I don't just frequent sites that are Sony biased. As for what you say about what I know I can say the same thing about what you say. I'm not making any assumptions and whilst my comments may not be scientific they are based on anecdotal evidence. Also I never said the game was amazing - that's just twisting words for your own good. Its by no means perfect but its far better then a lot of people give it credit for. As for defending anything I only defend when I can credibly do so and I would do so for any console manufacturer or software publisher. If anyone is a fanboy around here its clearly you.
What I say is my opinion, but critics also agree with it. The imaginary people you speak of who are praising the game, I haven't seen any and you still can't prove that they exist. You saying that the majority of people liked the game is you making an assumption because you know a few people who do. It doesn't make any sense. My evidence is the critics and my own thoughts while playing the game, not to mention tons of people disappointed with the game. Check IGN, check Kotaku, check any other gaming related site and you'll see most people who don't care for the game. You get incredibly defensive whenever someone trashes a game that is widely considered garbage, which is why I consider you a fanboy. As for me, you calling me a fanboy makes no sense since I don't defend any company and don't care if people don't like a game I do, unlike you. But if you want to go with that just to make yourself feel better, sure. Again, congratulations.
Edited by Gaymer, 30 December 2013 - 11:00 AM.