Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?
Posted 28 August 2013 - 02:06 PM
It is just something that interests me. I like all systems. I buy them all for the exclusives. So I guess what I am arguing doesn't even apply to me. But how many people actually own 6-7 gaming systems at any one time?
Does Nintendo capture the household that only wants one system? My argument is no.
I now concede it is a pointless argument. But I did wish that Nintendo has taken gamers and developers into account.
I am sure the system will turn a profit in 2 years maybe after some more games come out and they stop counting initial development in this fiscal year. ... or whatever BS they are using to pretend this system is losing money. I do not want to list each scenario. As soon as thst is written off they will be making money on each system.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 02:47 PM
I wouldn't say crying. ..8)
It is just something that interests me. I like all systems. I buy them all for the exclusives. So I guess what I am arguing doesn't even apply to me. But how many people actually own 6-7 gaming systems at any one time?
Does Nintendo capture the household that only wants one system? My argument is no.
I now concede it is a pointless argument. But I did wish that Nintendo has taken gamers and developers into account.
I am sure the system will turn a profit in 2 years maybe after some more games come out and they stop counting initial development in this fiscal year. ... or whatever BS they are using to pretend this system is losing money. I do not want to list each scenario. As soon as thst is written off they will be making money on each system.
All overdramatic super villain-ing aside....
Im starting to honestly think wii u sales around where you stated would very likely be the best scenario for me personally.
It would force Nintendo to focus on that audience, instead of the wii play minigame audience...
I see that meaning more games like X, galaxy, and metroid prime... and less nsmb, 2d dkc, wii minigame collection 80.
Provided the simplistic casual games continue to go down, and games like X start selling more.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:54 PM
That is all great. Can't wait.
As long as Nintendo makes great games and a profit I am happy. I was only arguing what is obvious. .. this is not the system if you want the 3rd party multi-plats. To me that kinda sucks. But oh well. I can divide my time and tv space between this and PS4.
Watching my 3 year old stomp around the house pretending to be a shaggy long legs made it with the cost. It is hilarious.
Any way. I am not anti Wii U. I just wanted it to be more. Dead horse is more buried. ...
But my price cut post from months ago. ...8)
- Arkhandar likes this
Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:25 AM
This list can go on for a looooonnngggg time, it literally hasnt even gotten started.
The multiplat homeginization has severely devalued the console gaming experience. Different consoles should ALL have mostly different libraries, not just nintendo.
How many people can afford to spend £900 on three different consoles ?
I would say that, along with 3Dude's comments about multiplatform homogenization, the idea we all have to be able to play every game that comes out is detrimental to gaming culture. It feeds multiplatform homogenization and is built upon this kind of addiction to games - this feeling that we're really missing out on something if we don't get to play that handful of games on the other console(s). It's not crack and we don't need them all. I'd be willing to bet that most of us don't have the time or money for them all anyway. Getting over that feeling of need for a surplus of entertainment would be good for all of us.
Games of The Moment
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:15 PM
So, you're saying that everyone, regardless of what family they were born in, can be rich enough to own two video game consoles if they just work hard enough? Using yourself as an example just proves that it happened to one perosn, not that it is possible for everyone. But I'll just leave you with your beliefs. I mean, people believe in all sorts of things, right?
If you think you need to be rich to own a couple of consoles then you are very wrong, I never said you have to buy them all on the same day or at launch, you could have bought a wii u at launch and then now buy a ps4 and in 6 months time or longer buy an xbox one. Put $25 a week away and in a month you have $100, do it for 4-5 months and hey what do you know you can buy a console, and if you can't afford to save $25 a week at the age of 18 or older then you need to seriously look at your life and have a good hard think about your future.
Edited by cannonshane, 30 August 2013 - 06:19 PM.
Posted 02 September 2013 - 12:33 AM
If you think you need to be rich to own a couple of consoles then you are very wrong, I never said you have to buy them all on the same day or at launch, you could have bought a wii u at launch and then now buy a ps4 and in 6 months time or longer buy an xbox one. Put $25 a week away and in a month you have $100, do it for 4-5 months and hey what do you know you can buy a console, and if you can't afford to save $25 a week at the age of 18 or older then you need to seriously look at your life and have a good hard think about your future.
Yeah, I'll tell the guy working double shifts to afford his home and food, who has to choose which bills to pay at the end of the month. "Have a good hard think about your future". Nice.
Posted 02 September 2013 - 12:58 AM
Yeah, I'll tell the guy working double shifts to afford his home and food, who has to choose which bills to pay at the end of the month. "Have a good hard think about your future". Nice.
Honestly, if that guy got himself into a the situation you described, he SHOULD have a good hard think about his future.
Posted 02 September 2013 - 01:30 AM
Honestly, if that guy got himself into a the situation you described, he SHOULD have a good hard think about his future.
Well, he probably will, but it might not help him. I'm just saying this idea that anyone can be rich, and that if you're poor you just have to decide to step out of poverty and you will, is unicorn tongue. Noone would be poor if they had the choice not to. And there are plenty of people who can afford one console, but not two, regardless of age. And note that "afford" can mean different things for different people.
Posted 02 September 2013 - 05:52 AM
You're obviously well off enough to live if you can afford a console.
If videogames are making you need handouts, you need to sell al your games and consoles.
Sort your life and finances out before you talk about luxury items for Wii sake.
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Posted 03 September 2013 - 02:44 PM
Well, he probably will, but it might not help him. I'm just saying this idea that anyone can be rich, and that if you're poor you just have to decide to step out of poverty and you will, is unicorn tongue. Noone would be poor if they had the choice not to. And there are plenty of people who can afford one console, but not two, regardless of age. And note that "afford" can mean different things for different people.
Who said anything about everyone being rich, I'm not rich, it's more about everyone controls their own situation and the only one who can improve it is you, in your scenario maybe the man should have thought about how many children he has, or not bought a house as expensive, or using so many services that he struggles to pay the bills, yes sometimes there are unforeseeable circumstances but everyone runs into those throughout life.
There will always be excuses for some people, but like I said above the only person who controls your fate is you. Sitting around crying broke will not improve a thing.
Owning even 1 console is a luxury. You shouldn't complain about not being able to afford twice the luxury.
You're obviously well off enough to live if you can afford a console.
If videogames are making you need handouts, you need to sell al your games and consoles.
Sort your life and finances out before you talk about luxury items for Wii sake.
Pretty much spot on.
Edited by cannonshane, 03 September 2013 - 02:41 PM.
Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:22 PM
1v1 me in Black Ops II ya nugget.
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 03 September 2013 - 11:58 PM
There will always be excuses for some people, but like I said above the only person who controls your fate is you. Sitting around crying broke will not improve a thing.
Well, sitting around crying doesn't improve things when you have been robbed, when your loved one has been hit by a car or when your father dies. We don't cry to improve things, we cry because we are human. OK, I will not argue anymore, but just to know that I understood you correctly, you are saying that poor people are poor because they don't try hard enough?
Posted 04 September 2013 - 02:38 AM
^^^ No im simply saying that if your in a bad situation, No body but yourself can change it. Simple as that. Rich people can be in bad situations as well.
Posted 04 September 2013 - 08:27 AM
Edited by CFCrusader, 17 February 2025 - 02:42 PM.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:39 AM
1. we love nintendo.
2. its different and innovative,
3. we were promised big 3rd party support and the big AAA games our sony and Microsoft owning friends were getting
4. tvii which linked all our entertainment hubs together
5. Better online facilities
Now as a customer I trust nintendo and I bought one on day one.
Now I feel like an idiot, even my friends who arnt hatters or trolls, who love nintendo but just went over to ps3 for more adult games (im 35 btw) are shocked and amazed that over a year in and theres still no real amount of games to warrant paying the new low price let alone the price I paid on day one.
Theres no info on tvii, and a lot of the big franchises arnt even making it on to the wiiu ? Where the hell is fifa ?????
I hate to admit it but nintendo have either...
1. F.ed up big big time, (which is fine, we all do it), or..
2. Lied to us.
I hope its not the latter so if they have messed up why not start again and market the big nintendo games and indie games only the system.
If you reply with the answer "dah, who's gonna buy wiiu if there arnt any big 3rd party franchises", the answer is us, who in there right mind would buy a wiiu to play the biggest 3rd party games? There are hardly any being released. So why not market new indie games and first party title only? How many people bought angry birds? So there's a massive market for indie games. If you don't like what I say please dont respond, its weird lol
Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:53 AM
I would argue NOT responding would be weird.If you don't like what I say please dont respond, its weird lol
But I don't totally disagree. .. except I think there are good games which make it worth buying and more coming very soon.
The other stuff you want I could care less about on a game console. Such as entrainment hub and AAA 3rd party titles.
But that is just me I am sure.
I would also add I like the online idea of Miiverse. A bit too moderated, but all hell would break loose is it wasn't.
Edited by Dharmanator, 12 September 2013 - 11:58 AM.
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