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CNNMoney: Nintendo's Big Problem

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:04 PM

For all its magnificent games and past successes, Nintendo has always been a little tone deaf when it comes to detecting and embracing new gaming trends. That brashness is finally catching up with the legendary video game company.

The company sold only 3.45 million of the Wii U video game consoles during the first quarter, badly missing its own target of 4 million. The hand-held 3DS gaming device has also been a disappointment outside of Japan. 

Making matters worse, Nintendo's solution to the problem is a head-scratcher: CEO Satoru Iwata last week announced his support for in-game transactions and subscription-based payment models.

As secondary concepts these are fine, but if Nintendo thinks this is what gamers really want from a modern console, it has lost touch with reality.

For decades now, it has been this type of thinking that has plagued Nintendo: The company is cognizant of the latest trends and shifts in gaming, but it chooses to disregard them in the name of simplicity, or family-friendly gaming. Instead, Nintendo frequently opts to develop its own warped, counterintuitive take on the latest trends.

Since the launch of the Gamecube in 2001, Nintendo has shied away from online gaming and entertainment-based features that were popular on rival consoles, such as the Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) Xbox or Sony (SNE) PlayStation. When it did finally offer some of these features, they were often half-baked (see: Nintendo's "Wi-Fi Connection" online gaming service). Others were largely unavailable to the masses (see the Panasonic Q, the Gamecube with the DVD player that only came out in Japan).

Sometimes Nintendo's push to be different has paid off, most notably when it released the paradigm-shifting Wii console. But the negative effects of that tendency have never been so evident as now, with the sluggish sales of its latest console, the Wii U.

With Microsoft and Sony turning the gaming console into full-blown living room computers, Nintendo is being dragged along, kicking and screaming, refusing to fully acknowledge times have changed.

The Wii U was Nintendo's attempt to expand on its innovative gameplay ideas. But the impact hasn't been nearly the same as the Wii. Some new Wii U features, like the touchscreen-equipped controller feel convoluted, and less innovative compared to technologies like Microsoft's Kinect camera. Nintendo games that actually take proper advantage of the motion gaming tech aren't coming from third-party developers, and Nintendo's own titles -- which are excellent more often than not -- aren't coming anytime soon.

Nintendo figurehead Shigeru Miyamoto has told the world to be patient for more games to come out, but this time around, simply pumping out its usual top notch games won't be enough.

Yes, the Wii U has improved upon its online gaming service, and given its console more content and features which integrate with your TV. The company said last week it will focus more on what it can do with digital distribution of Wii U games. That's a good thing -- even if Nintendo is five years behind. But the company still is treating that as an added bonus, and not a pillar of its business strategy.

And considering that Nintendo has long said that it cares more about game play than graphics, it seems strange that it hasn't put more time and effort into building out its WiiWare platform for indie developers looking to put out original titles. WiiWare started out promisingly enough in 2008, as the initial home to titles such as World of Goo and Mega Man 9, but since then it has mostly devolved into a den of cheap and generic mini-games. Since 2012, less than 25 titles have seen release through the platform.

Then there's the elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge: smartphone gaming. Nintendo is adamant that it won't release its games for smartphones, despite the fact that they'd likely be instant top sellers.

It's understandable that Nintendo wouldn't want to release some of its newer games on a competing mobile platform, for fear of cannibalization, but looking at the success that companies like Square Enix have had reissuing its Final Fantasy titles on the iPhone, what real harm is there in offering games like Super Mario Brothers? Nobody is going to buy a Nintendo 3DS just to download that from the eStore.

Since the days of the Nintendo 64, it's always been pretty easy to see when, where and why Nintendo was going to stumble as a company. And more often than not, it was because of their own stubborn thinking. The buildup of their past oversights has added up and left them lagging far behind their peers in present times.

You have to wonder how many free-thinking aces Nintendo has left up its sleeve in order to save itself once again.





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#2 Julio93


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:08 PM

what real harm is there in offering games like Super Mario Brothers? Nobody is going to buy a Nintendo 3DS just to download that from the eStore.



Ouch, but there have been alot of people downloading simply because the physical copies are nowhere to be found in retail stores.  I agree though.

Edited by Julio93, 07 May 2013 - 05:09 PM.



#3 NintendoReport



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:11 PM


Article says the 3ds has also been a disappointment outside of Japan. Really? I think it has done very well, especially the past year. Biased media again, no story on Sony and it's troubles with the Vita.

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#4 Kokirii



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:23 PM

Article says the 3ds has also been a disappointment outside of Japan. Really? I think it has done very well, especially the past year. Biased media again, no story on Sony and it's troubles with the Vita.


Yeah I was under the impression that the 3DS had a rough start but has really taken off in the last year and a half or so.

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#5 BlueBlur


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 05:28 PM

This is why i'm glad Iwata is becoming CEO of NOA, by the end of the Wii U's lifespan Nintendo should have a good insight of the west and it's gaming trends and build the Wii U's successor to accommodate these trends.

#6 JaylisJayP



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 06:28 PM

This is why i'm glad Iwata is becoming CEO of NOA, by the end of the Wii U's lifespan Nintendo should have a good insight of the west and it's gaming trends and build the Wii U's successor to accommodate these trends.


Is it really that difficult to pinpoint the trends that sell in the West?  Large libraries of good, easily accesible games.  Competetive graphics.  Value for the money. 


For better or worse that's all gamers care about.  I own and (kinda) enjoy my Wii U still, but they basically screwed the pooch on all 3 of those requirements with it.  And like the article says, at this point I completely agree that a couple blockbuster titles aren't going to move units.  Especially with PS4 and 720 about to take everyone's money for the forseeable future. 

#7 Mitch



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 06:29 PM

Nintendo should have a good insight of the west and it's gaming trends and build the Wii U's successor to accommodate these trends.



You mean they will whore themselves out and become Activision's b!tc# and turn themselves into a console solely to play CoD on? :P



...But then the 12 year olds would have 2 consoles to choose from? :P

Edited by Mitch13pavel, 07 May 2013 - 06:30 PM.

#8 Hank Hill

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 06:47 PM


it seems strange that it hasn't put more time and effort into building out its WiiWare platform for indie developers looking to put out original titles. WiiWare started out promisingly enough in 2008, as the initial home to titles such as World of Goo and Mega Man 9, but since then it has mostly devolved into a den of cheap and generic mini-games. Since 2012, less than 25 titles have seen release through the platform.

Then there's the elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge: smartphone gaming. Nintendo is adamant that it won't release its games for smartphones, despite the fact that they'd likely be instant top sellers.


So wait. They're complaining that there's a ton of cheap and generic minigames on WiiWare...yet they're advising Nintendo to put games om smartphones, the current king of cheap and generic minigames. And no friggin duh there've only been 25 titles released on WiiWare since 2012, Nintendo was focusing development on 3DSWare and Wii U titles.


So really, this is CNN saying "Well, Nintendo made a crapton of money with the DS, 3DS, and Wii, but since the Wii U is selling slowly and doesn't have as many games as the iPhone, Nintendo is doomed and should develop exclusively for smartphones."


More gl00000m and d00000m.



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#9 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 06:57 PM

You mean they will whore themselves out and become Activision's b!tc# and turn themselves into a console solely to play CoD on? :P



...But then the 12 year olds would have 2 consoles to choose from? :P

tragically this seems to be the future of gaming....

#10 Alianjaro



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 08:23 PM

Article says the 3ds has also been a disappointment outside of Japan. Really? I think it has done very well, especially the past year. Biased media again, no story on Sony and it's troubles with the Vita.

Nintendo bashing is a trend these days... 3DS not doing well outside of Japan... Wth were they thinking?
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#11 MorbidGod


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 08:51 PM

Nintendo bashing is a trend these days... 3DS not doing well outside of Japan... Wth were they thinking?

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#12 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 07 May 2013 - 09:25 PM

Urgggg the people who write these articles have no brain at all.

#13 XxNightfallxX



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Posted 07 May 2013 - 11:32 PM

Urgggg the people who write these articles have no brain at all.

most reviewers who write these articles have a tendency to bend over for $ony and Micro$oft so yeah they tend to be ignorant....

Edited by XxNightfallxX, 07 May 2013 - 11:33 PM.

#14 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 02:57 AM

This is CNN: they have no plave in gaming news. Leave this kind of stuff to websites that focus on this stuff: they don't go skin-deep and make up lies. (The 3DS is doing really well, and it will only increase in October)

Also, it seems that no one can remember how the PS3 and 360 started out: even worse than the Wii U. 360 didn't take off until Gears of War, and the PS3 didn't explode until MGS4.

Edited by TheUltimateWaddleDee, 08 May 2013 - 02:59 AM.

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#15 GhostDrive



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 03:03 AM

This article is pure garbage. Misses a lot of good point. Ugh.

#16 NintendoReport



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 03:57 AM

Look at these numbers from sales of 3ds titles, pretty solid and incredible at how great the library is. The 3ds is rock solid, the Wii U will be fine in time.



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#17 GhostDrive



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 04:46 AM

Look at these numbers from sales of 3ds titles, pretty solid and incredible at how great the library is. The 3ds is rock solid, the Wii U will be fine in time.




With Animal Crossing coming out soon the 3DS will sell even more. If AC managed to sell 3.86 million just in Japan, it would probably at least triple that here in the US at least. As for the Wii U, yes, once Pikmin 3 gets here and afterwards the Wii U will be just fine.

#18 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 04:53 AM

I hope they don't release games on iPhone/iPad/whatever. Nintendo has their own console and handheld, they should stick to that.

#19 Hitomi


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 05:42 AM

everyone hates Nintendo :S, so biased towards MS and Sony.... ugh.

#20 dustinb12


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Posted 08 May 2013 - 06:03 AM

i dont know about sales figures, but i feel the consoles have been behind since the GC. i loved it but there was so many games I couldn't get so i had to have PS2 along with it. I had a blast with the wii, but it really is what the GC should have been, and now the wii u feels like what the wii should have been. Im patient, i know the games will come, but seriously, please do something fresh. How great of a game would Metroid, F-Zero and Starfox all be on this awesome HD console?

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