I must admit, I laughed so hard when he responded.

Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4
Posted 29 March 2013 - 06:57 PM
Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:19 PM
Uncharted isn't boring at all and professional reviewers agree with that. Uncharted 2 is often mentioned as one of the best games of all time.
I don't care what the reviewers said obviously. Cover shoot cover shoot cover shoot with virtually no enemy variation(and way too many enemies) is not fun at all. Solving easy "puzzles" that give you the answer right off is not fun. What else is there? Climbing walls? Looking for shiny things on the ground? The only fun part was the end of the game where everything changed. I haven't played uncharted 2 or 3 and I don't plan to since the first one was so awful and according to fans/reviews the third one is even worse. If Uncharted 2 doesn't completely overhaul the first game there's no way I'll ever take the notion of it being one of the best games of all time(or even a good game in general) seriously.
Now to be fair I haven't looked at reviews of Uncharted 2 and the first Uncharted did have good graphics, lovable but regular characters, and average story. Horrible gameplay though.
- Alex Atkin UK and Robotic Sunshine Commander like this
"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014
Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:33 PM
I don't care what the reviewers said obviously. Cover shoot cover shoot cover shoot with virtually no enemy variation(and way too many enemies) is not fun at all. Solving easy "puzzles" that give you the answer right off is not fun. What else is there? Climbing walls? Looking for shiny things on the ground? The only fun part was the end of the game where everything changed. I haven't played uncharted 2 or 3 and I don't plan to since the first one was so awful and according to fans/reviews the third one is even worse. If Uncharted 2 doesn't completely overhaul the first game there's no way I'll ever take the notion of it being one of the best games of all time(or even a good game in general) seriously.
Now to be fair I haven't looked at reviews of Uncharted 2 and the first Uncharted did have good graphics, lovable but regular characters, and average story. Horrible gameplay though.
The reason Uncharted 2 was so legendary and great is that it made all of the great things in Uncharted 1, that much better. Look at all the game of the year awards it won. You haven't seen any of it and it came out in 2009? Where have you been the last 4 years to miss one of the best games of all time? And literally the first half of your comment sounds like you are describing a Mario game besides the cover and shoot comment.
Edited by thechamp80, 29 March 2013 - 07:34 PM.
Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:50 PM
the problem is not Wii U isnt getting or wont get Unreal4 its the sentiment in his comment... basicalyy like F the Wii U we dont give a crap about it because its not spec for spec as powerful as ps4. he tweeted me after i told him to go F_CK himself that oh two of the top 10 best reviewed games on Wii U run on Unreal engine 3... he is delusional and have no idean like other Majors publishers what nintendo fans want.
Edited by GAMER1984, 29 March 2013 - 08:42 PM.
Posted 29 March 2013 - 08:34 PM
The reason Uncharted 2 was so legendary and great is that it made all of the great things in Uncharted 1, that much better. Look at all the game of the year awards it won. You haven't seen any of it and it came out in 2009? Where have you been the last 4 years to miss one of the best games of all time? And literally the first half of your comment sounds like you are describing a Mario game besides the cover and shoot comment.
Again, not one of the best games of all time. A decent 3PS but far from the best.
Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:03 PM
Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:12 AM
Is there any way someone could get hold of UE4 make a game demo and make it run on a Wii U and post it up on youtube?
I guess you'd need a dev kit I suppose though
Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:49 AM
LOL at throwing "hardcore" gamers out there. Apparently "hardcore" gamers want the same thing over and over and over and over and over again with no change in gameplay, no innovation. I hope Nintendo never decides to just cater to devs, publishers, or gamers who even put any consideration into the term "hardcore" so far as demographics are concerned.
Again, not one of the best games of all time. A decent 3PS but far from the best.
But if Nintendo had a exlusive on Uncharted 4 would it shift WiiU consoles ?
Yes i think it would, it might not be the best game in the world ever but it sells very well & also sells consoles, there is no game like this at all on the WiiU & there doesn't look like there will be anything like it in the near future either, the only game that could is Tomb Raider 2013 but the chances of that are slim unless there is some edition released next year, but alas it will be when everyone has completed the game & it is considered old hat on the X360 & PS3 when people with X720/PS4 are looking forward to the next Tomb Raider game.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 03:08 AM
But not a certain nect gen console... Because... Um... Has anyone seen cliffy b?"
No wonder everyone worth anything has left epic.
Crytek is surpassing them.
And nothing shown from ue4 even looks better than the latest ue3 demo
It sucks they are hating like that. Very unprofessional too.
A very strong anti-Nintendo statement was made there.
He never once noted specs. Because he'd get called on it but he just played it off and spun it.
Wonder if Nintendo will license Retro's engine...
- Robotic Sunshine Commander likes this
Posted 30 March 2013 - 03:47 AM
Ue4: " for next gen consoles... And um... Your telephone...
But not a certain nect gen console... Because... Um... Has anyone seen cliffy b?"
No wonder everyone worth anything has left epic.
Crytek is surpassing them.
And nothing shown from ue4 even looks better than the latest ue3 demo
It sucks they are hating like that. Very unprofessional too.
A very strong anti-Nintendo statement was made there.
He never once noted specs. Because he'd get called on it but he just played it off and spun it.
Wonder if Nintendo will license Retro's engine...
The best response Nintendo could make is make a game in UE4 that looks amazing. It'd just prove that Epic are full of unicorn tongue, and turn some heads
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:27 AM
Man, and I thought the Wii U couldn't look any worse. When you have game developers start to actually laugh out loud at the mention of the "Wii U" you know things are bad.
If UE3 was any indication of how popular UE4 will be in the next few years, then it's seriously over for the Wii U. Ha, what a joke of a console, seriously. Also, saying that UE4 is catered to "Next-Gen" makes me ROFL as the poor Wii U sits with ZERO 3rd party support going into 2014.
Don't worry guys... you'll have Mario to save you!
"Don't worry guys... you'll have Mario to save you!"
Actually, yes we do
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:36 AM
It seems like every piece of bad news is treated like it alone will bring down Nintendo. The 360 survived the ring of death, how much worse can it get than a massive fail rate.
It seem to me that these constant panic are based of a few misconceptions.
a) The next gen console race has begun.
Nintendo will be competing on the same basis
c) Nintendo will collapse if Wii U doesn't sell massive amount in the first twelve months.
The reality is that Microsoft haven't even announced their console and the PS4 isn't due till Xmas and even after that it'll take time for them develop next gen games. Nintendo have a huge headstart to settle in, build an installed base, lower manufacturing costs, develop the OS, build a software library and of course learn who to best utilise the hardware.
That said it won't be competing in exactly the same way just like with the Wii it'll find it's own niche. In twelve month time if it still isn't selling well, well they still have the successful 3DS and plenty of Yen in the bank to bail them out!
- Alex Atkin UK likes this
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:57 AM
Again, not one of the best games of all time. A decent 3PS but far from the best.
Dude that's just your opinion. You sound like a Nintendo fanboy right now. Uncharted 2 was the consensus game of the year for 2009. It is a consensus great game by the people who get paid to review games and those who played it. Just because it's not a "Wii U exclusive" doesn't mean it's not a great game. It's not just decent. That's like calling Super Mario Galaxy just another Mario game. It was that revolutionary.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:58 AM
it handle unreal engine 3
because Mass Effect 3 came out for wii u last 30th of November
why just use the unreal engine 3
compressize unreal to suit wii u
like capcom did with resident evil 4 because GameCube version was too powerfull for pc, xbox and ps2,
Edited by Smertrius, 30 March 2013 - 04:59 AM.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:28 AM
it handle unreal engine 3
because Mass Effect 3 came out for wii u last 30th of November
why just use the unreal engine 3
compressize unreal to suit wii u
like capcom did with resident evil 4 because GameCube version was too powerfull for pc, xbox and ps2,
Resi 4 wasn't too powerful for PC or xbox, it just got an awful port
Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:35 AM
they mention gamestm review of Resi 4 had be capcom had to Resi 4 compressionised to suit pc, ps2 and xbox, because of the graphics were to powerful for pc, xbox and ps2, i still have that issue magazine
Edited by Smertrius, 30 March 2013 - 05:40 AM.
Posted 30 March 2013 - 06:22 AM
Well, the way he broke news could actually be worse than UE4 not being optimized/ported (?) for Wii U. Pair that with the Frostbite engine news and this Epic comment sound even worse.
Thing is, this might not be that bad.
First of all, it`s possible to have it running on Wii U if developers want to try.
Second of all, if CryEngine 3.0 is really that good and works on Wii U than we could be facing a minimal loss - regarding UE4.
Third and probably most importante, truth is, more developers are making their own engines for this gen: SE, Capcom, Konami.
And let`s not Forget that Nintendo is offering Gameware for free to those who want to develop for Wii U!
Overall, Nintendo`s real loss will be seen on the number of developers using UE4 AND not using it to port to Wii U!
Posted 30 March 2013 - 07:08 AM
Dude that's just your opinion. You sound like a Nintendo fanboy right now. Uncharted 2 was the consensus game of the year for 2009. It is a consensus great game by the people who get paid to review games and those who played it. Just because it's not a "Wii U exclusive" doesn't mean it's not a great game. It's not just decent. That's like calling Super Mario Galaxy just another Mario game. It was that revolutionary.
Look at Bioshock Infinite.
It's March, it's been out a week.
It's Game of the Year.
Game of the Year means nothing.
If the game isn't dated in 10 years time, then maybe then it'll be considered a great game.
This is the problem with games like uncharted, last of us, etc.
They date. Really badly.
Graphics-wise, and gameplay-wise. not to mention the online servers will eventually go offline.
Will you still want to play a movie-narrative style game in 10 years when it's not the hip thing to do?
Will you still like the graphics when 2k resolution is a memory?
Jumping from block to block will never get old, because it's simple.
Who said a game has to be revolutionary to be fun? Hipsters aren't gamers.
I mean they obviously are, because just look at your comments, but not every gamer is a hipster who wants racism and religion bs shoved down their eyes, some just want a good game.
- TheSparrow87 likes this
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