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Monster Hunter Tournament

Tournament Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

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#21 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:40 PM

While I won't be joining the tournament I think there might need to be some clarification.  For some monsters that appear at multiple ranks (for example, the qurupeco has a quest in Low, High and G rank) what rank will they fight it at?  Probably be best to go with the lowest rank a monster appears in so it's easier for more people to have a chance at it. 


Also, for the single time (I assume you mean one person by themself), it should probably specify whether it must be done in the singleplayer mode or the multiplayer mode.  It would be unfair if one person got their time in singleplayer when another did it in multiplayer.


Just some suggestions.

#22 Goom


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 01:21 PM

I Have never played a Monster Hunter game before. I know I'm not the most qualified to make a tournament but I created this thread to have fun with other members of this site. If you guys can make a better tournament then mine, please do. Because It would be awesome for us to compete against each other. Sorry for my Noobness in Monster Hunter :( .

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I am the hero this forum needs, but not the one it deserves.

#23 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:33 PM

Ah, here's a quick explanation then.  This will also be good info for everyone else who is new to the series. Speaking only about the multiplayer mode:


In MH3U there are 8 levels of quests denoted by the number of stars.  These are 1 Star through 8 Star.  You start at 1 and complete quests til you unlock the next level, and then do the same there.  These different levels can be grouped into into three ranks of difficulty: Low (1-2 star), High (3-5 star), and G (6-8 star).  There are approximately 16 different boss monster that can be fought at low rank.  At 3 star quests, you enter high rank.  High rank has all the monster of low rank and adds more.  Additionally all monster get a health and attack boost, and become more aggressive.  The same thing happens at G rank.  While some monsters can be fought at each level, certain ones can only be fought at the higher ranks.  While there is a quest to fight Qurupeco at low, high, and G rank, Alatreon and some others cannot be fought until high rank, and a couple that are G rank only.  This is why I think it should be specified what rank certain monsters should be targeted.  Otherwise, one group that may be better at the game might lose because they did the G rank quest and took longer than another group that did low rank.


Singleplayer is broken up differently.  Also, the monsters are weaker in singleplayer since they are meant to be handled by only one person, and there is no G rank.  It's defined as: Low rank (1-5 star) and High rank (6-9 star).  This is where the other problem comes in for the singles division.  Someone can take down singleplayer Quru by themselves in a couple minutes, but multiplayer Quru at the same rank would take much longer.


I just want to make sure everyone's on the same page and that it's fair.  If you need any more explanation let me know.  I'm happy to help.

Edited by Lightning_Ninja, 12 March 2013 - 02:33 PM.

#24 Mitch



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:29 PM

Count me in :)


Never played a MH game before, but I'm picking it up at launch, nothing sounds more fun than some healthy forum competition



Cerb.... prepare to get humiliated by a noob >:3  *cracks knuckles*

#25 dark_rabbid


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Posted 14 March 2013 - 04:20 AM

I'll play but I think we need to get the rules all figured out and stuff, for example I don't think any one has mentioned any thing about captures yet, should they be allowed in the same timed match, or a seperate one?

I also thought of a neat way to record our time, thuough it will require the tournament owner(who ever is gonna check the recorded times) to open a additional wiiu account with a new nnid(it doesn't affect you current one) then he could just add the particapents and they could send there time through miiverse with a pic as proof. This is just an idea I got for a cool way to use miiverse may not even require a new account or adding people, might be able to just send a message with the user search function, haven't tried yet though.

Also I was thinking it is almost launch and we only have so many particapents would it be a better idea just to have Goomba pick a monster for each of his three divisions each day that way if your in that division you have to hunt that monster. Might help till more people get involved.

Edited by dark_rabbid, 14 March 2013 - 04:49 AM.

#26 Alianjaro



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 07:34 PM

Heh, just fired tri up for one last go before the end of the line.

Got together with a few old freinds and we put on our old armor/weapons from the first time we took down alatreon.

That was intense.

Then we put back on our jho/alatreon gear.

Poor alatreon XD.

LOL I know that feeling! Btw are you one of those who maxed their weapon way before the armor? Cuz im one of those... LOL I killed ala for the first time with a full baroth armor... Lol
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#27 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 04:13 PM

Are we still doing this?


Was fighting Abyssal Lagiacrus with some fun strangers and one of them happened to record some of our fights including our fastest run of 2:42. Not the fastest time, but it's a good time for people who aren't totally prepared. It's nice to see the fight in someone else's perspective.


Oh, just so you don't get confused my hunter's name is Celia.


Edited by Cerberuz, 13 May 2013 - 04:18 PM.


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