Spirit in the Sky only thing good came out of that trailer. Man you know Batista going to stink it up with his below porn level of acting skills
Oh for pete's sake, you're judging a man's acting ability based off of WWE. That's like me judging the acting ability of Charles Dance from his One episode of Merlin.
Through the power of Marvel making all that money from Avengers/Iron Man 3.
In all seriousness, it's not THAT strange. Sure, gun toting space raccoon(He's not a raccoon, but everyone calls him Rocket Raccoon) and talking tree is wierd, but Star Wars had a talking Shag Carpet and little tiny desert shrews that sold robots.
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX