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Why are people still ripping on the Wii U even after the X demo?

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#41 thechamp80



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 06:49 PM

X doesn't look like anything graphically better than the current gen. Killzone Shadow Fall destroys it and God of War Ascension looks better than it. Doesn't mean it won't be a great game though.

#42 Penguin101


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:15 AM

X doesn't look like anything graphically better than the current gen. Killzone Shadow Fall destroys it and God of War Ascension looks better than it. Doesn't mean it won't be a great game though.


Now most of those games you've mentioned aren't large open world RPG games. I wanna see a next gen Final Fantasy game before I make any decisions on what the game is visually.


By the looks of things the draw distance is like nothing we've seen in an open world RPG game. Also looks like the'll be less frequent loading times due to the large volume of RAM (comparatively to 360 and PS3 games), which means I'll be happy with the current gen visual presentation, especially when it's AAA visual presentation.


Of course naturally if it's anything like Xenoblade Chronicles and if it's anywhere near as awesome as the trailer my head will need to be glued together as my mind gets blown over and  over again. 



However if by the release date they manage to not only give us amazing draw distance, less frequent loading times AND they add stuff like tesselation to the enemy characters, or add some extra details (it's fine at the moment, nothing wrong with the character models IMO) to the character models, it'd be the cherry on top of this amazing gamescake visually. 


PS: hmm games are like cake. The actual cake itself is gameplay, and the icing outside are the visuals! :D

Edited by Penguin101, 10 April 2013 - 04:08 AM.

#43 3Dude



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 04:06 AM

People, you need to understand why you cant compare games that take place in tiny itty bitty areas with a pretty back drop to an open world where everything in the distance is actually there and can be traveled too.

The fact that you consistantly try to compare an alpha build of X to corridor shooters and arena layouts, all of which are a fraction of the size of xenoblade on wii, instead of OPEN WORLD 360/ps3 games speaks volumes.

You cant find any open world ps360 games that can match the alpha build of x.



#44 Thugbrown


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 04:36 AM

While I think the X demo was impressive just as 3Dude said you can't compare that type of  open world game to other games that are not the same on the PS4.  X does in alpha trump anything that I have seen (open world game wise) on the ps360 and I can't wait to see the final product when it's finished. 

#45 Goodtwin


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 06:12 AM

X looks really nice, but its not PS4 level stuff.  The good thing about X is that it will be tailored around what the Wii U can do well.  To me, X looks like it takes a lot of influence from Anime, and that graphics style should hold up very well on the Wii U.  I am certainly excited to see more of this title, but people need to get past the Wii U vs PS4 debate.  PS4 is more powerful hands down, that doesnt mean it will have better games.  I can gaurantee that the Wii U will have more than enough great games to justify the purchase of the hardware. 

#46 MorbidGod


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 08:38 AM

...I'm not hating on the Wii U but I can pretty much say that it's not going to be anywhere near as powerful as the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft, and that's fine as power
isn't the reason I bought a Wii U.

The fact that people are getting so defensive over people stating the fact that no Wii U game has shown the console to be a huge leap into next-gen performance wise is confusing me, did you buy the Wii U, a console with a controller which has a touch screen on it for $300 expecting it to be some huge graphical leap?

I bought a Wii U for the controller and the exclusives, any third party support is just a bonus to me.

I bought a Wii U expecting it to have a small leap, just like if I buy a PS4 I will expect a small jump.

And I am nit sure we have seen what the PS4 can do. We have seen tech demoes. That doesn't always translate to actual game play.

About the X game, the fact we are having this discussion proves my point that people can't tell the difference between this Gen and next. It's getting to a point where it won't matter about the graphics.

In my opinion, the X looked like a game that pushed the limits of this Gen hardware. And that is on an early build of a game of a console that hasn't been pushed it it's limits yet. So why the hate in the Wii U?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#47 routerbad



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 09:40 AM

X looks really nice, but its not PS4 level stuff.  The good thing about X is that it will be tailored around what the Wii U can do well.  To me, X looks like it takes a lot of influence from Anime, and that graphics style should hold up very well on the Wii U.  I am certainly excited to see more of this title, but people need to get past the Wii U vs PS4 debate.  PS4 is more powerful hands down, that doesnt mean it will have better games.  I can gaurantee that the Wii U will have more than enough great games to justify the purchase of the hardware. 

It doesn't even necessarily guarantee it will have better looking games, there's only so much that more polygons can do, and at this point, it isn't much.  All the Wii U has to do is all of the same techniques available elsewhere, and done well enough to make games look great.  The extra power in the PS4 certainly does allow for more detailed models, but that means very little to any but the trained eye.


The amount of detail in the X demo is basically the quality you would see in a tightly scripted live rendered cutscene on PS360.

People, you need to understand why you cant compare games that take place in tiny itty bitty areas with a pretty back drop to an open world where everything in the distance is actually there and can be traveled too.

The fact that you consistantly try to compare an alpha build of X to corridor shooters and arena layouts, all of which are a fraction of the size of xenoblade on wii, instead of OPEN WORLD 360/ps3 games speaks volumes.

You cant find any open world ps360 games that can match the alpha build of x.



*compares X demo to GoW cutscene, meh current gen* sounds legit.

#48 Goodtwin


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:14 AM

It doesn't even necessarily guarantee it will have better looking games, there's only so much that more polygons can do, and at this point, it isn't much.  All the Wii U has to do is all of the same techniques available elsewhere, and done well enough to make games look great.  The extra power in the PS4 certainly does allow for more detailed models, but that means very little to any but the trained eye.


The amount of detail in the X demo is basically the quality you would see in a tightly scripted live rendered cutscene on PS360.



*compares X demo to GoW cutscene, meh current gen* sounds legit.


Until you have games generating Avatar level graphics, your far from hitting the ceiling, but that doesnt mean everything below that threshold looks like crap.  We have gotten to the point where games can look very good, and the art direction often surpasses the importance of technical limitations.   

#49 routerbad



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:57 AM

Until you have games generating Avatar level graphics, your far from hitting the ceiling, but that doesnt mean everything below that threshold looks like crap.  We have gotten to the point where games can look very good, and the art direction often surpasses the importance of technical limitations.   

You are never going to get live rendered gameplay that looks anywhere near Avatar within the next 20 years.  I agree that art direction often trumps polygon counts, but there are games with a particular art direction that depends on polygons and advanced rendering effects.

#50 Desert Punk

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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:34 PM

X looks great and to be honest if the wii u has games looking like that I'm happy.


Very difficult game to compare with current gen as not much like it. Red Dead Redemption while you are on horseback?


Doesn't look next gen to me and looks completely possible on current gen. Still looks great though.

#51 Goodtwin


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:46 PM

You are never going to get live rendered gameplay that looks anywhere near Avatar within the next 20 years.  I agree that art direction often trumps polygon counts, but there are games with a particular art direction that depends on polygons and advanced rendering effects.


True, but that was just to point out that there is plenty of room for further technical advances in games, and that will eventually happen.  Remember when PS2 was going to have Toy Story level graphics?  Yea, I am still waiting on that. :P  

#52 routerbad



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:50 PM

X looks great and to be honest if the wii u has games looking like that I'm happy.


Very difficult game to compare with current gen as not much like it. Red Dead Redemption while you are on horseback?


Doesn't look next gen to me and looks completely possible on current gen. Still looks great though.

Agreed, if that is an indicator of what to expect from Wii U, even if Sony can pull of much more, which I don't see happening honestly, I'll be completely satisfied with my purchase.

True, but that was just to point out that there is plenty of room for further technical advances in games, and that will eventually happen.  Remember when PS2 was going to have Toy Story level graphics?  Yea, I am still waiting on that. :P  

Haha, very true.  I'm excited to see what the generation after this holds, as I expect some serious improvements in technologies during this generation.  The engines will continue to improve on all platforms, but later in the gen I think the PS4 will start showing it's muscle and grunt and will produce some very eye popping visuals, even considering what we're already used to seeing.

#53 alan123


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:53 PM

What is this 'X' Demo ?

#54 routerbad



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:55 PM

What is this 'X' Demo ?



#55 alan123


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:04 PM



Oh i did see this on the Nintendo Direct but didn't know it was called 'x'


just looks like some sort of MH game, not my bag at all.

#56 routerbad



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 01:07 PM

Oh i did see this on the Nintendo Direct but didn't know it was called 'x'


just looks like some sort of MH game, not my bag at all.

Gotta read the thread dude, nothing like MH, its a pure RPG.

#57 3Dude



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 04:34 AM

X looks great and to be honest if the wii u has games looking like that I'm happy.

Very difficult game to compare with current gen as not much like it. Red Dead Redemption while you are on horseback?

Doesn't look next gen to me and looks completely possible on current gen. Still looks great though.

Rdr, skyrim, fallout 3, any open world game is going to be what we have to compare it with.

In the case of rdr, the characters are a fraction of the polygons, including the highest poly character, main character
John Marston weighing in at - 14,980 triangles. Around 4,000 less polygons than Samus in metroid prime 3 for wii. Yes, wii. Open world game overhead.

A lot of people dont understand that to make an open world game, individual asset typically falls around the previous gens high quality assets...

Vastly lower res textures, orders of magnitude lower. All around.

Polygons of wildlife a fraction of the number of whats seen wandering around x. Id be willing to wager one bronto looking dino in x is higher poly than every critter that can be on screen in rdr at once. Easily.

Geometry composed of simple rolling planes with nothing in it or pretty much on it. (not talking about plants etc, just ground geometry)

X is composed of complex rock structures actually modeled out of polygons, likely using tesselation. Similar terrain in rdr (or open world 360 games in general) consists of flat geometry with normal maps. Flat areas in x, like the beach actually have hundreds of tiny (maybe thumb sized) rocks actually rendered in polygons, where rdr has nothing.

Rdr has heavily heavily instanced low poly geometry, with typically only one or two cactus models being instanced over and over again.

X has much, much, much higher poly bizaare alien plant life boquet.... things... with several unique variations already shown. Among more instanced geometry like the rock spires

And its only in alpha.



#58 Desert Punk

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Posted 11 April 2013 - 04:55 AM

I see no evidence in that video that anything is being achieved on wii u that hasn't already been achieved on ps3/360 but I only have that video for information. Some of it looks good and some not so good. I was very impressed with what they had achieved on wii with Xenoblade Chronicles. Yes some of the textures were terrible but the overall graphic presentation was very good. My initial impression is that 'X' doesn't seem as alive as environments like Skyrim which have more going on but appears like a HD version of Xenoblade Chronicles which is no bad thing.

#59 3Dude



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 04:59 AM

I see no evidence in that video that anything is being achieved on wii u that hasn't already been achieved on ps3/360 but I only have that video for information. Some of it looks good and some not so good. I was very impressed with what they had achieved on wii with Xenoblade Chronicles. Yes some of the textures were terrible but the overall graphic presentation was very good. My initial impression is that 'X' doesn't seem as alive as environments like Skyrim which have more going on but appears like a HD version of Xenoblade Chronicles which is no bad thing.

Yeah, having a main character being lower poly than a wii game is a massive accomplishment for a ps360 game.

Your inability to adress anything brought up is all that needs to be adressed here.

The simple fact of the matter is, open world games typically have the same polycounts as last gen games of smaller/controlled scale.

People saying they see this wii u game as on par with 360/ps3 games like god of war, IS inadverantly, unwittingly proof of a jump in power.

Case in point:

vanessa schneider of gamecubes P. no. 3:

14,993 Polygons.

John Marston Of Red dead Redemption on XBOX 360 :

14,980 polygons.

These are hard facts.

Edited by 3Dude, 11 April 2013 - 06:10 AM.



#60 Ghost



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 06:32 AM

I think it because the 360 really set the pace in development. Also I heard people say this is just like a 1.5 improvement that skyrim should have been. Also why are we comparing this consoles to 7-8yr old ones. The xbox360 came in 2005 and still holds its own in power and graphics. The PS3 came is 2006 and today no has yet to harness the Cell to full power. The Wii came out 2006 and to this day not even the best developers could harness the motions control on it, people even say it was in a different league of motion controlling. Also Xenoblade(I have not play and this coming from a PS3/360 user) probably destroys a lot of games on 360 and PS3.

Edited by Ghost, 11 April 2013 - 06:33 AM.

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