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How is Monster Hunter Popular?

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#1 TheDave545


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:01 PM

For years now ive seen the praise these games recieve and ive always passed on them, but i thought, finally a game for my Wii U, then i noticed a demo on the eShop so i downloaded it and thank god i did, saved myself some money.


The Graphics are sub par, almost late PS2 like, the gameplay is extremely dated, its slow and very sluggish, the control system was bad and the camera system was horrific, i just couldnt understand why it gets so much praise, i even tried both easy and hard modes on the demo to see if it was just me being picky so i spent a good 40 minutes on it but it was horrible, can someone please tell me what there opinions are on it please?

#2 Gaymer


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:04 PM


Another one? -Sighs and waits for 3dude.-

#3 WaddleDee



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:14 PM

The demo is a terrible representative for the actual game.


In the actual game you have to build up your armor by gathering materials from these giant monsters, You fight a ton of them in different areas, there's towns, different quests aswell that don't always involve these monsters. Besides that the strong point of MH has always been the incredible community-feel it gives and the fun factor of the online gameplay, that's why it has never been as popular in NA/EU as in JP.


As for what you said. The graphics are mediocre because it's a direct "expansion" of the last game on the Wii (sort of). I don't see how the gameplay is extremely dated. The slow-sluggishness was intended and depends on your weapon aswell. Wouldn't be very fair if you were a wallclimbing ninja vs a giant-slow monster, would it? The control system is fine, it just takes time to get used to. As with a lot of console games. The camera system might be bad because you're just not used to controlling that like you have to in Monster Hunter.


Your points are all pretty valid considering the incredible failure of a demo they've put out. They should've added a multiplayer demo, that way you would really get to see the "power" of Monster Hunter.

#4 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:41 PM

I'll copy/paste what I said in the other thread. Should help at least a little bit.  Get ready to read though.


Know this: everyone was bad when they first started playing monster hunter.  I don't think any fan of the series will honestly tell you that they were good at it from the get go.  When I think back on how badly I played when I first started, I laugh.  Fans will tell you that the series is great, but they will never tell you it's easy.  There is a rhythm and a pace to it.  Once you find that, you will start to get better much faster.  The poblem is, its near impossible to teach, especially through a forum.  The easiest way to get into monster hunter is to have a veteran sit down with you and teach you what you need to know as you need it.  There is a lot to learn in the series, and it can be overwhelming to have all that info flood you at once.  This is partially why we say the online is great, because it gives you a chance to meet with better hunters who can help you where you're at.


There are a couple of topics that are near impossible to teach, and must simply be learned.  Everyone thinks there should be a true lock on when they start.  I thought that myself when I began.  This will sound crazy, but at the level of play necessary to take down some of these beasts, a lock on would be imprecise and disorienting.  Don't worry, by that time camera control will become as easy as breathing.  It seems like artificial difficulty now, but to veterans it's second nature.  The soft lock this game adds is perfect, as many times all I've needed in a fight is a quick re-orientation due to the camera panning too slowly in previous games.  If you want, I can try to explain it, but I can't guarantee it will make sense to you right now.  A lot of people complain that the lagombi in the demo moves too fast.  Compared to another monster in the series, the barioth, lagombi is standing still.  Also the barioth does a lot more damage.  My friend's first hunt against barioth was with two other people who had never fought it before.  When they found the monster, they failed the quest within a minute from all three of them dying.  Nowadays, he could solo it with little trouble.


Another thing: the controls are not bad, nor are they good, they do exactly what they mean to.  They are different from every other game you have probably played. It is really a matter of learning how everything works.  Learning your weapon's combos, how they link to each other, and what you can and can't do with your weapon out.  There is a digital manual with demo that you can access through the home button.  It does a fair job of explaining how you do things.  However, knowing a combo, and knowing how to use it in a fight, are two different things.  You will rarely be able to sit there and swing away.  You cannot afford to have tunnel vision in this game.  I might be attacking a monster's leg, but you better believe I keep an eye on that tail that can whip around.


Load times.  We know.  They exist.  They aren't as bad as they used to be though.  From a vets perpective they seem crazy short.  The load time from choosing your weapon to quest start is about 9 seconds for me.  Was closer to 30 on MH Tri for wii.  The load between zones is only two seconds.  Its really not a big deal, and sometimes having separate zones can save you from death as it gives you somewhere to hide while you use  a potion.


The last sticky problem is how long animations take.  They designed it this way for a reason.  Every move you make has to be deliberate.  You have to constantly be thinking about your next move based on where you are and what the monster is doing.  In most games, it's simply a matter of have an itchy trigger finger on the dodge button.  That doesn't work here.  While right now you don't know the monsters patterns, once you do, you can far more easily make the appropriate decisions on the fly.  Knowing when it is safe to take a potion can be the difference between life and death.  Unless you are certain you have enough time, wait and avoid the attacks, or leave the current area and go someplace safe.  I usualy take five minutes with anew monster just avoiding it learning to read its movements.  Any attack that does significant damge has a tell for it.


Long story short, the greatest determinant is player skill.  A pro with no armor can take down the last boss with ease, while a noob can have the best equipment in the game and still get beat by the first boss.  It's okay if you're not good at it. You will get better if you stick with it.


The only reasons I can think of to not give it a try are:

You demand a deep engaging story  (the story is closer to mario level than shakespeare)

You demand the best graphics ever (in which case, why did you buy a wii u?)

you do not have the time necessary to invest in the game  (to get the most out of it, you have to spend time at it)

You do not like difficult games (mh is FAR from it)


Btw, if you are new to the series, do not try hard mode in the demo until you can beat the easy mode in under ten minutes.  Its called hard mode for a reason and only aggravates your camera struggles.


I really need to stop making such long posts.

#5 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:45 PM

I didn't feel that it was a great demo, but I love monster hunter. It's an HD update to a Wii game..hence the graphics. The game definitely doesn't feel slow and sluggish, or dated. Just because it's not something your into does not make it a bad game. I'm kind of baffled as to why this deserved a thread as it seems like your mind is already made up.
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#6 DanJiblets


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:50 PM

I hated it too, so I just avoid it, and move on with life.

#7 alan123


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:56 PM

i don;t know either, i don't think much of the game either, in fact i don't like it at all.

#8 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:31 PM

And this is why I never play demos. They're like reviews: Never living up to the truth of the game.

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#9 Goom


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:11 PM

*Why is Monster Hunter Popular, not "how". 

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#10 Structures


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:30 PM

because it's addictive and fans of the game are loyal

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#11 tboss



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 05:02 PM

... played the demo. failed wondering how the easy ones life was so high. and y the game didnt show their life.

didnt notice the camra angles issue.

Edited by tboss, 12 March 2013 - 05:02 PM.

#12 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 12 March 2013 - 05:35 PM

What might help is if I tell how I got into monster hunter.  I'll put in a spoiler so as to keep this thread shorter.




I really should use spoilers more.

#13 3Dude



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:05 PM

Because it keeps people who shouldnt play out.



#14 ChrisTerror



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:16 PM

That demo really needed to start with a disclaimer that says "Demo does not represent actual gameplay, at all" if your judging this game off that demo, you've really no idea what goes into playing this game, and its not your fault, that was an extremely terrible demo for newcomers.

#15 Dharmanator



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:24 AM

Angry Birds gamer IQ < 90

Everything else

Monster Hunter gamer IQ > 120

That help?

#16 ArmedPrimate


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 06:37 AM

Another one? -Sighs and waits for 3dude.-

I was about to say the exact same thing, cue the flames

#17 dark_rabbid


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 07:18 AM

What they should have done was put a bunch of vids out instead of the demo. Theycouldhave shown much more of what you do in the game with seperate clips, armor creating, item creating, working the farm, item gathering from plants to animal parts, of course fighting, show the town, the fishing fleet, and the online works from the hub to the rest. People might respond better to that than a demo where they get stomped. As for me I can't wait to pic it up.

#18 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 10:36 AM

I have tried a few Monster Hunter games and I have to agree with the OP, they are horrible to me, another crappy game from Capcom in my opinion, it really is an aquired taste.

#19 syks-1


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:49 PM

What they should have done was put a bunch of vids out instead of the demo. Theycouldhave shown much more of what you do in the game with seperate clips, armor creating, item creating, working the farm, item gathering from plants to animal parts, of course fighting, show the town, the fishing fleet, and the online works from the hub to the rest. People might respond better to that than a demo where they get stomped. As for me I can't wait to pic it up.

EVERYTHING you put there seems boring as hell to me lol i also hate all monster hunter games ive played,they all just seem pointless and boring to me,dont know why....not my cuppa tea

#20 taz546565


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Posted 13 March 2013 - 03:58 PM

I guess it's just something you either get and love or you don't. personally I don't care for them and I really have tried to get it but I can't get past how clunky and repetitive it is. I don't get the motivation to play because the controls really don't suit me.

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