Does it actually look like that in-game though or does photo mode apply post processing?
I have taken screen shots from Xbox 360 games that look much better than in-game as they turn on all the bells a whistles to render that one shot. I can't remember which game it was but I recall one game it took something like 10 seconds to render the photo mode shot before saving it. Completely misleading if you are trying to show off what the game looks like.
Still, I don't there is any doubt that the Wii U GPU is capable of far nicer shaders and lighting than PS360 ever could. Those things have come a long way since the hardware in those consoles.
I actually think the heavily customized GPU is what's the problem with Wii U and how to get tje most out of it. I would think using cache memory on CPU cores and Edram shouldn't be hard for the average developers as that's kind of the set up 360 had. Its just the way Nintendo designed everything to work together. As much as we have heard the CPU sucking( froma fanboyish developers that had an early dev kits) you haven't heard any others complaining. Even the developers of NFSMWU said it was the GPU they had problems with. Just as Nintendo has said the CPU is straight forward and doesn't have any weird habits(bottlenecks). I really hope developers prove this year with 3rd party multiplats that Wii U is next gen and better than ps360 so we can put that argument to rest. I didn't buy a Wii U expecting it to be on par with sony and microsoft next systems but from what I have seen and understand there isn't a game "3rd party games" that developers shouldn't be able to port to Wii U "IF" they wanted to. These games have massive budgets as it is. I'm ok as a Wii U owner not getting every multiplat as they are more of the same FPS anyway.