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#781 dkrumble725


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 11:55 AM

Why did I ask you this question?
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#782 Andy


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 02:15 PM

Have you seen The Amazing Spider-Man yet?
If not, do you want to?
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#783 BluePikmin11



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:16 PM

Do you play any flash games?

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Palutena: Do you think I'll be in the next Smash Brothers?

Pit: I'm sure you'll do! You'll fit with right on with Zelda and Peach!

#784 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 15 July 2012 - 04:42 PM

You....you... asked a question? That's a first.



Edited by Auzzie Wingman, 15 July 2012 - 04:42 PM.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#785 Elric


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 06:50 PM

Why did I ask you this question?

You asked this question out of curiosity of what I answer I would give you.

Have you seen The Amazing Spider-Man yet?
If not, do you?

I have seen it. I thought it was pretty good. I am pretty sure they are going to make 2 more movies. I am pretty sure that was confirmed.

Do you play any flash games?

Happy Wheels, sometimes.




#786 Zok



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 06:54 PM

What is up with corporate greed?

#787 Elric


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 11:08 AM

What is up with corporate greed?

It's bad.

That's all I really have to say bout' that.




#788 aaron



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Posted 21 July 2012 - 01:40 PM

Posted Image?

Edited by Aaron, 21 July 2012 - 01:52 PM.

by chance

#789 Hank Hill

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Posted 21 July 2012 - 01:50 PM

What's your opinion on the rumor of Nintendo buying back Rare?



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#790 Andy


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Posted 21 July 2012 - 02:01 PM

Who do you think the villain in the next Amazing Spider-Man will be?
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#791 Zok



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Posted 21 July 2012 - 05:50 PM

Would you consider yourself superior to a tree?

#792 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 21 July 2012 - 06:02 PM

If you had the power to turn shoes into milk, what would you consider the benefits of this to be?

#793 Joshua


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 05:17 AM

Hey Elric, ever had any run in's with Nigel Thornberry before?

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Signature by Cerberuz

#794 Elric


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 08:38 AM

Posted Image?

I bet that all makes sense to you.

What's your opinion on the rumor of Nintendo buying back Rare?

It would be pretty cool. I wouldn't mind another Banjo Kazooie game or Conker game. I think it would be good for Nintendo if they did that. There are a lot of people who are fans of Rare.

Who do you think the villain in the next Amazing Spider-Man will be?

That's a good question. I'm going to guess possibly venom. Or maybe another villain that hasn't been done in the previous three movies.

Would you consider yourself superior to a tree?

Yes, I would.

If you had the power to turn shoes into milk, what would you consider the benefits of this to be?

If you are ever thirsty, it would be as easy as snapping your fingers.

Hey Elric, ever had any run in's with Nigel Thornberry before?

I have once, when I was riding my bike through the Amazon.




#795 Waller


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Posted 22 July 2012 - 04:08 PM

Elric! Do you miss your old name, SDY?
Would you play a pigeon dating simulator?
Is my girlfriend the president?
What is the negative of Nyan-Cat?
Why are so many VN's pornographic? <_<
Why does Japan think the white house is in Japan?
How can a pigeon overpower a human?
... Do you enjoy School Days' bad endings?
Why is DA obsessed with yaoi?
... Do you like yaoi?
Why does every chatroom eventually end up talking about Kingdom Hearts yaoi?
Would you marry me?


#796 Soul



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Posted 22 July 2012 - 05:29 PM

Today at school I cried bitterly and unfortunately, some of my friends noticed that I had been crying. Unaware of me wanting to keep it a secret, my bestie got to know from one of them. Unknown to her, it really was all about her.
I am aware that this might sound petty, but my heart is forcing me to ask someone about this: I was crying that way because since a few months, I felt that one of her other friends was beginning to take my place. That friend is her ex's sister and my cousin - yeah, that's sooo cool i know :
It's not a little thing, I really thought that I was being way too petty. But it's not only that my cousin is getting closer to her, but it feels as if she's taking my bestie away from me. Tears couldn't stop streaming from my eyes when I thought that she might win my bestie over. I (really) love my bestie, she loves me too, and one of my fears is that she and i will part. I can't even think of it.

Back to the question. She asked me what was wrong, she told me if it was her that made me cry, she was really sorry, and again just earlier on she emailed to apologize for anything & to thank me for everything i've done for her etc. I felt really good with what she told me, it made me love her even more than I do.
I do not know what to reply her, and if I don't reply her...well that wouldn't be really wise (in my case, it would imply that i'm being stubborn etc) so i need a good reply, something that will make her feel as good as I did when she was concerned about me. If it will help, she's 15 and i'm 16. her other friend will be 21.

Ok, let's note another thing: She knows that I am this jealous person (ok, we know each other more than we know ourselves!) and she is aware that her other friend is my 'rival' (i even call her that openly!) and she knows the way I love her. But if she ever got to know that I cried because i felt my cousin was taking her away from me, it REALLY wouldn't solve much. I'm too afraid that she'll freak out with the petty reason of mine, and everything will turn sour. It's just something I can't tell her. Please, please advise.
I really need something to tell her, something not too mushy and neither something hurtful. Something that you would think would be perfect in my case, I'm still upset and I can't think properly!!

What should I do!??!

#797 aaron



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 09:17 AM

Duz joo liekz red stuff because joor a vampire? :o
If not why?
Do you like any kind of pie?
DO you watch MLP?
Pokemon much?
What's your favorite Pokemon?
How can i make a black hole?
Do you think I would succeed?
Did you know part of 3 squared is 1.7320508?
Did you know I had to check and see if that was right?

by chance

#798 Elric


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 06:45 PM

Elric! Do you miss your old name, SDY?
Not really. I actually really like my new username. SDY doesn't really apply to me any longer.
Would you play a pigeon dating simulator?
Is my girlfriend the president?
Maybe in your mind she is.
What is the negative of Nyan-Cat?
It's annoying. That's right, I said it.
Why are so many VN's pornographic? <_<
I don't know, but it's not cool. Try Umineko no naku koro ni. It's a good visual novel.
Why does Japan think the white house is in Japan?
Maybe they have a white house in Japan
How can a pigeon overpower a human?
Well, they do have talons. They also have a beak. If they had the willpower I bet they could do some damage.
... Do you enjoy School Days' bad endings?
No. I hated School Days in general.
Why is DA obsessed with yaoi?
It's full of people who have strange fetishes.
... Do you like yaoi?
Why does every chatroom eventually end up talking about Kingdom Hearts yaoi?
I wasn't aware of this. Maybe that's why i'm not in the chat that often.
It just depends on what section you look at.
Would you marry me?
If this question were asked to me from you the golden albino wizard would have to decline.

Today at school I cried bitterly and unfortunately, some of my friends noticed that I had been crying. Unaware of me wanting to keep it a secret, my bestie got to know from one of them. Unknown to her, it really was all about her.
I am aware that this might sound petty, but my heart is forcing me to ask someone about this: I was crying that way because since a few months, I felt that one of her other friends was beginning to take my place. That friend is her ex's sister and my cousin - yeah, that's sooo cool i know :
It's not a little thing, I really thought that I was being way too petty. But it's not only that my cousin is getting closer to her, but it feels as if she's taking my bestie away from me. Tears couldn't stop streaming from my eyes when I thought that she might win my bestie over. I (really) love my bestie, she loves me too, and one of my fears is that she and i will part. I can't even think of it.

Back to the question. She asked me what was wrong, she told me if it was her that made me cry, she was really sorry, and again just earlier on she emailed to apologize for anything &amp; to thank me for everything i've done for her etc. I felt really good with what she told me, it made me love her even more than I do.
I do not know what to reply her, and if I don't reply her...well that wouldn't be really wise (in my case, it would imply that i'm being stubborn etc) so i need a good reply, something that will make her feel as good as I did when she was concerned about me. If it will help, she's 15 and i'm 16. her other friend will be 21.

Ok, let's note another thing: She knows that I am this jealous person (ok, we know each other more than we know ourselves!) and she is aware that her other friend is my 'rival' (i even call her that openly!) and she knows the way I love her. But if she ever got to know that I cried because i felt my cousin was taking her away from me, it REALLY wouldn't solve much. I'm too afraid that she'll freak out with the petty reason of mine, and everything will turn sour. It's just something I can't tell her. Please, please advise.
I really need something to tell her, something not too mushy and neither something hurtful. Something that you would think would be perfect in my case, I'm still upset and I can't think properly!!

What should I do!??!

Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down. That's what you should do first. Even though she is getting closer to someone else, it doesn't mean the other friend is trying to replace you. If you are really that close to each other, nothing should be able to separate you two. It actually seems you really care for her and think of her a little bit more of a friend. So what I suggest you do is just not mention and know that it won't happen if you two are that close. Maybe you should ask her out. It seems you like her that much, and I'm sure she would say yes. If you feel like you want to be even closer, that's what I suggest. Hope I helped some. Also, ask her out in person if you are going to do that. It is just better overall if you do that.

Duz joo liekz red stuff because joor a vampire? :o
I like red text because red is the color of absolute truth.
If not why?
I just explained in the previous question.
Do you like any kind of pie?
I'm not a big fan of pastries. But I like key lime pie.
DO you watch MLP?
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Just when I feel like it.
Pokemon much?
Not as much, now that i'm older. I still have really old cards though.
What's your favorite Pokemon?
Pikachu, duh.
How can i make a black hole?
Go into space.
Do you think I would succeed?
Focus your mind. Only then will you achieve anything in life.
Did you know part of 3 squared is 1.7320508?
No. Nor did I really care.
Did you know I had to check and see if that was right?
Yes. Not many people know that off the top of their head unless they memorize it.

Edited by Elric, 23 July 2012 - 06:49 PM.




#799 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 23 July 2012 - 07:26 PM

Hey Elric!

Why did the roof of my local Westfield collapse?
Posted Image

And when does it's JB Hi-Fi reopen?

Edited by Auzzie Wingman, 23 July 2012 - 07:27 PM.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#800 Waller


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Posted 23 July 2012 - 09:58 PM

What if it was asked from Auzzie to you?

Or Starr to you?

Edited by Waller, 23 July 2012 - 09:59 PM.


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