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Wii U won't be getting Unreal Engine 4

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#101 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:52 PM

You know exactly what I mean. They will say those are the only next gen platforms that can run the game.

Then it will just be posturing, and hopefully gamers and especially Nintendo fans will see right through it.  I doubt there will be that many, though.

I think he means not coming to the Wii U. But Sony and Microsoft will unveil some great exclusives during their E3 too. Rumor is that Final Fantasy XV is PS4 exclusive.

He means limited specifically to PC, PS4, and 720.  Which would amount to cutting off your nose to spite your face.

#102 thechamp80



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:55 PM

Uncharted was fun.  Uncharted 2 is WAAYYYYY off from being considered anywhere close to being thought about being the best game of all time.

Uncharted was fun.  Uncharted 2 is WAAYYYYY off from being considered anywhere close to being thought about being the best game of all time.

You are mistaken. Uncharted 2 is one of the best scored games of all time on Metacritic. http://www.metacriti...2-among-thieves

A 96 which is incredible.

Oh and bad news for the dude who wanted Shenmue III as a Wii U exclusive.  Here is the creator of Shenmue, Yu Suzuki talking about it with the PS4 head architect Mark Cerny. http://www.thisisxbo...ant-mark-cerny/

#103 WaddleDee



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:58 PM

I don't really give a rainbow.


I currently spend all my time enjoying Monster Hunter and Lego City, if they keep coming up with these totally-not-graphic-focused games that run fine on the Wii U and are mostly played by the Nintendo-type of people, then I'm fine with anything.

#104 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:03 PM

If GTA is what you consider the pinacle of gaming, then go buy a PS3 or or 360 if you havent already.  Its obvious that those products offering is more in line with your taste in games.

I don't but its the only 3rd party titles can think of that has never graced a Nintendo home console.

There isn't any reason to downscale when the hardware to pull off all of the same graphical "tricks" is there.  There may be some limitations API wise as Nintendo continue to revise their toolkit and developers get more experience with the platform.  Other than that, barring any developers coding down for the Wii U simply because they aren't willing to put the effort into it (a la EPIC), multiplatform games will look largely identical on all three platforms.  I've said this before, later in the gen we will see some developers do things that can't be done on the Wii U, but you would be hard pressed to notice them.
Keep in mind that OpenGL and DirectX on x86 is extremely common and any developers who have built games for PC in the last 10 years have gobs of experience with it.  Even with all that experience and supposed power of the PS4, the best we've seen for the PS4 looks, well, a lot like what's coming out now for PS3 with some sharper textures.
Nintendo's platform is completely new, No one has ever seen or worked with this hardware before because the hardware itself never existed before Nintendo, IBM, and AMD built it.  Not only does it take time for developers to wrap their heads around that, it takes time for Nintendo to develop, distribute, and cycle the API's and development environments to aid in development.  What we saw in Killzone should be fairly indicative of what to expect from the game when it releases.  It may look a little better or worse because they'll have final hardware and HDK/SDK, but they'll have to add much more into the game than one on level with limited physics and AI, and character animations, the list goes on.
We've also seen a glimpse of what early development on an open world game on Wii U looks like, and that video alone should be enough to prove that not only can Wii U pull off enormous worlds, but it can do it and put AAA games like Skyrim to shame.
We are at a point where even sizable gaps in performance amount to little visual gain, but offer gains in supporting areas of game development.  The PS4 is sizeably more powerful than the Wii U, but it will translate to very little improvement in the overall look and feel of a game.  It depends on the game itself, to be fair, but the hardware is there to do the same thing on both systems.  Expect both to have absolutely stunning exclusives too.

You are very optimistic my friend. I will take a wait and see approach. I just seems the Wii U is far off in the mind of developers. I'm not hearing or seeing one thing... That encourages me. I think Bayonetta could be a great graphical title for the Wii U. E3 is coming and I hope Nintendo is ready because you either join the club or get left behind.

#105 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:12 PM

You are mistaken. Uncharted 2 is one of the best scored games of all time on Metacritic. http://www.metacriti...2-among-thieves

A 96 which is incredible.

If you go by Metacritic, Grand theft auto IV is the best game ever, which is complete hogwash, and has a user score of 7.6, more like it.


Most publications list Super Mario Brothers as the greatest game of all time, and it would be hard to argue, it was fresh, it was fun.  Uncharted series was another third person shooter with a climbing mechanic.  The only thing that made that game more entertaining than replaying tomb raider from 10 year earlier was the storytelling and the visuals.  The game itself was linear, and was supposed to be an "action/adventure" game when there was no adventure because you were told where to go the entire game.

I don't but its the only 3rd party titles can think of that has never graced a Nintendo home console.

You are very optimistic my friend. I will take a wait and see approach. I just seems the Wii U is far off in the mind of developers. I'm not hearing or seeing one thing... That encourages me. I think Bayonetta could be a great graphical title for the Wii U. E3 is coming and I hope Nintendo is ready because you either join the club or get left behind.

That's understandable.  But honestly, and Nintendo knows this better than anyone else, its all about the games, and Nintendo WILL deliver their games, we can all rest assured.  3rd parties other than Ubisoft, who have been great recently, may or may not support the Wii U, but what it comes down to is will there be fun and exciting games that will come to the Wii U?  Yes.


For that reason and armed with the knowledge that Nintendo still make the best games on the planet, I will be more than satisfied with my purchase.  The hardware is there, so if developers are willing to put their games on the Wii U so much the better.

#106 Alph


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:22 PM

I thought this back-stabbing Mcguffin liked the Wii U...

Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.

#107 BlueBlur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:24 PM

This thread and it's comments...



Get rid of Iwata and we'll get a more competitive Nintendo imo.

^This, Iwata is holding the company back, Nintendo seriously needs to take one out of Sony's playbook and give NOA a larger influence over the company at least that way Nintendo would know the interest of what modern devs and hardcore gamers crave.

#108 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:24 PM

If you go by Metacritic, Grand theft auto IV is the best game ever, which is complete hogwash, and has a user score of 7.6, more like it.
Most publications list Super Mario Brothers as the greatest game of all time, and it would be hard to argue, it was fresh, it was fun.  Uncharted series was another third person shooter with a climbing mechanic.  The only thing that made that game more entertaining than replaying tomb raider from 10 year earlier was the storytelling and the visuals.  The game itself was linear, and was supposed to be an "action/adventure" game when there was no adventure because you were told where to go the entire game.
That's understandable.  But honestly, and Nintendo knows this better than anyone else, its all about the games, and Nintendo WILL deliver their games, we can all rest assured.  3rd parties other than Ubisoft, who have been great recently, may or may not support the Wii U, but what it comes down to is will there be fun and exciting games that will come to the Wii U?  Yes.
For that reason and armed with the knowledge that Nintendo still make the best games on the planet, I will be more than satisfied with my purchase.  The hardware is there, so if developers are willing to put their games on the Wii U so much the better.

That's a problem though. How hard is it for Nintendo to invite 3rd parties to a location and say look at this. It looks good right the best way to get graphics out the Wii u is to do this. It just seems like there is no communication between Nintendo and 3rd parties. I'm a Nintendo fan but let's not put all the blame on 3rd parties like Nintendo can do no wrong.

#109 thechamp80



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:25 PM

I thought this back-stabbing Mcguffin liked the Wii U...

There is liking and then there is making excuses for them. I like the Wii U too, but Nintendo is horsing up in some major ways.

#110 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:30 PM

This thread and it's comments...


^This, Iwata is holding the company back, Nintendo seriously needs to take one out of Sony's playbook and give NOA a larger influence over the company at least that way Nintendo would know the interest of what modern devs and hardcore gamers crave.

As much as I love iwatas honesty and humility.... It time for him to go. We really do need a more modern leadership. Reggie and his kick a$$ and take name.... Yeah right they are sucking right now... No way around it.

There is liking and then there is making excuses for them. I like the Wii U too, but Nintendo is horsing up in some major ways.

Exactly! I know this is a pro Nintendo site but Nintendo can do better and we as their customers handing them over our hard earn mney should expect them to and hold EM to a higher standard all around. It's not fair to just make excuses and put all the blame on 3rd parties because Nintendo wants to do things their way and not have a middle ground.

Edited by GAMER1984, 29 March 2013 - 01:31 PM.

#111 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:30 PM

lol wtf?

I literally just got done saudering repairs on my 3ds, and this nonsense erupted while i was working?

There is nothing new here except the blatantly obvious anti nintendo narrative on display.

Epic already said all this.

Hell, I already said all this long before Epic did the time before this.

Epic is not going to bring ur4 to the wii u.

It can RUN on the wii u, hell it can on iphones. But Epic is not going to bother making a power isa ur4 Build when every other platform in the world, pc, ps4 xbox next, fricking smartphones.... Are all X86.... Just for Nintendo.

The real joke, is how the ur4 demo looked on the ps4. That was steaming garbage, especially for being on the system thats is supposed to be the power house of this generation.



#112 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:36 PM

This thread and it's comments...


^This, Iwata is holding the company back, Nintendo seriously needs to take one out of Sony's playbook and give NOA a larger influence over the company at least that way Nintendo would know the interest of what modern devs and hardcore gamers crave.

LOL at throwing "hardcore" gamers out there.  Apparently "hardcore" gamers want the same thing over and over and over and over and over again with no change in gameplay, no innovation.  I hope Nintendo never decides to just cater to devs, publishers, or gamers who even put any consideration into the term "hardcore" so far as demographics are concerned.

That's a problem though. How hard is it for Nintendo to invite 3rd parties to a location and say look at this. It looks good right the best way to get graphics out the Wii u is to do this. It just seems like there is no communication between Nintendo and 3rd parties. I'm a Nintendo fan but let's not put all the blame on 3rd parties like Nintendo can do no wrong.

There was zero communication until early this year.  Criterion made that point, that they needed support from Nintendo to get their game up and running because they didn't know what they were dealing with.  Nintendo can definitely do wrong, and they have with this launch, they are squandering a golden opportunity to lay the foundation of a successful system and allowing CEO's from 3rd party publishers to take potshots at them for headlines.

There is liking and then there is making excuses for them. I like the Wii U too, but Nintendo is horsing up in some major ways.

I'm not making excuses for them, they've definitely been not doing what they need to be doing during the launch window, and even with the improvements they are making, it is happening at 1/1000 the speed it should be happening.


More relevant to the argument, Nintendo isn't responsible for what EPIC chooses to do with their engine.  The engine will run on the hardware but either Nintendo themselves or some other third party is going to have to do the grunt work to set it up.

Edited by routerbad, 29 March 2013 - 01:33 PM.

#113 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:37 PM



Man, and I thought the Wii U couldn't look any worse. When you have game developers start to actually laugh out loud at the mention of the "Wii U" you know things are bad.


If UE3 was any indication of how popular UE4 will be in the next few years, then it's seriously over for the Wii U. Ha, what a joke of a console, seriously. Also, saying that UE4 is catered to "Next-Gen" makes me ROFL as the poor Wii U sits with ZERO 3rd party support going into 2014.


Don't worry guys... you'll have Mario to save you!

#114 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:38 PM

lol wtf?
I literally just got done saudering repairs on my 3ds, and this nonsense erupted while i was working?
There is nothing new here except the blatantly obvious anti nintendo narrative on display.
Epic already said all this.
Hell, I already said all this long before Epic did the time before this.
Epic is not going to bring ur4 to the wii u.
It can RUN on the wii u, hell it can on iphones. But Epic is not going to bother making a power isa ur4 Build when every other platform in the world, pc, ps4 xbox next, fricking smartphones.... Are all X86.... Just for Nintendo.
The real joke, is how the ur4 demo looked on the ps4. That was steaming garbage, especially for being on the system thats is supposed to be the power house of this generation.

Yeah it didn't look as good as the PC version... But the rumors are its not running on final hardware which won't be available until summer. I don't know I would love to see that running on final Wii U just to compare. I'm really not a graphics whore but I hate to see devs not push a system and give us crap. I just want comparable graphics on my Nintendo home console. Give me another GameCube that's all I want the wii u to be GameCube 2 but right now what we have seen its not looking good.

Edited by GAMER1984, 29 March 2013 - 01:41 PM.

#115 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:38 PM

LOL at throwing "hardcore" gamers out there.  Apparently "hardcore" gamers want the same thing over and over and over and over and over again with no change in gameplay, no innovation. 


So, I'm assuming every single Nintendo fan who has bought the same exact Mario game over the last 20 years is "Hardcore" ?

#116 BlueBlur


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:41 PM

There was zero communication until early this year.  Criterion made that point, that they needed support from Nintendo to get their game up and running because they didn't know what they were dealing with.  Nintendo can definitely do wrong, and they have with this launch, they are squandering a golden opportunity to lay the foundation of a successful system and allowing CEO's from 3rd party publishers to take potshots at them for headlines.

This is why NOA should take over the majority of Nintendo, you can guarantee Reggie wouldn't be as passive as Iwata.

#117 routerbad



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:44 PM



Man, and I thought the Wii U couldn't look any worse. When you have game developers start to actually laugh out loud at the mention of the "Wii U" you know things are bad.


If UE3 was any indication of how popular UE4 will be in the next few years, then it's seriously over for the Wii U. Ha, what a joke of a console, seriously. Also, saying that UE4 is catered to "Next-Gen" makes me ROFL as the poor Wii U sits with ZERO 3rd party support going into 2014.


Don't worry guys... you'll have Mario to save you!

Your comment is both rife with ignorance, and littered with self importance.  Please donate your brain to science so they can figure out what disorder creates such angst in someone that the only way they can sooth their own shriveling ego is to grief others.


Oh yeah, you haven't passed Erikson's second stage of psycho-social development.  

So, I'm assuming every single Nintendo fan who has bought the same exact Mario game over the last 20 years is "Hardcore" ?

Actually yes, "hardcore" doesn't define what someone plays, but how much they play it, so going by your 'same Mario game for 20 years' approach, they are the most hardcore, as a matter of fact.

#118 3Dude



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:44 PM

Cyanotic, on 29 Mar 2013 - 07:52, said:So, I'm assuming every single Nintendo fan who has bought the same exact Mario game over the last 20 years is "Hardcore" ?

Youd actually be very hard pressed to find 2 exact same mario games in the same vein as say, whats been going on with call of duty.

The closest you will be able to find would be galaxy 1 and 2, and they are the only titles of their kind in existance, and roughly 5 or 6 or more call of dutys have come out since galaxy 1.

Thats a really poor argument.



#119 thechamp80



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:48 PM

Cyanotic, on 29 Mar 2013 - 07:52, said:So, I'm assuming every single Nintendo fan who has bought the same exact Mario game over the last 20 years is "Hardcore" ?

Youd actually be very hard pressed to find 2 exact same mario games in the same vein as say, whats been going on with call of duty.

The closest you will be able to find would be galaxy 1 and 2, and they are the only titles of their kind in existance, and roughly 5 or 6 or more call of dutys have come out since galaxy 1.

Thats a really poor argument.

New Super Mario Bros 2 and New Super Mario Bros U are closer than any COD game. And I haven't bought a COD since MW2, which was pretty awful.

Edited by thechamp80, 29 March 2013 - 01:56 PM.

#120 Cyanotic


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:55 PM

Don't bash the COD's of the world for following a winning formula and not taking risks because that's ALL Nintendo has ever done as well.


Mario, Zelda, Metroid.


Oh wow... way to innovate Nintendo. Same exact games for the past 25 years with slight changes over the decades.


And don't assume I even play COD, because I don't. I refuse to encourage developers rehashing the same idea's over and over again.


The only saving grace for the Wii U was awesome 3rd party support that used the gamepad in amazing ways that the other consoles couldn't replicate. Too bad that reality will never come into fruition, because 3rd party support is jumping away from the Wii U like it's the Titantic.

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