The part in bold is what they are trying to change. No friend codes. Miiverse. Bayonetta. Wonderful 101. The ability to add 4 TBs of storage (!). The indie program they have going. The gamepad itself is really, if you think about it, the biggest innovation for the hardcore gamer since the keyboard and mouse.
But...somehow they let the development tools remain in a sorry state, and were unprepared for HD development. We agree that this was due to the 3ds's troubles (personally, I do not think a $250 dollar dedicated handheld console will sell to anyone outside of people like us in the smartphone era).
However, you could get everyone that buys the console for exclusives on board, and the attach rate will still be abysmal for third parties (like Sega's Madworld and HothD). I am wanting this gamepad concept to really take off with Watch Dogs, Assasins Creed, Batman, etc. I am also wanting people like me, with crossfire rigs 5 feet away from the Wii U to pick the Wii U version.
The numbers game scenario would be great, but, we know the outcome for a third party game like COD:
Xbone 3m
PS4 2.8m
WiiU .7m
Which version will be the afterthought on this path?
Back to this Pikmin delay. What is really unfortunate is that in NA, you have 6 weeks between it and Wonderful 101. I know the games are not similar, but they appear similar. Even though W101 is really niche, and its' numbers would be similar either way, I believe it would be better if it came as the first big release, or rather, if we already had Pikmin.
They tried to change that. It didn't work out for them, did it? Third party developers didn't bring any exclusive content, left us with less content. ZombiU wasn't big enough to get people to buy the Wii U.
They could stand by and battle Sony and Microsoft for their customers, and loose because they don't have enough consoles sold yet. Because right now developers -- EVEN UBISOFT -- are pulling back on support and waiting to see what happens this Christmas. They all expect it to sell, thanks to a strong first party line up. But if they tried it your way, they would end up with less sales and the Wii U would be outsold.
How do I know this? Simple. Any gamer who wants COD isn't going to buy the Wii U since it isn't clear if its coming to the Wii U. Plus, even if it does, they aren't getting all the DLC the PS4 and X1 will have.
So Nintendo has a choice. They can fight a loosing battle, like you want them to. Or attract current 3DS owners. Think about it. If they do that, that's 30m+ gamers to buy a Wii U this holiday season. They won't sell that many, sure. But with games like Pikman 3, Wonderful 101, Sonic and Mario Winter Games, Sonic Lost Worlds, DK, Mario 3D World and many, many more that I am forgetting. Nintendo is playing towards those gamers who are pro Nintendo. Something they should have done from day one.
Guh, Can you imagine if wii u launched with X?
It would have been nice, but realistically the graphics wouldn't be as good as they are now.
I think that buttons everything up nicely.
The games that will drive the install base for the benefit of third parties just do not seem to be coming in time. If X came first, that audience would be built in, and Nintendo would have had a decent shot at parity from that department with MS and Sony.
My perspective is not how to enhance the situation as is, but rather, to expand Nintendo's wonderful 'everyone' philosophy to include the 'so called' hardcore just as much as they do with the repeat Mario customer.
Fans of JRPG's aren't necessarily fans of FPS. Even if Bayonnetta 2 launched with Wii U, the original didn't sell well on the other consoles, which is why Nintendo had to pick up the game.
Nintendo has made a lot of mistakes. But right now they aren't making those mistakes. This is what they should have done from the start. Have their own first party games along with the third party titles. They shouldn't of had a drought of new games. But they did. And now that drought is over.
Look, sooner or later you will understand what I am saying. Nintendo can fight for the "hardcore" gamer as you call them. And abandon their customers they do have. Does that sound like a good plan? Let's just forget the 30m+ gamers who love Nintendo and try to get the people who just won't buy our consoles?
Their chance was last year. They blew that. Now they need to go after THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS.
And let me be clear: I'm not saying they should give up on those gamers either. That, too, would be foolish. But Nintendo has to prioritize with something. And right now third party developers want more Wii U's sold. Well, they are going to get that.
Next year, with more Wii U's sold, hopefully Nintendo successfully launches X, Bayonnetta 2, Mario Kaer 8 and SSB4. All of those games will attract hard core fans. Bayonnetta 2 hopefully will fair better than it did previously.
And hopefully that's not all the games Nintendo has in store for us. Hopefully they have more. If they do -- which it's a safe bet that they do -- then they will be set.
One thing we do need to hope and pray for this holiday season is that Watch Dogs does well on Wii U. If Watch Dogs does, then Ubisoft will be happy because that's one of their new IP's. Which, that game was made for the Wii U GamePad.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.