Mario Kart)
Oct 16 2012 06:25 PM
Tricky Sonic
I banned you because of you incessant spamming on our channel. Deal with it
Oct 17 2012 03:50 AM
I have to do a book review by video for Language Arts*5qQSI*wcHjx0BpPdb8WY45-GRrFEKc-xZURuzCQ7eHqZmXrfAELdGJJTZLY/BarackObamaAwHellNawMacro.jpg
Oct 16 2012 03:43 PM
Too bad Romney is just a VP candidate.. And THANK GOD Biden is just a VP, and Obama is in good health
Oct 16 2012 03:48 PM
Is it possible to play with someone who ones a 3DS with a Wii U player Locally?
Oct 14 2012 02:14 PM -
Lord Pickleton
Yes, one of the local multiplayer options is one person playing on the Wii U and three others join him on 3DS's
Oct 14 2012 02:26 PM
Romney - "there's no question in my mind that if the president were to be re-elected we would continue to see a middle class squeeze with incomes coming down and prices going up. I'll get incomes up again. We've had 43 straight months with unemployment above 8%, if I'm elected president I will help create 12million new jobs in this country with rising incomes. If the president were to be relected you're going to see a $716 billion cut to medicare. You will have 4...
Oct 04 2012 07:57 PM -
You will have 4 million people who will lose medicare advantage. I'll restore that $716 billion to medicare."
Oct 04 2012 07:58 PM -
The entire debate was just rhetoric and pandering to the middle class. Romney wore another mask and Obama acted like a sissy. America wont change if either gets into office.
Oct 04 2012 09:33 PM
It's fun to play. I had to dettatch myself from the game because exploring is too distracting.
Oct 03 2012 09:04 PM
Am I the only one who likes the regular 3DS design? The XL Looks cheaper than the 3ds in design but still cool.
Jun 22 2012 05:08 AM