Only for you.
You need to be selfish at times to get anywhere in life. Sure selflessness and helping others is nice but to put more emphasis on that than on yourself wont end well for you. More emphasis on achieving more for yourself does not mean to neglect helping others entirely either.
For example, if a child were to want to help a friend with their studies they can't only do that or their own studies would suffer. It's about balance between helping yourself and helping others, I think so anyway. There is more emphasis is on personal achievement but that isn't a bad thing, we should all be trying to achieve the best for ourselves and helping/caring others when we can. Don't look at it as so black and white because the study does only implies an emphasis on one not a complete neglect of the other.
It goes past even that.
A worthless whiny slacker cant actually help anyone.
Hows the slacker supposed to help his friend with the subject when he cant even do it himself.
Definitely not true.
First ff, it depends on what you define as "successful". If you mean having so many millions you literally don't know what to do with it. Sure, that type of selfishness is probably necessary. But to make a decent to good salary, absolutely not. My father makes six figures, my mother almost six, we live in a house worth almost half a million. They both were born and raised in a third world country -and neither of them from rich families in that country-. I'm not bragging or anything, since those aren't even my accomplishments, but I'm just saying they have both gotten where they are today without being selfish.
That notion of "selfish is good" is very much an american thing, used to excuse their deplorable behavior towards each other, much like how higher ups in EA try to pretend their throwing people's lives into turmoil so they can make more is justified (which is why I'm surprised you'd say something like that 3Dude) and from what I know straight up not true.
Anyway, a child can balance not fail a class, which wouldn't make them selfish, and the fact that they would do what they can to help that person would kind of exempt them from being selfish. Even if they can't help them directly. What I'm saying is the two aren't exclusive. It's not that you either let that person fail or fail yourself, there are ways to make sure you both do the best you can.
Also there's a very big difference between being lazy and being selfish. Being selfish doesn't mean you're not selfish, and being selfless doesn't mean you're lazy. I would have thought that would be obvious.