Yeah. Those are practically all that add something to the arc/plot/story/whatever.Unfortunately, the majority of the first season is done in a "slice of life" style, not unlike Friends. I remember the first two episodes, 6, 12, 18, 23, and 24 being the ones that really did something with effects that reached into later episodes.
1+2 - the mane six are revealed to represent the Elements of Harmony, and Luna is returned from her banishment
6 - Twilight Sparkle's magical abilities are truly focused on for the first time, and she feels far more comfortable with them after this episode
12 - Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle meet, and form the Cutie Mark Crusaders; their mission to get their cutie marks continues through the rest of the season
18 - an episode focusing on the personal development of the Cutie Mark Crusaders
23 - the mane six reveal how they got their cutie marks, and realize that Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom was indirectly responsible for bringing them together many years later
24 - Twilight Sparkle adopts an owl as her pet - I'm sure we'll see more of him in season 2
26 - the season finale; it is an episode that focuses on each of the ponies' aspirations
I might've missed a couple - someone, feel free to fill in any gaps. But yes, generally, nothing very far-reaching tends to happen. Personally, I'm hoping to see a lot more plot continuity in season 2 - some big problem that takes the entire season to solve would be awesome.
The series is more a "slice of life" thing, which actually teaches you a few values. (Warning: Will induce laughter!)