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Iwata: More unannounced games coming to Wii U by 2014

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 10:56 AM





During Nintendo’s latest investor’s meeting, president Satoru Iwata fielded a question regarding the lack of new innovation with new consoles. The Q&A is only available in Japanese currently, but a summary of Iwata’s response has been translated.

Most of what Iwata said actually pertained to new titles for Wii U. Iwata said that additional, unannounced titles for the console are planned by 2014.

Why weren’t these games mentioned during Nintendo’s E3 2013 Nintendo Direct? First, the company felt that there was more information than could be shared during E3. And generally speaking, Nintendo likes keeping a minimal gap between announcements and the release of new games to keep consumers excited and prevent competitors from copying ideas.

“New consoles have always produced better graphics, but the work required may not be related to customer satisfaction. There are more unannounced Wii U titles coming by 2014. There was more info than could be released at E3. Wanted to ease owners’ fears. Don’t want to leave a long gap between announcement/release of new game types that would lessen the impact or allow competitors to copy.”




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#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:00 AM

Yeah heard it all before Iwata. We want results.

#3 Chrop



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:01 AM

We don't have to wait long between announcment and release, something tells me we are getting these announcements in november

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#4 NintendoReport



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:04 AM

You can only announce so much at E3 and in a Nintendo Direct without risking things getting watered down and buried. I think Nintendo did a fair job at e3 and with the direct, and put focus on the rest of this year into next. I figured there would be more announcements to come, you don't place all your eggs in one basket.

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#5 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:12 AM

I wonder what these new titles are? I'm sure they are nothing significant or they would have been at E3, probably just more indie games and maybe a party game.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#6 Hunter



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:18 AM

I wonder what these new titles are? I'm sure they are nothing significant or they would have been at E3, probably just more indie games and maybe a party game.


Not necessarily, they could be games that Nintendo felt were not ready to be revealed yet. For example they may not want to reveal a game without any footage and/or artwork to go with it.

#7 LinkKennedy


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:26 AM

Their e3 was real good in terms of quality games but I feel they didn't sell what the system can do. Like why have a tablet as a controller, why it's better than a PS4/1, etc. So when I hear news like this it always gets me excited but I always remember Nintendo always says this stuff and I always feel disappointed.

#8 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:51 AM

Not necessarily, they could be games that Nintendo felt were not ready to be revealed yet. For example they may not want to reveal a game without any footage and/or artwork to go with it.

if the games are coming before 2014 how is it that they don't have footage or gameplay to show? And if they were worth showing they would have had footage to show, they would have made sure of it. Like I said, it probably wasn't worth showing at E3 or it would have been there.

Edited by BelieberDirectioner, 28 June 2013 - 11:52 AM.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#9 Julio93


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:59 AM

I fear these promises Iwata makes are always bound to be broken.


For the love of god please be 3rd party support.



#10 GAMER1984



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:06 PM

I fear these promises Iwata makes are always bound to be broken.

For the love of god please be 3rd party support.

Don't hold your breath. Or it may be 3rd party but something like a skylanders game or something. Not a big blockbuster

#11 Portal



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:07 PM

You've said this before Iwata. Multiple times, even involving this year. Wonder why I only have three Wii U games and the last one bought was in March. I'm sure you'll deliver, but something tells me 2014 will be the year of delayed/ forgotten games. Still waiting on 3D Mario...

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#12 Rockodoodle


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:10 PM

what three do you have?  I'm not even a big gamer, and I have 9- and there's probably about six more that I want.  



You've said this before Iwata. Multiple times, even involving this year. Wonder why I only have three Wii U games and the last one bought was in March. I'm sure you'll deliver, but something tells me 2014 will be the year of delayed/ forgotten games. Still waiting on 3D Mario...

#13 3Dude



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:12 PM

just, just show something new for someone looking for something more engaging than jumping on heads. And no, im not talking about dude bro shooters or the other handful of game types cloned to Niffelheim and back I can readily get anywhere on my grotesqely oversaturated ps3 or 360. Im so sick of the thinly disguised repitition I cant even stand looking at screens. Hell, I STARTED to get sick of it at the end of My og Xbox's life.

And I swear by Odins beard if its more 2d freaking platformers or something similar content wise, I will cry like a little girl. THEY HAVE ENOUGH FOR NOW IWATA. We are starvin like Marvin. You want that on your concious Iwata?



#14 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:42 PM

You can only announce so much at E3 and in a Nintendo Direct without risking things getting watered down and buried. I think Nintendo did a fair job at e3 and with the direct, and put focus on the rest of this year into next. I figured there would be more announcements to come, you don't place all your eggs in one basket.

But these unannounced titles are coming before this year end. Of course, it could be delayed and then we just won't hear about it.

But, if they have more games coming this year, it would be hilarious if it is a Metroid from Retro. Then all these people complaining about nit having a Metroid will start complaining that they didn't announce it at E3.

Personally, I think a stylish cell shaded Metroid would be cool. That would be the only way I would purchase it. Unless, of course, it's just freaking awesome.
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#15 NintendoReport



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:52 PM

But these unannounced titles are coming before this year end. Of course, it could be delayed and then we just won't hear about it.

But, if they have more games coming this year, it would be hilarious if it is a Metroid from Retro. Then all these people complaining about nit having a Metroid will start complaining that they didn't announce it at E3.

Personally, I think a stylish cell shaded Metroid would be cool. That would be the only way I would purchase it. Unless, of course, it's just freaking awesome.


I read this "There are more unannounced Wii U titles coming by 2014" 

What I got out of that was more titles would be coming in 2014, throughout the year. By is a weird word to use in that sentence, could be translation or something. Why wouldn't they just say there are more unannounced Wii U titles coming in 2013, by end of the year.

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#16 Blake



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:51 PM

Introducing the new...


Call of Duty.

#17 DéliopT



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:25 PM

I understand their strategy.

People criticized them for showing too much in advance with 3DS and now, it seems they went the opposite direction: barely showing anything.


It`s true that we have 3 great games coming next year, but even if they don`t mention the name, they could tell how many we could be getting next year.

So far, no one knows what`s coming 1st quarter next year, execept for MK 8.


This strategy will take time getting used to - and it came at the worse time possible - and could use some adjustments.



#18 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:35 PM

I read this "There are more unannounced Wii U titles coming by 2014"
What I got out of that was more titles would be coming in 2014, throughout the year. By is a weird word to use in that sentence, could be translation or something. Why wouldn't they just say there are more unannounced Wii U titles coming in 2013, by end of the year.

Unknown! I just know what it said lol. Could be bad translation too who knows! ^_^

Also, it could be that they aren't sure if the games will be done by 2014 so they are being vague in purpose.

Edited by MorbidGod, 28 June 2013 - 02:36 PM.

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#19 Nollog


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:41 PM

Meanwhile in the same slew of questions...








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#20 routerbad



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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:33 PM

Yeah heard it all before Iwata. We want results.

You heard Iwata say in the past that there are unannounced titles coming in 2014?  Who'da thunk it?


Of course they have unannounced titles.


And why the tone?  He's at an investor meeting, not in a Nintendo Direct.

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