Hey all,
I know this is going to seem stupid coming to a WiiU forum to ask this question, but I figured you guys are the most informed when it comes to the WiiU. So this next gen console thing has become a really hard decision. Last gen I was a 360/Wii gamer as i love sports games I got most of them on 360 along with multiplats and then I just played the hell out of the Nintendo exclusives on Wii. The $400 and $500 price points of the PS4/XBOne has really turned me off for those. I've heard rumors that the WiiU is underpowered and isn't getting a lot of 3rd party support. This is kind of leaning me towards the PS4 but i'm not really sure. Since most of you already have a WiiU, is it safe to say that it will last through the next gen?
Thanks for your help!