Did you even see all of the other peoples replies to your first tech demo related posts? The point is that the final product can be much less impressive than the flashy tech demo. This happens most with Sony.
I don't remember, but I thought the 720p idea (of a non-demanding demo on alpha hardware no less) was simply due to screenshots that they had been given, being set at a certain resolution.
Perhaps it was 720p or perhaps it was 1080p. I don't know.
But WHAT IS HILARIOUS is that Sony specifically mentions PS4 GAMES will NOT render at 4k resolution, but it will upscale MOVIES and playback native 4K MOVIES.
NOT GAMES!!!!!!!!
YET, when sony sounds out press screen shots of their games, guess what resolution they are... 4K... LOL
Case in point - http://blogs-images..../KZ4_Chase1.jpg
All of the game images sent to Forbes, etc. from sony are in that fake resolution.
That image is in 4K resolution as defined by Wikipedia as Ultra High Definition Television at 3840 x 2160 resolution.
not only is sony oblivious to how obviously fake that makes their press screenshots, it seems no one is reporting it either.
Not only was their presentation filled with target renders and who knows what (I hope to Heaven the PS4 is capable of more than what they showed...), but then they go and ADD pixels to their screenshots so that the non-discriminating public can post them in forums saying "look at how much better these are..." and it isn't even representative of the actual tech demo or target render.
Classic Sony.
Edited by Socalmuscle, 01 March 2013 - 02:04 PM.