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Do you believe in 2012?

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Poll: Do you believe in 2012? (72 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you believe in 2012?

  1. Yes (5 votes [7.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.04%

  2. Voted No (66 votes [92.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 92.96%

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#1 Pikachu



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Posted 28 April 2011 - 08:42 AM

I've heard of so many thoughts and sentences about 2012. I really do not think this is true, and they even said the world would end in 1994 - which is already past. What do you think?

My percentage rate

57% No
43% Yes

Oh oh, now I'm so scared...

Edited by Pikachu, 28 April 2011 - 08:42 AM.

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#2 Feld0



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Posted 28 April 2011 - 10:01 AM

Honestly, I think the entire notion of the world ending in 2012 is ridiculous. If you check the facts, you'll see that the Mayans never actually predicted the end of the world - their calendar simply happens to end there. They had to stop writing it at some point. The Gregorian calendar (the one we use today) ends in a few thousand years, too, but no one thinks that that signalizes an apocalypse.




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Posted 28 April 2011 - 10:10 AM

Well Nostradamus did predict this, and a lot of his predictions were true, such as 9/11 and Hitler. Personally though, I don't believe that the world will end in 2012. I just don't see any logical reasons to suggest that it will.

#4 Wertville


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 11:23 AM

The world won't end in 2012. The Cafe Zelda game probably won't be out until at least 2013.
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#5 Play4Fun



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Posted 28 April 2011 - 01:53 PM

You know what guys?
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.

#6 Bartman2


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 03:08 PM

No freakin' way. The entire idea is ridiculous.
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#7 kjhg53



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Posted 28 April 2011 - 05:47 PM

Yeah, I agree with everyone that this is ridiculous.

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#8 Elric


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Posted 28 April 2011 - 07:14 PM

No, the conspiracy/rumors are NOT true.did you know throughout history, people have predicted the world will end about 20 or 19 times? This happened several of times, for example at the year 2000, people were stalking up foods and goods for a apocalypse that NEVER came. This will continue throughout history, because as they say, "history repeats itself".

Also, that lunar eclipse that they said would happen in 2012 happened last December. December 20th, to be exact

Edited by superdarkyoshi, 28 April 2011 - 07:36 PM.




#9 Yikaria W.

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Posted 29 April 2011 - 03:02 PM

Don't believe the world's going to end on December 21st.

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#10 Ephesus



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Posted 30 April 2011 - 04:38 AM

The lunar eclipse happened? Dangit, I should check such dates more often. Then again, I can't see snit from the busy, dense suburb I live in.

My thoughts about this? 12% yes, 20% no. (c wut i did thar? *asteroid'd*)
Seriously though, there's no way to know what'll happen. Maybe the world AS WE KNOW IT will end, maybe it already started changing, maybe it's gonna "end" on another date. If there's one thing scientists DO KNOW, it's that they can NEVER KNOW until it happens.

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#11 Waller


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Posted 30 April 2011 - 12:52 PM

The world ending? No, i don't believe the world will end.
However, until 2012, both answers are the right answer. Everything is right until proven wrong, and so far nobody can prove the world won't end in 2012.


#12 Wertville


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Posted 30 April 2011 - 02:24 PM

The world ending? No, i don't believe the world will end.
However, until 2012, both answers are the right answer. Everything is right until proven wrong, and so far nobody can prove the world won't end in 2012.

I'll counter your Schrödinger's cat with an Occam's razor; The more simple solution is probably the correct one. Complex solution: The end of the mayan calender will lead to the end of the world via the predictions of a some-thousand year old man's writings. Simple solution: The end of the mayan calender... Is the end of the mayan calender. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now I'm no philosopher, so I may have misused the terms... But I think I still have a point :P
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#13 Ephesus



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Posted 01 May 2011 - 05:44 AM


Thing is, other sources are independently mentioning that date. I hear it's not just the Mayan calendar's end, but the end of a cycle that repeats itself.
Now, there's just no way the world will END; as I said, it's something that REPEATS itself. But SOMETHING might happen, at least AROUND that time.

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#14 Elric


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Posted 01 May 2011 - 01:51 PM

The world ending? No, i don't believe the world will end.
However, until 2012, both answers are the right answer. Everything is right until proven wrong, and so far nobody can prove the world won't end in 2012.



Your last statement: "and so far nobody can prove the world Won't end in 2012.

I actually have proof that destroys everything about the 2012 theory. As you most likely know they say the world will end December 21,2012. They say a lunar eclipse will happen on that day, and blah blah, blah blah. Thing is, that that lunar eclipse already happend. The people didn't even get the YEAR or DAY right. The lunar eclipse happened on December 20th, 2010, if I'm right ( you may look it up if you don't happen to believe me). Now, if they can't even predict a lunar eclipse right how are they supposed to know when the world ends? So, you can obviously see from my evidence that I can prove the 2012 theory wrong.




#15 Digital



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Posted 02 May 2011 - 10:40 AM

Though I don't believe the world will end in 2012, I do believe that it will end eventually. I find it crazy to think it won't, all things degenerate. :P

#16 Waller


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Posted 02 May 2011 - 05:05 PM

I'll counter your Schrödinger's cat with an Occam's razor; The more simple solution is probably the correct one. Complex solution: The end of the mayan calender will lead to the end of the world via the predictions of a some-thousand year old man's writings. Simple solution: The end of the mayan calender... Is the end of the mayan calender. Nothing more, nothing less.Now I'm no philosopher, so I may have misused the terms... But I think I still have a point :P

Point accepted.

OBJECTION!!!! *ahem* Your last statement: "and so far nobody can prove the world Won't end in 2012.I actually have proof that destroys everything about the 2012 theory. As you most likely know they say the world will end December 21,2012. They say a lunar eclipse will happen on that day, and blah blah, blah blah. Thing is, that that lunar eclipse already happend. The people didn't even get the YEAR or DAY right. The lunar eclipse happened on December 20th, 2010, if I'm right ( you may look it up if you don't happen to believe me). Now, if they can't even predict a lunar eclipse right how are they supposed to know when the world ends? So, you can obviously see from my evidence that I can prove the 2012 theory wrong.

Emm... The eclipse wasn't the only theory that they had. they said that an asteroid would hit earth, they said aliens would attack and they say a lot more of weird stuff.


#17 Elric


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Posted 02 May 2011 - 06:52 PM

Point accepted.

Emm... The eclipse wasn't the only theory that they had. they said that an asteroid would hit earth, they said aliens would attack and they say a lot more of weird stuff.

If people can't even get a logical theory right, they can't get a ridiculous theory right.




#18 Wertville


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Posted 02 May 2011 - 07:27 PM

If people can't even get a logical theory right, they can't get a ridiculous theory right.

If I may ask... Who is an eclipse of the moon going to destroy the earth?

An asteroid sounds MUCH more logical to me -.-
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#19 Elric


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Posted 03 May 2011 - 04:37 AM

Can't we see asteroids from hundreds of miles away? Also, I don't exactly know how we are going to believe this stuff, but if a conspiracy becomes this popular it has to be convincing.




#20 Guest



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Posted 03 May 2011 - 07:31 AM

The funny things is, it's said there will be a change because some kind of cycle ends. Somehow, all people started to believe that it'll be a change to the worse. Let's see it optimistic: the earth won't be destroyed, what's gonna happen on December 21st of the year 2012 is... the release of a new Mario game for Project Café! :P

I don't really care about prophecies. The Mayans sure had some advanced knowledge in astronomy, but science is far more advanced now than they could imagine, so I don't think they noticed an asteroid that we don't notice. It could be that they had seen a big one fly by the earth, but I doubt they had enough knowledge in physics to calculate when this asteroid would collide with earth, or even if it would collide with earth at all. I really doubt this date marks the collision of an asteroid with earth.
To be honest, I doubt this date marks anything at all. Try to calculate and write down a calendar for the next hundreds of years, and do it without a PC. You'll notice that it's neither easy nor fun, and you'll most likely start to think that there is no need to calculate a calendar for such a huge time frame in the future. Also, if you don't know that, the Mayans suddenly disappeared, and it is still not know what happened to them. What if they just didn't have the time to write a calendar for the next ten years because a huge war broke out amongst them? Or the Mayan scientists died due to a disease or due to famine?

Can't we see asteroids from hundreds of miles away?

The distance from the earth to the moon is approximately 238,857 miles. The distance to the Mars, however, ranges from 36 million miles to over 250 million miles. And you can still see both of them easily with a telescope.

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