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Why Retro Studios ISN'T making a Star Fox Game!

Star fox retro studios retro studio not making game wii

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#1 Chrop



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:31 AM

First off I just want to say I could be wrong, but am pretty sure am not (unfortunately enough because i would love a star fox game).


The first thing that comes to mind is that Shigeru Miyamoto said he wasn't going to create a star fox game if the sales of star fox 64 3D was bad, Star Fox 64 3D was released months AFTER Retro was already creating their new game. Miyamoto of all people should know what retro is making. (probably the biggest reason why they aren't creating the game)


Second, recently Miyamoto said he would love to create a Star Fox on the Wii U, if retro was making a star fox game then odds are he would have never said that. 




The list when the wii u was hacked, showing codenames of games already released and games that are possibly in deveopment, Mario 3d (or Nsmbu), yarn yoshi, zombiU, flipnote studios and wii fit are their but no star fox, another game there called "Metroid" is there (which is what retro could be creating).


4. Retro studios hired a bunch of people from shooter games. no games that are related to on rail shooters.


Also its not a new IP since its something we have all wanted them to make, My guess is that they are creating another metroid game.


Its also a idea that after pikmin 3 is done, they might start on a starfox game.


someone, anyone please convince me am wrong because my hype for a new star fox game has all vanished :'(.

Edited by Chrop, 07 April 2013 - 02:37 PM.

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#2 DéliopT



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:38 AM

Metroid is a pretty good guess. Most likely, if the game is another 3D Metroid.


Still, it may not be the case.
Retro`s game was pulled out at last minute from E3. If it was a Metroid game why not show it even if it wasn`t in it`s best state? Or at least show a CGI vídeo.
My guess is that it`s something new and Nintendo wants to impress.


Or, they are developing two titles at the same time.



#3 Colinx



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:38 AM

Well if you think about the name, Retro Studios and what they've done, restore old franchises. Star Fox does make sense, I agree it probably is a Metroid game, but just because Myiamoto said that really doesn't mean anything. I think after these first few batches of Wii U games come out, Mario Kart, 3D Mario, Metroid, Windwaker Remake ect. once they're done we will get some second tier ones like Animal Crossing, Star Fox, more Mario obviously, Zelda(not that Zelda is a second tier franchise just that the completely new one will probably be out in 2-3 years) and maybe even an FZERO. I think Nintendo realizes that the fans really want Starfox and FZERO so lets hope for the best! Oh and Nintendo, how about Mario Kart vs. Diddy Kong Racing please?!


#4 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:42 AM

First off I just want to say I could be wrong, but am pretty sure am not (unfortunately enough because i would love a star fox game).


The first thing that comes to mind is that Shigeru Miyamoto said he wasn't going to create a star fox game if the sales of star fox 64 3D was bad, Star Fox 64 3D was released months AFTER Retro was already creating their new game. Miyamoto of all people should know what retro is making. (probably the biggest reason why they aren't creating the game)


Second, recently Miyamoto said he would love to create a Star Fox on the Wii U, if retro was making a star fox game then odds are he would have never said that. 




The list when the wii u was hacked, showing codenames of games already released and games that are possibly in deveopment, Mario 3d (or Nsmbu), yarn yoshi, zombiU, flipnote studios and wii fit are their but no star fox, another game there called "Metroid" is there (which is what retro could be creating).


4. Retro studios hired a bunch of people from shooter games. no games that are related to on rail shooters.


My guess is that they are creating another metroid game.


someone, anyone please convince me am wrong because my hype for a new star fox game has all vanished :'(.



99% sure the super mario wii u was the next 3D mario, since they are gonna show it at E3.



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#5 Alph


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:49 AM

I think you have persuaded me that Star Fox isn't the game Retro is creating. :( I'm okay with Metroid though, as long as it's 3D.

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#6 Nollog


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Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:08 AM

miiverse was never hacked, someone just goofed into one of their backpages.


I think we all know it's not star fox, but we want a star fox.

At least I do.


It's either metroid 97, or soul hackers.

Everybody kept saying they want a new ip from nintendo and retro would be a good choice to make it.

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#7 Brando67854321



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:18 AM

First off I just want to say I could be wrong, but am pretty sure am not (unfortunately enough because i would love a star fox game).


The first thing that comes to mind is that Shigeru Miyamoto said he wasn't going to create a star fox game if the sales of star fox 64 3D was bad, Star Fox 64 3D was released months AFTER Retro was already creating their new game. Miyamoto of all people should know what retro is making. (probably the biggest reason why they aren't creating the game)


Second, recently Miyamoto said he would love to create a Star Fox on the Wii U, if retro was making a star fox game then odds are he would have never said that. 




The list when the wii u was hacked, showing codenames of games already released and games that are possibly in deveopment, Mario 3d (or Nsmbu), yarn yoshi, zombiU, flipnote studios and wii fit are their but no star fox, another game there called "Metroid" is there (which is what retro could be creating).


4. Retro studios hired a bunch of people from shooter games. no games that are related to on rail shooters.


Also its not a new IP since its something we have all wanted them to make, My guess is that they are creating another metroid game.


someone, anyone please convince me am wrong because my hype for a new star fox game has all vanished :'(.

Agreed. This is why I prefer online play to local play. The lack of online in Star fox 64 3d led to bad sales which killed the franchise! :(

Edited by Brando67854321, 07 April 2013 - 08:18 AM.

#8 PyroKinesis



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:32 AM

Never played a Star Fox game, (shocking for someone who has been Nintendo-ing since the 64, I know) but I would gladly play a Wii U version if one were to be released.

#9 Big Boss

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Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:36 AM

I hope that list is legit, cuz I really want MGS on Wii U.

#10 dragomix



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:25 PM

List is legit:


Super Mario Wii U - New 3D Mario ND (true)

Metroid - New retro's game? (dont know)

Zombie - Zombie U or Zombie U 2? (true)

Yoshi's Land - ND (ture)

Flipnote Studio - 3DS (true)

Donkey Kong - Donkey Kong 3DS (true)

Wii Fit - E3 (true)

Soul Hackers - 3DS NA release (true)

Resident Evil's - Resident Evil Revelations (true), and 6 (was in development but cancelled)

Metal Gear Solid - Metal Gear Solid 5 Wii U ? (dont know)

FF 3 - VC (true)

DQ 10 - DQ 10 HD (true)


So only 2 titles are not confirmed, Metroid and MGS. Metroid is probably new Retro's game, and MGS is MGSV. I hope they announce MGSV Wii U on E3.   

#11 Chrop



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:35 PM

Never played a Star Fox game, (shocking for someone who has been Nintendo-ing since the 64, I know) but I would gladly play a Wii U version if one were to be released.

Get StarFox 64 3D, you wont regret it, 



I hope that list is legit, cuz I really want MGS on Wii U.

up to now almost all but 2 or so have been confirmed. so you could say so

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#12 PyroKinesis



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Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:59 PM

Get StarFox 64 3D, you wont regret it,


I would rather make my entrance into the series in a new game, rather than an old one. It's why I got Assassin's Creed III instead of the original.

#13 Chrop



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 02:06 AM

I would rather make my entrance into the series in a new game, rather than an old one. It's why I got Assassin's Creed III instead of the original.

you're probably going to be waiting until 2017-2018 (that is if they even make a starfox game after pikmin, if not EVEN LONGER), your call

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#14 3Dude



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 05:15 PM




#15 TheDoctor_13


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 07:59 PM

I really hope Retro isn't making a new Metroid game. I bought the first Prime, and maybe I didn't know what I was doing but I hated it. I previously played Metroid when I got a DS version of the series (I think I got it with my gamecube, idk) I thought that was pretty fun rolling around and shooting the jelly fish looking robot alien things (Yeah..), but Prime disapointed me, but I never gave it much of a chance.

Stupid Snowmads!

#16 Julio93


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 08:37 PM

I hope they are happy with the sales because i can't find any copy of Star Fox 3D, And i hope Retro is working on a new IP, Metroid & DK is nice but c'mon lets see some new IPs.



#17 Socalmuscle


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Posted 08 April 2013 - 08:56 PM

Metroid is exactly what the Wii U needs right now.

#18 Soul



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Posted 08 April 2013 - 09:31 PM

What I want from Retro is a diverse shooter.

#19 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 10:08 AM

I really hope Retro isn't making a new Metroid game. I bought the first Prime, and maybe I didn't know what I was doing but I hated it. I previously played Metroid when I got a DS version of the series (I think I got it with my gamecube, idk) I thought that was pretty fun rolling around and shooting the jelly fish looking robot alien things (Yeah..), but Prime disapointed me, but I never gave it much of a chance.

Sounds like it.

Metroid prime hunters was a shooter, especially the first hunt demo, where you simply shoot things to proceed.

While metroid prime is the best crafted exploration adventure game ever made. Most things you encounter is simply alien wild life and not enemies, and unless agressively territorial doesnt need to be, well, murdered, and certainly not just to unlock the door to proceed.

You progress through the game by exploring the environments, finding out where you can go with the current abilities you possess, and go there, finding power ups which alter the core mechanics of the game, like being able to jump higher, farther, speed boost up half pipes, grapple swing, etc to proceed to and explore new areas and find there power ups.

While you often go through familiar areas on your way to use new found power to go somewhere new, You typically never traverse the same area the same way.

The first time through you walk on the ground to the door on the other side. Your next time through is as a ball through a hole in the wall, Your next time through you are space jumping on top of the pillars you thought were decoration, next time you are rolling on the magnetic rails on the ceiling and walls, grapple swinging....

Along the way you discover bases of the space pirates, and can hack their systems to see what they are up to. After splatterizing them.

It sounds like you never made it past the first power up or two.



#20 Blue22


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 05:30 PM

I think star fox 64 3D got bad sales because


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Star fox, retro studios, retro, studio, not, making, game, wii

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