Totally agree with you!
Apparently, many people are being fanboys and are denying the truth.
Nintendo should listen to their fans, seriously! If indie companies can do great online experiences, Nintendo can!
yup thats why I hope they realize that if enough people complain and give us some big patch
Ok this crap needs to stop now.
This is why you weren't taken seriously.
MK8 is a bucking incredible looking game. One could argue it's the best game to come out for 8th gen so far.
This thing has been treated with the absolute most care down to the frinking smallest detail. We're talking about big things like anti gravity, mid sized thing like spin boosting, and tiny things like fluttering mustaches and booty staring.
The game is getting great reviews across the board, the only reason the reviews aren't pretty much perfects is because this game is being compared to the previous installments... all of which were also incredible games for their times.
Outside of MK8 Nintendo has been frinking great to us, especially in the last month or so. Smash bros. looks mind-blowing, with so many things people have been requesting for forever, from all walks of the game for the longest time being included. We're getting Bayonetta 2, X, a new Zelda, rumors of Metroid or Starfox, and judging by the way Miyamoto is talking eventually a Majora's Mask remake.
Pretty much everyone on this site loves their Wi U as a system, the only complaint most people can make is a lack of games, which still isn't saying much, since we have the most games (both great and in general) in this gen so far.
Now here's you guys, complaining about character selection and online chat restrictions, and do you state it would have been nice to have these things, but oh well, maybe next time? No. You try to say that Nintendo doesn't listen, and that they need to do better? That you expect "much more". That's just straight up whining and nit-picking. There isn't even enough room for improvement to expect "much more". This isn't some essential feature that has been excluded, this isn't an "up yours" straight from Iwata, this is you complaining that, oh no, while you're having the time of your life playing an incredible game, you won't be able to look at the back of so and so's bike and head. Because you couldn't possibly play as the boatloads of other great characters. No that would just ruin the experience. Nintendo has killed the game and slapped in or face. Forget all the other things that are perfect and spot on about the game, I can't play as a Goomba and complain about it to strangers in chat.