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Ubisoft shuns Wii U time for a Proactive Nintendo...3rd parties don't care

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#1 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 02:38 AM

Let's stop playing games we all know what's going on. Nintendo just lost two more games from Ubisoft. Here is the link. http://www.nintendol...tendo_platforms

Its time for changes at Nintendo... Changes that have been delayed that need to happen. I've been a nintendo only gamer forever. I only buy their consoles this isn't a diss or negative thread. This is a wake up company that I love and care about thread. They need to go and buy studios and start making their own proprietary games that can be competition for forza and gran turismo, make their own fps that can rival battielfield, cod, killzone, and halo. Part of the reason core gamer so to speak don't buy those type games on Nintendo platforms is there isn't a culture for those games on Nintendo platforms. Sony and microsoft have built cultures on their platform that love those games because they have in-house studios that feed that culture if 3rd parties decide to or not. We all know Nintendo has money in the bank so now its time to take some risk and make this happen. Go and start buying smaller to medium size devs teams that can start working on games like this for your system. Guys this isn't going to stop... The reason 3rd parties threat us and nintendo the way that they do is because they can. They know they are the only hope for gamers that have Nintendo platforms and want to play a certain type of game. Its time Nintendo I love you but its time! You have to cultivate and build a culture for your players... There are NO more excuses the money is there you just have to get out of your own way to give your gamers a better future for them to game.

Edited by GAMER1984, 10 September 2013 - 02:42 AM.

#2 LinkKennedy


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 02:50 AM

I really want to see a fps from Nintendo with a deep plot but I know that ain't happening. It's frustrating cause I see those grity games and I feel if a game like darksiders would be made by Nintemdo it would be way better simply because Nintemdo knows design and how to make great levels that are fun. So just add their technique to other genres that delve into more mature story lines and themes like a last of us,heavy rain, heck even God Of War and I think they could have something special.

#3 Chrop



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:12 AM



lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#4 namkotje



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:26 AM

Its time for changes at Nintendo...

I think everyone agree with this one.

Would like to hear from Nintendo why we don't get those 2 games. Is it because some year 1990 rule from Nintendo, like this one:

“It kind of kills me...it kills me right now that I had to make that phone call.” … “We carve out some categories of content we don’t allow,”...”Religious themes is one of those topics. And so it was deemed to be in violation of that.”

“We’re definitely open to revisiting [policies] from time to time,” … “What we need to do is be a bit more flexible sometimes as far as interpreting those guidelines and making exceptions where they do make sense. But we’re a large company. We’re kind of going through some of our own growing pains in that regard."


It's like Nintendo is still stuck in 1990.

Edited by namkotje, 10 September 2013 - 03:30 AM.


#5 storabajskorven



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:46 AM

I think everyone agree with this one.

Would like to hear from Nintendo why we don't get those 2 games. Is it because some year 1990 rule from Nintendo, like this one:


It's like Nintendo is still stuck in 1990.


That has nothing to do with it. They're paying for Bayonetta 2, remember... Anyway, I suppose that the developers figure it's more expensive to develop for three consoles than two, so if they ignore the Wii U, so will their customers, and when all customers are on PS4 or XB1, they can safely develop for these two platforms only and save some money that would otherwise go to developing for Wii U. The only way to change this would be if more people bought the Wii U, regardless of the bad treatment from 3rd party. And the only way that is going to happen is if the WiiU gets great exclusives. Which it will, of course. So, things may or may not change, we don't know yet.

#6 namkotje



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:53 AM

But Rayman: Legends sold the most on the Wii U (the first week)...


Anyway, I'm getting tired to see such things. I love Nintendo and support their platforms. But it's really getting annoying.


#7 3Dude



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:56 AM

That would be complete and absolute suicide for Nintendo.



#8 liamdawe



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 03:59 AM

Nintendo's problem is they rely so heavily on Mario and Zelda it's unreal. They haven't evolved as a sofware company since they began, hardware wise they keep evolving but it's like they just run out of ideas for games, that or they are extremely arrogant to think that consoles can live on such a small amount of I.P.

#9 3Dude



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:11 AM


Nintendo's problem is they rely so heavily on Mario and Zelda it's unreal. They haven't evolved as a sofware company since they began, hardware wise they keep evolving but it's like they just run out of ideas for games, that or they are extremely arrogant to think that consoles can live on such a small amount of I.P.

Nintendo had several brand new ip's last gen that made more profit, and sold more units than any game on ps360, and thats combining sales of multiplat releases.

Your statement is disingenious to the point of being completely ignorant,or a blatant lie depending on context.



#10 LinkKennedy


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:26 AM

I will always buy a Nintendo console to play my fix of Nintendo games like Zelda,Mario,etc. but to be honest I just think Nintendos direction with games are not my taste. For the most part they do great games like galaxy's,xenoblade,Zelda TP/SS and many more but I want games that really feel ambitious in their attempt in story and complex characters like a Last of Us, Bioshock, Red Dead, Heavy Rain, Jurney, etc. it dosen't mean I won't enjoy the hell out of Mario but I do want some substance in my games and Nintendo sometimes just doesn't bring it.

I do think that with the Wiiu they have a big opportunity with a more powerful system and games like X, next Zelda, next Metroid and Bayoneta they have an opportunity to flex their muscles a little and prove that they not only make great games(like we all know they do) but also something that can capture a new vision for Nontendo.

#11 Leland


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:31 AM

But Rayman: Legends sold the most on the Wii U (the first week)...

Anyway, I'm getting tired to see such things. I love Nintendo and support their platforms. But it's really getting annoying.

Rayman might just be the exception to the rule, historically third party games don't perform well on NIntendo consoles. With the sales of the Wii U being as low as they are, it's a real gamble for a third party to even port an existing game. Look what happened with Assassins Creed 3.

Edited by Leland, 10 September 2013 - 04:38 AM.

#12 Happy Monk

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Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:49 AM

I'm just annoyed at the lack of LIberation HD, surely that would be painless to port over (not to mention cheap)?

Bring the noise.

#13 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:06 AM

That would be complete and absolute suicide for Nintendo.

I don't believe so. There are core Nintendo fans that will but "ANYTHING" with Nintendo's name on it. They have to gamble and invest in future IP's. Sony's Killzone wasn't successful on PS2... But they stuck with it and grew the IP and now its a staple in their console lineup. They didn't just try and give up after it didn't sale well on ps2. Nintendo needs to take more chances... Smart chances.

#14 Aiddon



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:11 AM

Nintendo doesn't buy studios because they know that the talent from them tends to leave. The West is especially guilty of this as people constantly up and leave for the most minuscule of reasons. It ends up being kind of a waste. If Ubi want to be a bunch of brats who are too lazy to put effort into building an audience and keep fulfilling that circular prophecy then fine. And people wonder why Nintendo games sell best on Nintendo systems.

Edited by Aiddon, 10 September 2013 - 06:11 AM.

#15 3Dude



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:27 AM


I don't believe so. There are core Nintendo fans that will but "ANYTHING" with Nintendo's name on it. They have to gamble and invest in future IP's. Sony's Killzone wasn't successful on PS2... But they stuck with it and grew the IP and now its a staple in their console lineup. They didn't just try and give up after it didn't sale well on ps2. Nintendo needs to take more chances... Smart chances.

You just proved my point.

Sony is also billions of dollars in the red for their games divisions because of money pits like killzone.

But that debt is paid for by sonys tv division, laptop divion, audio division.... Nintendo doesnt HAVE other divisions to pay for the cost of playing that kind of game.

And lets take a look at killzone sales.

Killzone ps2: .94 million
Killzone2 ps3: 2.91 million
Killzone 3 2.50 million.

Yeah. Thats really growing the franchise. All that money was SOOOO well spent.

Lets take a look at some new nintendo ip's nintendo started.

Wii sports resort 31.87 million

Man, I bet Nintendo really wishes they threw away billions of dollars to grow an ip that sells 2 million units.

wii fit: 22.6 million

Nintendo sure is jealous of that manchild market.

wii fit + 21.26 million


'You', 'me', 'we', we are bad customers.

We demand games that appeal only to our tiny niche, and we complain endlessly about it without playing it, dont buy it, or say well buy it used. Then, when the game can no longer be found, and is selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay, we complain about nintendo not printing enough copies.

'We' are horrible, horrible customers, we are stupid, arrogant, short sighted, complacent, ignorant, and self entitled.

Even if we werent, We dont have anywhere NEAR enough money to put it where our screaming mouths are. We cant outbuy 30-million sales because we are entirely too divided in our specific gaming tastes. I dont want ANY of the things you demanded nintendo clones of. And even if we DID pool together, we cant match wii sports resort, and no way in hell can we touch mario kart.

At best, and thats if EVERY 'hardcore' gamer bought a nintendo system, we can only get half of that, thats call of duty sales across all platforms combined.

Its suicide. Im amazed Nintendo throws money away at us at all. And make no mistake, Nintendo KNOWS they are throwing money away just to appeal to a microcosm.

tw101, bayonetta 2, xenoblade, X, Pandoras tower, buying fatal frame, disaster...

I dont know why they throw money away on us. The only thing i can think of is they just like great games, over just making money, which is why we get what we do.

Nintendo ditching 40-30 million unit sales by doing their own thing and pissing off the 'hardlycore' as collateral damage, to chase growing a money pit like killzone to a whopping 2.5 million sales is suicide.



#16 Gimbal



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 06:44 AM

You guys are making too big of a deal anyway. I really only consider this a loss of one game. There are 3 that could(well they all could have been but you know what I mean...probably) have been on Wii U but Assassins Creed Liberation HD is only on PS3 Xbox 360 and PC, it's not on any of the new consoles. Child of Light is only coming to the newer consoles and it includes Wii U. The only one they really skipped Wii U on was valiant hearts.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#17 Chrop



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:19 AM

Nintendo's problem is they rely so heavily on Mario and Zelda it's unreal. They haven't evolved as a sofware company since they began, hardware wise they keep evolving but it's like they just run out of ideas for games, that or they are extremely arrogant to think that consoles can live on such a small amount of I.P.

Mario (Consists of 3D mario, NSMB, Mario and Luigi RPG, Paper Mario, Mario sports games etc), Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Starfox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Pokemon (Main games, Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, Stadium type, Rumble), Yoshi (Yarn Yoshi, Yoshi Touch and go), Donkey Kong country, Wario Ware, TW101, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Bros, Punch-Out, Xenoblade... small amount of IP's? Heck add the Wii series to that list (wii sports, Wii Party, Wii Music etc), or even the new IP they are creating and Plus Monoloth Soft X. What rock have you been living under the past console generation? ALL of these IP's i've stated have either been on the DS, Wii, 3DS or Wii U.

Edited by Chrop, 10 September 2013 - 07:22 AM.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#18 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:23 AM

You just proved my point.

Sony is also billions of dollars in the red for their games divisions because of money pits like killzone.

But that debt is paid for by sonys tv division, laptop divion, audio division.... Nintendo doesnt HAVE other divisions to pay for the cost of playing that kind of game.

And lets take a look at killzone sales.

Killzone ps2: .94 million
Killzone2 ps3: 2.91 million
Killzone 3 2.50 million.

Yeah. Thats really growing the franchise. All that money was SOOOO well spent.

Lets take a look at some new nintendo ip's nintendo started.

Wii sports resort 31.87 million

Man, I bet Nintendo really wishes they threw away billions of dollars to grow an ip that sells 2 million units.

wii fit: 22.6 million

Nintendo sure is jealous of that manchild market.

wii fit + 21.26 million


'You', 'me', 'we', we are bad customers.

We demand games that appeal only to our tiny niche, and we complain endlessly about it without playing it, dont buy it, or say well buy it used. Then, when the game can no longer be found, and is selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay, we complain about nintendo not printing enough copies.

'We' are horrible, horrible customers, we are stupid, arrogant, short sighted, complacent, ignorant, and self entitled.

Even if we werent, We dont have anywhere NEAR enough money to put it where our screaming mouths are. We cant outbuy 30-million sales because we are entirely too divided in our specific gaming tastes. I dont want ANY of the things you demanded nintendo clones of. And even if we DID pool together, we cant match wii sports resort, and no way in hell can we touch mario kart.

At best, and thats if EVERY 'hardcore' gamer bought a nintendo system, we can only get half of that, thats call of duty sales across all platforms combined.

Its suicide. Im amazed Nintendo throws money away at us at all. And make no mistake, Nintendo KNOWS they are throwing money away just to appeal to a microcosm.

tw101, bayonetta 2, xenoblade, X, Pandoras tower, buying fatal frame, disaster...

I dont know why they throw money away on us. The only thing i can think of is they just like great games, over just making money, which is why we get what we do.

Nintendo ditching 40-30 million unit sales by doing their own thing and pissing off the 'hardlycore' as collateral damage, to chase growing a money pit like killzone to a whopping 2.5 million sales is suicide.

Smart chances is what they need to take. Just as an "example" what if they brought HVS (high voltage software) makers of the conduit on Wii. A relatively small studio but has potential and "had" a passion for Nintendo gamers and how they were being treated. They made an engine ground up for Wii to try and bring a competent FPS for those gamers on Wii. Buy astudio like that give them funding amd teach them the nintendo way of doing things. Every single developer that has worked with Nintendo has spokem highly of how much they learned and how different the development evironment is at Nintendo. I think HVS could thrive at Nintendo and make the conduit or a newer IP(shooter) with online multiplayer without breaking the bank in development cost... Unlike sony chase photorealism.

Edited by GAMER1984, 10 September 2013 - 07:31 AM.

#19 RiasRed


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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:23 AM

The link is blocked for me. Can someone tell me the two games that aren't coming and why?

#20 GAMER1984



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Posted 10 September 2013 - 07:35 AM

You guys are making too big of a deal anyway. I really only consider this a loss of one game. There are 3 that could(well they all could have been but you know what I mean...probably) have been on Wii U but Assassins Creed Liberation HD is only on PS3 Xbox 360 and PC, it's not on any of the new consoles. Child of Light is only coming to the newer consoles and it includes Wii U. The only one they really skipped Wii U on was valiant hearts.

Actually its coming to xb360 and ps3 also plus PC

Mario (Consists of 3D mario, NSMB, Mario and Luigi RPG, Paper Mario, Mario sports games etc), Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Starfox, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Pokemon (Main games, Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, Stadium type, Rumble), Yoshi (Yarn Yoshi, Yoshi Touch and go), Donkey Kong country, Wario Ware, TW101, Animal Crossing, Super Smash Bros, Punch-Out, Xenoblade... small amount of IP's? Heck add the Wii series to that list (wii sports, Wii Party, Wii Music etc), or even the new IP they are creating and Plus Monoloth Soft X. What rock have you been living under the past console generation? ALL of these IP's i've stated have either been on the DS, Wii, 3DS or Wii U.

I don't have a problem with the IP's Nintendo has... But publishers do. If I'm a publisher and I ask myself I want to bring a core 3rd or 1st party shooter game to Nintendo console is there a market for such game? My "people" will porbably advise me against supporting them. I can look at microsoft and sony platforms and see they have millions of people willing to buy a shooter and play online together becuase we just saw their 1st pasrty devs release a 1st aparty shooter that sold millions and have a strong online coMmunity... Can I say the same for Nintendo? I'm over blaming publishers and devs for every game not releasing on Nintendo platforms in relaity they are making sound business that really make sense.

The link is blocked for me. Can someone tell me the two games that aren't coming and why?

Assassin's Creed Liberation HD — This is confirmed for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC

Valiant Hearts: The Great War — Coming to PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC

These are the two games and no reason was given.

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