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Wii U's Memory Bandwidth, GPU More Powerful Than We Thought?

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:04 PM


Some new information has surfaced due to some in-depth research conducted by various engineers regarding the Wii U's handling of memory: it may be more powerful and faster than we thought. 

Unlike the PS4 and the Xbox One, the Wii U is the only new generation console that has a lot of secrecy surrounding its hardware capabilities. While early kits and impressions from developers indicated that the Wii U was weak and slow and a “crap” system, further digging from die-hard members of the gaming community have summed up a possible cap for Nintendo's eighth gen system capabilities. 

Some individuals have pointed to the fact that Renesas Electronics, who merged with NEC – the semiconductor company who was recently picked up by Sony, as reported by DualShockers – is responsible for the Wii U's semiconductor in the same way that they were responsible for the Xbox 360's semiconductor. The natural logic that follows is that newer tech made in 2012 would obviously be faster than whatever they produced in 2004 for the Xbox 360's release in 2005. 

Keep in mind that the Xbox 360's bit bus per macro was 1024 nearly a decade ago, and according to information provided by Bob Peterson – regarding NEC Electronic's eDRAM for the 360 – the system was capable of expanding its bandwidth thanks to the external buffering from the eDRAM, writing... 
“Using external memory, the GPU would be limited to a 32- or 64-bit interface. The NEC Electronics eDRAM expands the on-chip memory interface past 1000 bits in width to support the GPU’s 256-Gbytes/second bandwidth between the graphics pipelines and memory.”

It's been speculated that this would translate into the 360 capable of through-putting up to 256GB per second. You can see how it all comes together in the diagram below. 





The general gist is that if Nintendo's GameCube had eDRAM at 32 macros on a 16bit bus width, as noted by EE Times, and NEC already designed Xbox 360's eDRAM die more than a half-decade before prepping for the Wii U's tech, then quite naturally – according to Moore's Law – the Wii U's eDRAM should faster as part of the natural state of technological evolution. I mean, no one makes newer chips slower or bigger than previous chips, right? 

It's been speculated that taking the information above into consideration, the Wii U's total bandwidth of gigabytes per second, including the possible 1024 bits per macro and GPU – which, according to TechPowerUp clocks in at 550mhz – would come out to around 563.2GB per second. Keep in mind that the Xbox One runs about 170GB per second of bandwidth between the DDR3 and eSRAM, as outlined by Xbit Labs

This could explain the Wii U's ease of hitting 1080p at 60fps with nary many complaints from those who actually enjoy working with Nintendo's hardware. 

This also points to possible scaling with the GPGPU and graphical output that hasn't been discussed before with the Wii U. 






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#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:18 PM

Sounds good but I stil want to see these advantages taken advantage of by 3rd parties ON A REGULAR AND CONSISTENT basis so this (Yes a big part of the gaming community thinks this) notion that Wii U is barely a step above last gen and not NEXT GEN (just speaking from a tech standpoint) can be gone for good. The 1st party games on Wii U for the most part look really good but still waiting to see that game that REALLY pushes the hardware.

#3 Nollog


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:34 PM

LMAO, there's absolutely no factual evidence in that "article" it's just conjecture.
"If the 360 was fast in 2004, then the Wii U MUST be faster in 2011"
unicorn tongue.
There's so many variables in difference to how MS think from Nintendo think.

We know it's better, but this article is just not good.

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#4 Falco



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:37 PM

zelda will be the game that show the wii u true power

#5 nbond3040



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 05:57 PM

zelda will be the game that show the wii u true power

I would prefer 60fps and 1080p then something great looking

#6 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 06:01 PM

I would prefer 60fps and 1080p then something great looking


So you want a POS that runs at 1080p and 60fps..?



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#7 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 06:35 PM

Donkey Kong looks just as good as Killzone Shadow fall imo.

#8 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 07:07 PM

zelda will be the game that show the wii u true power


Well it COULD be but the artstyle might hold it back. I am not saying its right but a lot of people dismiss nintendo games because of the toonish artstyle. I totally wish they would use the 2011 Zelda demo artstyle but knowing how Nintendo loves to tease and get us excited just to show something different in the end. There will be tech to back it up but people will dismiss probably because of artstyle.

#9 LinkKennedy


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 07:56 PM

I don't think there's a wiiu game that is out today that couldn't run on last gen and especially on current gen. PS4/X1 has shown that it can produce visuals better than last gen with NBA2k14,Battlefield4,KZSF ( granted some might find those games to be mediocre but visuals are visuals) I'm still waiting for WiiUs game that will set it apart.

If we consider un released titles then I would put MarioKart,X,InfamousSS,TitanFall, and The Order(which might just be the prettiest one yet).

#10 GAMER1984



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Posted 23 February 2014 - 08:17 PM

I don't think there's a wiiu game that is out today that couldn't run on last gen and especially on current gen. PS4/X1 has shown that it can produce visuals better than last gen with NBA2k14,Battlefield4,KZSF ( granted some might find those games to be mediocre but visuals are visuals) I'm still waiting for WiiUs game that will set it apart.

If we consider un released titles then I would put MarioKart,X,InfamousSS,TitanFall, and The Order(which might just be the prettiest one yet).


Well seriousl what are you talking about? ANY game can be ran on weaker hardware but WITH compromises. YES there are Wii U game that couldnt be produced on last gen with the same effects, textures, resolution, and framerate. Bayo2 would be first if you think that game could run at 60 FPS on ps360 you dont know much about video games and development.

#11 LinkKennedy


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 08:48 PM

Well seriousl what are you talking about? ANY game can be ran on weaker hardware but WITH compromises. YES there are Wii U game that couldnt be produced on last gen with the same effects, textures, resolution, and framerate. Bayo2 would be first if you think that game could run at 60 FPS on ps360 you dont know much about video games and development.

Well Bayo ain't released yet and you are right that's one of the unreleased titles I would add that last gen can't handle

#12 Ruuffur


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Posted 23 February 2014 - 10:39 PM

Well Bayo ain't released yet and you are right that's one of the unreleased titles I would add that last gen can't handle


PS360 can't even handle the Wii U version of Trine 2. Dem Lighting and physics.

#13 Merky Water

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Posted 23 February 2014 - 11:11 PM

While I believe the Wii U can handle more than Nintendo's being given credit for, this article really does say nothing but hypotheticals.  Of course, since plenty of propaganda with similar basis is readily distributed on the internet, just with anti-Wii U sentiments instead, I could see how it would seem to some a good thing to now see some pro-Wii U.  But I personally would rather no conjecture... either way.  I'd much rather let the systems stand as they are and leave the proof in the pudding.  If gamers enjoy it, then they play it.  But the war of words and continued console war trying to disuade gamers from trying their competition is a sad thing.  When that war continues at the gamer level, an even sadder state.  But it's in the console developers best interest to perpetuate this.  As gamers, we should be enjoying the various products.  If we do, there should be room for any good console or game that rolls around.


#14 Mewbot


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 02:52 AM

Where is 3Dude? I need his input.

Edited by R00bot, 24 February 2014 - 02:52 AM.


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#15 SailtheSeas


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 03:12 AM

Sounds good but I stil want to see these advantages taken advantage of by 3rd parties ON A REGULAR AND CONSISTENT basis so this (Yes a big part of the gaming community thinks this) notion that Wii U is barely a step above last gen and not NEXT GEN (just speaking from a tech standpoint) can be gone for good. The 1st party games on Wii U for the most part look really good but still waiting to see that game that REALLY pushes the hardware.


You'd really have to be an idiot to peddle the whole "Wii U is on par with last gen consoles" rubbish. You don't even have to be an expert at computer hardware to know the Wii U blows the PS3 and 360 out of the water in terms of specification. Bayonetta 2 clearly shows that although the Wii U is not the most powerful console on the market it is capable of producing some stunning imagery.

I would prefer 60fps and 1080p then something great looking


I'd hate to break it to you, but games that have a 1080p native resolution generally look great, that said Bayonetta 2 appears on first impressions to be one of the most visually stunning games I've seen for a while and that's reportedly 720p with 60 fps.

While I believe the Wii U can handle more than Nintendo's being given credit for, this article really does say nothing but hypotheticals.  Of course, since plenty of propaganda with similar basis is readily distributed on the internet, just with anti-Wii U sentiments instead, I could see how it would seem to some a good thing to now see some pro-Wii U.  But I personally would rather no conjecture... either way.  I'd much rather let the systems stand as they are and leave the proof in the pudding.  If gamers enjoy it, then they play it.  But the war of words and continued console war trying to disuade gamers from trying their competition is a sad thing.  When that war continues at the gamer level, an even sadder state.  But it's in the console developers best interest to perpetuate this.  As gamers, we should be enjoying the various products.  If we do, there should be room for any good console or game that rolls around.


Nintendo is far too secretive for its own good.


I mean why convince gamers to buy your system through marketing and communication with openness and transparency when you can just let it flap about like a fish out of water while your main competitor wipes the floor with you?

Edited by SailtheSeas, 24 February 2014 - 03:08 AM.

#16 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 03:50 AM

Shouldn't this be in the Hardware Section?

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#17 GAMER1984



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Posted 24 February 2014 - 04:12 AM

You'd really have to be an idiot to peddle the whole "Wii U is on par with last gen consoles" rubbish. You don't even have to be an expert at computer hardware to know the Wii U blows the PS3 and 360 out of the water in terms of specification. Bayonetta 2 clearly shows that although the Wii U is not the most powerful console on the market it is capable of producing some stunning imagery.




Well there are a lot of idiots out there. Believe me when I say there is a big percentage of gamers that feel like it is only a small step if that above ps360. Journalist also feel this way. I have visited too many sites and articles that have said that much. I think most people dont care anymore they have accepted Wii U is what they have been told it is. Its sad but 100 percent Nintendo fault

#18 SailtheSeas


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 04:33 AM

Well there are a lot of idiots out there. Believe me when I say there is a big percentage of gamers that feel like it is only a small step if that above ps360. Journalist also feel this way. I have visited too many sites and articles that have said that much. I think most people dont care anymore they have accepted Wii U is what they have been told it is. Its sad but 100 percent Nintendo fault


Oh I know, any Wii U article posted on Gamespot is met with idiots posting this waffle.


Anybody who has seen the screen shots of Bayonetta 2 can clearly see just how capable the Wii U is.


However the Wii U's hardware shortcomings in my eyes is not nearly as unforgivable as their lack of marketing and releasing the console without a single must have game AAA game i.e. Zelda.

#19 3Dude



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Posted 24 February 2014 - 04:38 AM

This... isnt even close.

This reeks of eyeofcores garbage over on beyond3d before he was banned, which he went so far as to change the wikipedia page for.... so he could quote himself for 'evidence'.

While the wii u easily COULD have this badnwidth with that 32Mb of ram divided into 4Mb macros, IF the edram was bussed at 1024 per block. It would be massive overkill. There would be very little point in having such a massive excess in memory bandwidth, the processors just dont have what it takes to fill that highway. It would be a better use of money to make the memory faster instead of wider at that point.

And thats not a slight against the wii u either, thats more bandwidth than either the ps4 or xbone could make use of as well.



#20 Azure-Edge


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 08:47 AM

Well there are a lot of idiots out there. Believe me when I say there is a big percentage of gamers that feel like it is only a small step if that above ps360. Journalist also feel this way. I have visited too many sites and articles that have said that much. I think most people dont care anymore they have accepted Wii U is what they have been told it is. Its sad but 100 percent Nintendo fault


Totally agreed with you up until this point. It's partially Nintendo's fault, but I'd put a huge part of the blame on the so called 'journalists' as well.


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