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3Dude What Do You Think of the DMC Reboot

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#1 Mignaga



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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:47 PM

In the title.


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#2 DANT3


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:53 PM


#3 Abcdude


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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:57 PM


Edited by Abcdude, 23 January 2014 - 09:58 PM.


#4 Big Boss

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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:58 PM

Did you know this forum has a feature that allows for private messaging? :0

#5 Mignaga



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Posted 23 January 2014 - 09:58 PM

Did you know this forum has a feature that allows for private messaging? :0

Don't worry, I sent him a PM with a link to the thread.


Be wary, the suck is coming.

#6 Zinix



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Posted 23 January 2014 - 10:00 PM

He'll tell you to check your privilege. 

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

Smoke meth. Hail Satan. Watch the yearly Twilight Zone marathons. Talk to dead people. Everyone is gay. Ignore people. Live life to the fullest.

#7 Raiden


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Posted 24 January 2014 - 01:29 AM

I will keep this civil for me dump my thoughts and leave. I am a big DMC fan. Not a DmC fan. 


I will try and break down a few things. First why was there a reboot? Well DMC4 is the highest selling game in the series. Got good scores.

Capcom since inafune left hired many western devs with spotty track records for western versions of thier IP's. Racoon City,Bionic Commando also known as Wife Arms. (the XBL version is fantastic but the retail version is awful) Disasters. Lost Planet 3 awful. Yet EX Troopers great. Now they got it right with Wayforward and Duck tales.

Inafune new how to spot a good western dev. When he left Capcom management took over. Something many might not know but Capcom is family run and always has been. Always been managed poorly. Just when they had loads of talent they made awesome games. Few are left Capcom has hired over 100 devs each year last five years. They are broke. What I a getting to is Capcom makes really awful decisions with no common sense or logic.



When Capcom hired Ninja Theory,NT held an even where they showed badly Photoshopped images of Dante with brokeback mountain calling Dante gay. Like Jr high children. Capcom may have asked them to change it but NT had no issues insulting the series and fans day 1. Dante was a character that as intentially over the top and silly but it worked. Donte (not a typo) in the new DmC initially took after Taneem. After much outcry was made much less so. Still ok this is a new Dante. Let's see how this goes. Series did not need rebooting but let's give this a shot. Well...Donte was not as much a douche as they advertised. Instead he became very forgettable. His dialogue is very poorly written. F-bombs all he can really do. The entire game Donte has no real character development..you just do stuff. Only at the last 5 minutes all the sudden he cares but less than 30 seconds before that he didn't care. It made no sense. Kat is just a body. Zero character to here except for one part, Story it's some political agenda Taneem has. So it was pretty bleck. Visually well it looks ok..character design is lacking IMO. When persona art talent designed Dantes devil trigger in I think was DMC3..then look at DmC..ewww. Devil Trigger did not add much to te gameplay at all. Speaking of Gameplay. This is Mario Kart to Forza. meaning it's severly dumbed down. Not that DMC was all that complex but play DMC4 and it was very fluid(tho Bayonetta blows it out of the water) also scoring is super easy. I was able to get an SSS rank by mashing basically. It's not broken and it works but it's a good letdown to past games.


Now all that downtalk. is it a horrible game? No. It's just average. Just that it's a terrible DMC game. Top this all off Capcom projected before release it would sell less than DMC 4 and were looking for scores from reviews on the same page DMC4 got. So why a reboot if you expect it to be worse?


Capcom Logic. None of these big reboots and such has worked for Capcom. They bombed. What they did do right is the new series like Dragons Dogman and Lost Planet(until 3)


I say try DMC HD first and Bayonetta. If you have. Then still plan to get DmC. Prepare for a downgrade. On it's own it could have been a decent budget game without the DMC name. Enslaved was fun. HS eww. So take it what is is my thoughts on DmC.



Just leave with this

#8 3Dude



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Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:49 AM

He'll tell you to check your privilege.

That carp damn near killed me first time I watched that episode of abridged. Still gets me every damn time.

Honestly, I dont really care about the new dante design, I think its bad, but I dont care, it takes a lot more than a lame character design to throw me off the game. The story and character development are also... pretty bad, but again, thats not why I play DmC, though the actual Japanese titles were quirky enough to keep me interested, and the new one just seems so.... detached. I think a lot of the hangups on the design may be misplaced frusteration, or inability to express whats really bothering them, and the easy to spot difference becomes the scapegoat.

My problem with DmC is, that like almost all big AAA western games, its controls, design, and gameplay have been dumbed down for the brainwashed morons who cant actually play games, but still demand to feel like they are a gaming badarse, and if a game is too hard for their limited skillset, they then claim that its broken (specifically, gamz girnoliz, so they give a good score, so the game gets a metacritic in the 90's, so the dev team gets bonuses). Its just another huge pusher of dramatic presentations of non difficulty. Amazing things are happening on screen, but if you just look at the controller, you might as well be playing a not very demanding game of electronic Simon says, Or, to put it in my short way of saying it, I can play the game by slapping my genitals across the controller. And for a series like dmc, that came from the house Kamiya built, that is 100% unacceptable.

The real successors to Devil may cry is now a series made by team Angel may cry, over at PLatinum games, its, Bayonetta. Or hell, pretty much anything platinum does, play tw101 with green and blue combos and you have more true DMC action than DmC.



#9 Mitch



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Posted 24 January 2014 - 01:11 PM

I can play the game by slapping my genitals across the controller. 


Pics or it didnt happen

#10 Kokirii



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Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:06 PM

 Or, to put it in my short way of saying it, I can play the game by slapping my genitals across the controller. 


Now that's skill.  Achievement unlocked!

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#11 Waller


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Posted 25 January 2014 - 02:06 PM

DmC is what happens when you give a series popular for its combat system and non-sensical writting to a developer who's known for their passable stories and rainbowty combat systems.



#12 Guy Fieri

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Posted 26 January 2014 - 07:33 AM

I got DmC earlier in the month from PS Plus, and I'm enjoying it. Nothing to say about the writing or story, nothing that stands out besides "OW THE EDGE". But the gameplay is fun, it's easy and simple, but still a mindless sort of fun. The same kind of fun I get from beat em up games. I can't really compare this to any previous Devil May Cry games, but I've heard the past games are similar to using just the gun and sword in W101 (seeing as Kamiya worked on both). If that's true, than I like both styles. Albeit one being a lot more simplified than another.

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