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More light on Nintendo's E3. Adam Sessler.

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#1 Colinx



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 01:03 PM

For those of you who don't quite understand Nintendo's E3 strategy, watch this and it will give you a better understanding.



#2 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 01:58 PM

He's being a little harsh, but i somewhat agree.


#3 BlueBlur


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 02:31 PM

As Adam said Nintendo seems to be living inside a bubble, this is why i believe Iwata should step down, he's clearly out of touch with the industry, im hopeful that his new role as the CEO of NoA will open his eyes to the culture differences in gaming between the west and Japan.

#4 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:04 PM

The man has a serious point.


Maybe people will ease up about my earlier comments concerning Reggie and Iwata now.


Iwata is great because he understands the industry from a developers perspective.  But he really should be a board member.  Not the visionary and CEO.


hardware development at Nintendo is great.  But in terms of understanding what gamers want, neither Iwata nor Reggie "get it." 


What gamers DON'T want is to have the Wii U EXPLAINED to them.  What they want are GAMES that SHOW why they WANT the Wii U.


A traditional big, explosive E3 would do just that.  Nintendo Direct is neat in concept, poor in execution and poor in prestige.


someone new is needed in Japan.  Not a novice, but someone who is both seasoned and understands TODAYS gamer.  


And some serious new blood is needed at NOA as well.  No more fat guy "kicking rear end and taking names" while at the same time explaining why that years new console isn't very powerful...


Nintendo is a very stubborn company.  Often that ends up being a plus.  but sometimes it is crippling.  Put the stubbornness where it belongs and you have nirvana.  Put it where it doesn't and you have irrelevance.

The man has a serious point.


Maybe people will ease up about my earlier comments concerning Reggie and Iwata now.


Iwata is great because he understands the industry from a developers perspective.  But he really should be a board member.  Not the visionary and CEO.


hardware development at Nintendo is great.  But in terms of understanding what gamers want, neither Iwata nor Reggie "get it." 


What gamers DON'T want is to have the Wii U EXPLAINED to them.  What they want are GAMES that SHOW why they WANT the Wii U.


A traditional big, explosive E3 would do just that.  Nintendo Direct is neat in concept, poor in execution and poor in prestige.


someone new is needed in Japan.  Not a novice, but someone who is both seasoned and understands TODAYS gamer.  


And some serious new blood is needed at NOA as well.  No more fat guy "kicking rear end and taking names" while at the same time explaining why that years new console isn't very powerful...


Nintendo is a very stubborn company.  Often that ends up being a plus.  but sometimes it is crippling.  Put the stubbornness where it belongs and you have nirvana.  Put it where it doesn't and you have irrelevance.

#5 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:14 PM

If Nintendo only does a Nintendo Direct, hands on with games and a meeting with stores, then they are crazy. Case in point.

However, read what Iwata said.

Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided. During the E3 period, we will utilize our direct communication tools,[B] such as Nintendo Direct/B], to deliver information to our Japanese audience, including those who are at this financial briefing, mainly focusing on the software that we are going to launch in Japan, and we will take the same approach outside Japan for the overseas fans as well."

Every time he spoke about what they are going to do, he used Nintendo Direct as an example but made it clear that they are looking at other means to show what they want to show us.

I for one think having a video online -- hosted on the Wii U, the 3DS and streamed on popular web sites like The Verge and IGN -- kind of like Nintendo Direct but on a larger event would be effective. Before E3. Then during E3, all the media can come play those games and report back to us. Remember, it's before the Conference is open. This way there is no excuse. These guys will have tons of time to play, and even tweet, what they saw before E3.

And don't forget, Nintendo wants to show people who haven't bought the Wii U why they should. A show like E3 ... Open to only the press m.. Is an expensive option and doesn't do that. Because the people they want to buy the console can't physically play the Wii U.

It's entirely possible Nintendo is going to have events open for the public. So we can come and play these new games. Probably in big areas like New York City.

Are they? Who knows. But Nintendo is considering it, I am sure. Some of you might not remember Space World. It was in Japan and they did it every year up until 2000. Who's to say they won't do it again?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#6 BlueBlur


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:17 PM

Using only Nintendo Direct to market a system is like advertising for a sandwich shop on the bread of the sandwich; They're not going to see it until they bought it. I love Nintendo, but they need to start working a little harder.
Even the top comments have a point, i hope Nintendo learns from all this.

#7 DéliopT



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:24 PM

He is right for the most part. ND doesn`t have the visibility of an E3 - no matter how fans love it (i do, too!).

Marketing games also envolves showing them in the brightest light. Na event of the size and anticipation of E3 would create that limelight.

The gaming media will always report what they see. But what do you think will get them more excited: a man on a white background showing great games or several executives and invited studios to demonstrate games on a big room with a giant screen behind them and a loud sound?


All consoles, from what i remember, had software droughts after launch. The real problem is that Wii U had software droughts for two consoles put together.



#8 Azure-Edge


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:30 PM

Watching how people have been reacting to this today is just freaking hilarious.


#9 DexterousGecko


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:41 PM

The man speaks the truth. 100 percent. He's going only from what we've been told, and it looks like Nintendo is counting on the fact that they ARE Nintendo to sell the console for them. It's just not going to work anymore. Of course Nintendo loyalists will be Nintendo. The problem is everyone else. Casuals? They already bought a wii and don't understand or want an "upgrade" (sigh). The "hardcore" gamers? They'll be looking at Sony and Microsoft. Who's left?

#10 BlueBlur


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 03:58 PM

The man speaks the truth. 100 percent. He's going only from what we've been told, and it looks like Nintendo is counting on the fact that they ARE Nintendo to sell the console for them. It's just not going to work anymore. Of course Nintendo loyalists will be Nintendo. The problem is everyone else. Casuals? They already bought a wii and don't understand or want an "upgrade" (sigh). The "hardcore" gamers? They'll be looking at Sony and Microsoft. Who's left?


#11 Cozmo


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:00 PM

i originally thought that the nd was a great way to advertising games but after hearin him talk about his concerns with it, i agree. the need a way to advertise the wii u and its games to the people who are solely nintendo fans.

#12 Socalmuscle


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

E3 is the place to "let it all hang out." Nintendo is choosing to not do that.  they will have sales meetings and let games be played. Good.  But so far, outside of any pleasant surprises, not good enough. Certainly not for an E3 event.


sony revealed the PS4 early to shock and awe the industry and then let it sink in and fester.  It has worked.  On E3, they will get to do a double whammy.  They have already sealed the deal with smoke and mirrors, now they will reel 'em in with the goods and stage time.


Microsoft is revealing the new xbox soon.  Then on E3, they will do something similar to Nintendo is making lots of time for game experiences.


But no doubt there will be stage time as well.


Nintendo is wise to do Directs.  Especially since most of the gaming media ignores them.  but those Directs are not done well enough to take the place of major public announcements.  Sorry, they just aren't.  There are homemade youtube videos done much better.


If Nintendo wants to avoid E3 stage time, then HOST a real event with real media at NOA HQ. Heck, even doing it in a small nursery-looking room like they did with those "families" recently is preferable to a Direct.


And then send a (HD fer cryin' out loud!) version of the live stream and archive to every media outlet known to mankind.  Heck, bump it up to 4K if you want.  Just make it sharp!  hire people who can actually get people excited when they speak.  focus on the speech.  Make it memorable and enticing.  


Heck, Apple sort of led the way with this.  they started forgoing MacWorld and hosting product launches at their HQ in Cupertino.  It's WAY cheaper, but gets the same media exposure and they have particular press there on hand to get the word out.


That's the way to do it.


NOT what has been mentioned by Iwata so far.


I hope either Nintendo held something back or that they can get up to speed before E3.


Even KIDS are starting to shy away from Nintendo's "kid friendly" approach nowadays.


Which is kinda crazy.  


Nintendo looks to stuck in a rut.  when all else struggles, they rely on the old standby - KIDS! YAY!


but nowadays, kids are different.


And the recent Wii U commercials with families that I don't think anyone really relates to and kiddie themes all around, seem to be in stark contrast to the "Hardcore" nature of the wii U.


There is a away to appeal to EVERYONE.  and Nintendo just isn't doing it.


I still will maintain excitement for wii U, simply because I know certain very impressive games are ready to be shown to the world.  Games that will compell people to buy a Wii U and end the asinine "next gen" argument.  But Nintendo needs to showcase them right.


Last year, Nintendo did the showcase part, but not the product part.  Now they will do the product part, but not the showcase part??? *sigh...*


IF iwata botches this, I hope somehow the gaming media makes up for it by covering it the same as if it were an E3 announcement. At least then, to most of the world (who only sees E3 on the web anyway...) it will still be seen as a big deal.


Lots of confidence in Nintendo's ability to make outstanding hardware and amazing software.


zero confidence in the current Nintendo leadership to communicate the value of said hardware and software.  the word "out of touch" comes to mind.

E3 is the place to "let it all hang out." Nintendo is choosing to not do that.  they will have sales meetings and let games be played. Good.  But so far, outside of any pleasant surprises, not good enough. Certainly not for an E3 event.


sony revealed the PS4 early to shock and awe the industry and then let it sink in and fester.  It has worked.  On E3, they will get to do a double whammy.  They have already sealed the deal with smoke and mirrors, now they will reel 'em in with the goods and stage time.


Microsoft is revealing the new xbox soon.  Then on E3, they will do something similar to Nintendo is making lots of time for game experiences.


But no doubt there will be stage time as well.


Nintendo is wise to do Directs.  Especially since most of the gaming media ignores them.  but those Directs are not done well enough to take the place of major public announcements.  Sorry, they just aren't.  There are homemade youtube videos done much better.


If Nintendo wants to avoid E3 stage time, then HOST a real event with real media at NOA HQ. Heck, even doing it in a small nursery-looking room like they did with those "families" recently is preferable to a Direct.


And then send a (HD fer cryin' out loud!) version of the live stream and archive to every media outlet known to mankind.  Heck, bump it up to 4K if you want.  Just make it sharp!  hire people who can actually get people excited when they speak.  focus on the speech.  Make it memorable and enticing.  


Heck, Apple sort of led the way with this.  they started forgoing MacWorld and hosting product launches at their HQ in Cupertino.  It's WAY cheaper, but gets the same media exposure and they have particular press there on hand to get the word out.


That's the way to do it.


NOT what has been mentioned by Iwata so far.


I hope either Nintendo held something back or that they can get up to speed before E3.


Even KIDS are starting to shy away from Nintendo's "kid friendly" approach nowadays.


Which is kinda crazy.  


Nintendo looks to stuck in a rut.  when all else struggles, they rely on the old standby - KIDS! YAY!


but nowadays, kids are different.


And the recent Wii U commercials with families that I don't think anyone really relates to and kiddie themes all around, seem to be in stark contrast to the "Hardcore" nature of the wii U.


There is a away to appeal to EVERYONE.  and Nintendo just isn't doing it.


I still will maintain excitement for wii U, simply because I know certain very impressive games are ready to be shown to the world.  Games that will compell people to buy a Wii U and end the asinine "next gen" argument.  But Nintendo needs to showcase them right.


Last year, Nintendo did the showcase part, but not the product part.  Now they will do the product part, but not the showcase part??? *sigh...*


IF iwata botches this, I hope somehow the gaming media makes up for it by covering it the same as if it were an E3 announcement. At least then, to most of the world (who only sees E3 on the web anyway...) it will still be seen as a big deal.


Lots of confidence in Nintendo's ability to make outstanding hardware and amazing software.


zero confidence in the current Nintendo leadership to communicate the value of said hardware and software.  the word "out of touch" comes to mind.

#13 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 06:21 PM

The man speaks the truth. 100 percent. He's going only from what we've been told, and it looks like Nintendo is counting on the fact that they ARE Nintendo to sell the console for them. It's just not going to work anymore. Of course Nintendo loyalists will be Nintendo. The problem is everyone else. Casuals? They already bought a wii and don't understand or want an "upgrade" (sigh). The "hardcore" gamers? They'll be looking at Sony and Microsoft. Who's left?

The casuals are going to be a hard audience to reach. And you know what. They don't know what E3 is. Even hardcore gamers I know didn't know what E3 was. These were ppl who play games more than me, buy every CoD and any other"hardcore" title and make fun of me for not having Xbox live.

E3 isn't the best way to get to people. I don't know what is, and I think the problem is Nintendo is developing this and doesn't have the idea yet. Which is why everyone is so generic.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#14 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 25 April 2013 - 09:43 PM

I actually quite like this guy, and yeah I agree with everything he just said. There is going to come a point if mistakes continue to be made where Iwata is fired or forced to step down, I don't want that to happen, I love the guy but on account of his poor decision making the dude needs to get his sh!t in line.

#15 Mitch



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Posted 25 April 2013 - 10:53 PM

 Even hardcore gamers I know didn't know what E3 was. 

How could that be? E3 is a magical time that picks people up out of their depressive summer slump and starts to pump them full of a hefty dose of vitamin Hype













#16 MorbidGod


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 12:20 AM



How could that be? E3 is a magical time that picks people up out of their depressive summer slump and starts to pump them full of a hefty dose of vitamin Hype



Yeah, I know. You know how surprised I was when I mentioned E3 to my friend and he didn't know what it was. I was completely and utterly shocked.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#17 Happy Monk

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 01:40 AM

To be honest, the only thing Nintendo need to do is spend a lot more in advertising. I'm guessing that at least 99% of the population in the UK doesn't know the Wii U exists, despite most of them probably owning Wiis. Just throw a few adverts out and consumers will come. They could put an advert for the Wii U during the ad breaks for Britain's Got Talent and many many people will then be aware of the console and start wandering into game shops to ask about it.

If 10% of the population of the UK knew about the Wii U, sales will generate by themselves and word of mouth.

More to the point. E3 won't win anybody not in the know about videogames over, they do not watch it. It could however win over people who do watch E3 and have been unsure about the Wii U.

Last point, Nintendo does have games to show at E3 (this point should be very clear to anybody paying attention), they have a new 3D Mario game, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros to show at E3, indeed, they have already said they will show these games at E3. Those 3 games alone will generate huge amounts of hype and newfound buzz (and therefore sales) for the console.

Bring the noise.

#18 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 02:36 AM

Now that I think about it some more, E3 has been losing some relevance lately: why else would Microsoft announce their system a few weeks before? It won't be like the PS4 reveal because it won't have a lot of time to get hyped up. Yes, I will miss the big presentation, but I don't mind this at all.

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#19 3Dude



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Posted 26 April 2013 - 02:54 AM

Such short attention spans. Nintendo has already gone on record stating their views for nintendo directs from their nintendo channel on youtube has far, far eclipsed their views from the past several e3's, and far, far eclipses the install base of the wii u, and without being filtered by the twisted bias of the gaming media and its brainwashed minions before reaching their audience.

and 90% of the views came from smart devices.

Which is why iwata decided to start an initiative to focus on advertising through social media for the 3ds to turn it around.

So, hows that working out for the 3ds? Huh.

hmmmm.... Try and reach their audience through a middleman that hates them and craps on them at every available oppurtunity, or send their info straight to the audience without some wad telling them what to think. Hmmmmm.....

Maybe Nintendo did their homework on this one.

Edited by 3Dude, 26 April 2013 - 02:55 AM.



#20 Socalmuscle


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Posted 26 April 2013 - 12:40 PM

The 3DS was too pricey at the time for a portable.


The price drop sold consoles.  Not necessarily the mini youtube videos.




That is really the only problem with Nintendo Direct.


On it's own as a SUPPLEMENT to other efforts, it's brilliant.


1) You hear from Nintendo directly. "From the horses mouth."


2) It's dirt cheap to produce.


3) It's "free" to distribute. (no renting a building, equipment, hiring people management staff, etc.)




BUT, on its own, with no other mainstream effort in place, it is in effect, preaching to the choir.



The big church then becomes a little church, because no one new is being brought into the fold.


The big company loses it's evangelism efforts.  No longer making converts, just keeping the current customers happy.


while that is great for the current customers, it is really bad for the company and wll do no good in terms of 



I think this underscores where the current Nintendo administration show glaring weakness.


They understand product and how to make a great product.  


But they do not understand how to market that great product.  AT ALL.


They try to ditch the acquired "kiddy" image by going "hardcore" and even mention they are publshing the in-development Bayonetta... 


Then the system doesn't sell very well because there are not yet any truly compelling games.


So Nintendo resorts to three things:


1) Over-explaining the Wii U. (taking something naturally exciting and boring people (hardcore gamers, kids, their moms, etc. to death with spreadsheets or at least posters that look like spreadsheets...)


2) Producing "kiddy" commercials... (after publicly stating the Wii U is Nintendo's attempt to bring the hardcore gamer back to Nintendo... yet doing ZERO to appeal to that "hardcore" gamer in terms of marketing).


3) Avoids direct confrontation with competitors.  (they did that with the Wii and it worked - because that was a different era.  The market was ripe for something casual and fresh even though the visual quality wasn't up to par.)





The only problem with Wii U thus far has been a lack of games built to truly take advantage of the system new hardware.  there have been ports of current gen games and superflous Nintendo games that kind of feel like "filler" though they are plenty of fun.


The time of the year is coming where Nintendo detractors, potential customers, Nintendo fans, and the gaming media can be encoruaged/swayed/enlightened/smacked up/etc. by grand gaming announcements and showcases.


The only way to "explain" the Wii U is to show these games on the biggest stage possible and let people see for themselves why it is the way to go.


Instead, they now choose to limit the audience of these blockbusters to primarily the same people that already have or plan to acquire a Wii U.


Not good.  It's just not.






All of this can be moot IF... and I mean IF...


the gaming Media such as IGN, the various startup gaming sites, etc. chooses to cover the Nintendo Directs in the same manner they cover the keynotes.


Basically, the VAST majority of the world doesn't go to E3.  They WATCH it and hear about it on these websites.  So E3 coverage is filtered for them to begin with.  that can go well or not so well even in Nintendo were doing a keynote.  but at least you could see the keynote for yourself.


IF the media covers Nintendo Directs the same way (by the way serious side note here... Nintendo Directs DO NOT appeal to the "hardcore gamer" at all.  Everything from the video quality, the lighting, the logo, the fonts used, etc. are just wrong.  Looks like Iwata has his son making the graphics...) as they do the big keynotes, then Nintendo may be onto something.


If that is the case, great.  then Nintendo will save money and still reap the rewards.


However, it appears a curious move at this critical juncture.






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