Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread
Posted 22 May 2011 - 07:20 PM
- Ace likes this
Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.
NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX
Posted 22 May 2011 - 07:24 PM
Posted 22 May 2011 - 08:13 PM
And please a 3DS title to interface with cafe too.
The jpeg of Fry from Futurama just wouldn't be enough...
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Posted 23 May 2011 - 01:25 AM
- Feld0, Schroedus, The One Who Wrote This and 1 other like this
Posted 23 May 2011 - 05:11 AM
- The One Who Wrote This likes this
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.
Posted 28 May 2011 - 12:08 PM
Here's an idea I've had in my mind for a while.
More than likely, Nintendo will EVENTUALLY have a Street Fighter character or Street Fighter characters in Super Smash Bros. so I believe Nintendo will have to step things up a notch from Brawl to make this game BETTER overall.
I suggest throwing in 3 Final Smashes instead of one.
The Street Fighter characters are know for having MANY signature Super Moves, so lets assume that the Nintendo characters will also have more Super Moves this time around. Working off this idea will open up MANY new Final Smash ideas for ALL the fighters!!!
We will assume that the 3 Final Smash System will work like the 3 Super Move system in Street Fighter III: Third Strike. At the character select menu, players will have the choice of selecting one of three Final Smashes.
Depending on which Final Smash is selected will result in certain conditions for breaking the Smash Ball.
Lets use the Street Fighter character Ryu for example since he's the most basic and balanced character the series has to offer.
If he were in a Super Smash Bros. game with the 3 Final Smash System implemented, the system would work like this:
Final Smash 1: Shinkuu Hadouken (The beam version from the VS. games) - This will be Ryu's most basic and WEAKEST Final Smash. It travels long distance and it's easy to deal damage to opponents at a distance, BUT lets say it only does a maximum of 50-55% damage if it FULLY connects. HERE'S THE TWIST!!! For picking his "weaker" Final Smash, this allows Ryu to break the Smash Ball more easily than normal if he were to pick say a "stronger" Final Smash.
Final Smash 2: Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku - This is Ryu's Super Move that you see often in Capcom cross over games. This Final Smash isn't as easy to hit with, but the damage is MUCH greater than his first Final Smash; probably 70-85% if it FULLY connects. This move works great on opponents that have SURROUNDED you instead of having to space yourself away from your opponents like his Shinkuu Hadouken. This move of course hits multiple opponents and also sucks in opponents if they are within a certain distance. I can see enemies being swarmed with lightning as Ryu spins and strikes them with his foot (Ryu's element is lightning for those of you that didn't know. Ken's element is Fire). This move sends opponents flying horizontally on the last hit. This move sounds quite powerful, no? HERE'S THE NEXT TWIST!!! Choosing THIS Final Smash will make it a little harder for Ryu to break the Smash Ball!!! Do you see where I'm going with this? (

Final Smash 3: Shin Shouryuuken - This move is OBVIOUSLY Ryu's STRONGEST FINAL SMASH!!! The damage is insane!!!! Probably 105-150%...pretty much guaranteeing a K.O. if you land it. Landing it though is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT!!! Your opponent must be at CLOSE RANGE!!! IN YOUR FACE!!! They'd have to be pretty stupid to get caught by this, but if you're a skilled SSB Ryu player...you can find ways of connecting with this DEADLY FINAL SMASH!!! Also, this move is made to hit only one opponent (Like Link's Tri Force Slash) BUT if two or three opponents happen to be right in front of you...then they will also take damage from the move. Breaking the Smash Ball takes a while with this Final Smash selected.
There you have it. That's my idea. Each character will have 3 Final Smashes set in this type of way: A long distance move(A projectile of some sorts or a dash type move that only connects if you touch an opponent), a move for hitting opponents that have surrounded you, and a nearly instant K.O. move that's VERY HARD to land and EASY to waste. How about more TRANSFORMATION type final smashes like when Sonic turns into Super Sonic or when Bowser turns into Giga Bowser? Can you imagine Link turning into Fierce Deity Link as his 3rd and most powerful Final Smash?
The Final Smashes don't necessarily have to be in that order, but ALL characters will have 3 Final Smashes, and each one will have a sort of handicap for breaking the Smash Ball depending on the power of the Final Smash and which type of Final Smash you've selected.
What do you think???
Got any Final Smash ideas that could be used for some of your favorite characters (or characters you wish were in SSB) based off of this make-believe 3 Final Smash System?
You know, this is interesting. Most of everyone wants Final Fantasy characters in Smash Bros., but MOST of the characters never appeared on a Nintendo platform.
What if we thought of it like this? The Final Fantasy series is an entire series in one isn't it? The only thing is that it has numbered sequels with different characters and storylines.
I think this is were it gets confusing. The Final Fantasy SERIES started on Nintendo, but half of it's characters weren't on a Nintendo platform.
Does this TRULY exclude the other half of Final Fantasy characters from making an appearance in Smash Bros. just because they were on a platform other than Nintendo or does the ENTIRE series -that started on the original Nintendo- give hope that ALL Final Fantasy characters have a chance to make an appearance?
Again, the Final Fantasy SERIES started on Nintendo. Would this FACT help open the door for more Final Fantasy characters?
Edited by Sirralart RCP120, 16 June 2011 - 12:14 PM.
- Feld0 likes this

Female protagonists are GREAT!!!
My Smackdown vs Raw 2011 keyword for the PS3 is TRALARRIS. If you like ORIGINAL DIVA CAWs look them up!
Posted 28 May 2011 - 12:40 PM
"Spoiled" the post to keep it from getting too long.Spoiler
Three final smashes is an interesting idea, but I think that's just making Smash unnecessarily complicated. I like the idea of each character having a single ultimate, last-resort move. Having three of them seems a bit like overkill to me.
Now, you bring up the possibility of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy characters getting into Smash. I think it's important to remember that Smash was always intended to be a celebration of Nintendo's own franchises and intellectual properties, with third-parties being thrown in more for the fun of it than to actually make them part of the Smash universe. Then again, I'm not Sakurai, so I could be mistaken in saying that.
The FF and SS series are different from Nintendo's in that they don't exactly have a single character who can stand in and represent the entire series, and adding enough characters from those series into Smash to make it "fair" on them would make a significant part of the roster third-party, which I don't think is the direction Nintendo wants to go.
Posted 28 May 2011 - 01:29 PM
3rd party Characters like Mega Man and such are more suited for the franchise and most of the chars should be from the Nintendo Universe.
Too many 3rd party characters would ruin the game's atmosphere (or whatever) in my opinion.
Edited by Play4Fun, 28 May 2011 - 01:30 PM.
- Someone and Robotic Sunshine Commander like this
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.
Posted 28 May 2011 - 01:32 PM
"Spoiled" the post to keep it from getting too long.
Three final smashes is an interesting idea, but I think that's just making Smash unnecessarily complicated. I like the idea of each character having a single ultimate, last-resort move. Having three of them seems a bit like overkill to me.
Now, you bring up the possibility of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy characters getting into Smash. I think it's important to remember that Smash was always intended to be a celebration of Nintendo's own franchises and intellectual properties, with third-parties being thrown in more for the fun of it than to actually make them part of the Smash universe. Then again, I'm not Sakurai, so I could be mistaken in saying that.
The FF and SS series are different from Nintendo's in that they don't exactly have a single character who can stand in and represent the entire series, and adding enough characters from those series into Smash to make it "fair" on them would make a significant part of the roster third-party, which I don't think is the direction Nintendo wants to go.
I don't think it would be too complicated. The fighters wouldn't have access to ALL three of their Final Smashes in one match. They'd have to choose just one before the match begins. Adding more to the fighting aspect of game couldn't possibly HURT the game overall could it? I think it would allow a player, that's WILLING to experiment more with his or her MAIN character(s), to learn to fight three ways because of the three Final Smash system. This would make the more competitive player happy I think. It'd be pretty hard to make Smash Bros. a complicated game because it isn't.
I don't think there will EVER be more non-nintendo characters than actual nintendo characters in a Smash Bros. game.
It wouldn't be too hard for them to choose two or maybe three to represent a non-nintendo series. It really wouldn't take that many. They could choose the series' representatives based off of popularity. They could choose the most popular hero, the most popular female hero, and the most popular bad guy in that series.
I can't see SSB being SSB with a whole bunch of Street Fighter Characters in it.
3rd party Characters like Mega Man and such are more suited for the franchise and most of the chars should be from the Nintendo Universe.
Too many 3rd party characters would ruin the game's atmosphere (or whatever) in my opinion.
I'm probably telling it the wrong way. I'm NOT saying throw in hordes of non-nintendo characters. That's WAY off topic. I was just trying to explain my three Final Smash idea in detail. If they WERE going to include Street Fighter in Smash, I'd say just two or three. Not 10.
- Feld0 likes this

Female protagonists are GREAT!!!
My Smackdown vs Raw 2011 keyword for the PS3 is TRALARRIS. If you like ORIGINAL DIVA CAWs look them up!
Posted 28 May 2011 - 03:52 PM
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.
Posted 28 May 2011 - 06:12 PM
Posted 28 May 2011 - 09:37 PM
1) Final Fantasy 1/3
Throw in two character classes, Fighter and red mage, for example. Those are not only representatives of the NES final fantasy games, but also created RPG archtypes that are still in use today. Would make perfect sense to throw them in, especially if they are treated as Mr. Game and Watch. (Ie. 8-bit style)
Alternatively have two zelda/pokemon trainer type FF characters via the job class system. One for Monk/Fighter/Paladin and another for Red/black/white mages. Same reasons as above.
2) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
People don't just forget the NINTENDO EXCLUSIVE Final Fantasy games, do they? Especially because they just released a character driven CC game pretty much last year...
Posted 29 May 2011 - 12:47 PM
On the idea of adding Final Fantasy characters... 2 suggestions.
1) Final Fantasy 1/3
Throw in two character classes, Fighter and red mage, for example. Those are not only representatives of the NES final fantasy games, but also created RPG archtypes that are still in use today. Would make perfect sense to throw them in, especially if they are treated as Mr. Game and Watch. (Ie. 8-bit style)
Alternatively have two zelda/pokemon trainer type FF characters via the job class system. One for Monk/Fighter/Paladin and another for Red/black/white mages. Same reasons as above.
2) Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
People don't just forget the NINTENDO EXCLUSIVE Final Fantasy games, do they? Especially because they just released a character driven CC game pretty much last year...
That would be a good idea, I don't see why they wouldn't put characters from the CC series in the game but if I had a choice between characters from the numbered series and CC, I'd probably prefer to see characters from the numbered series. However, I think characters from Crystal Chronicles might be more likely.
Posted 03 June 2011 - 09:05 AM

My dreams of seeing Joanna Dark in a Smash game hit the rocks years ago...thanks Rare...
At least the Cloaking Device was in Smash Bros. Melee. (

Did you know that the "Motion Sensor" bomb in Melee was actually the Proximity Mine from Goldeneye 007? Take another look and be amazed! (

ALSO!! In the Japanese version of Melee, I think the "Motion Sensor" bomb was the Proximity Mine from Perfect Dark on the N64. MAN they got SOOO LUCKY!!! (>_<)LOL!
Edited by Sirralart RCP120, 03 June 2011 - 09:10 AM.

Female protagonists are GREAT!!!
My Smackdown vs Raw 2011 keyword for the PS3 is TRALARRIS. If you like ORIGINAL DIVA CAWs look them up!
Posted 03 June 2011 - 04:39 PM
The Super Smash Bros. series has always been great games, including the last installment and some people, singlehandedly prevents their Wii from being taken to the next store, it's that great. Super Smash Bros. Brawl may have made a few major errors (Eg. the terrible online system), but it succeed in providing a great experience overall.
If Nintendo learns from their mistakes and improve upon what they do best, the next installment will be even better then before. I will be all over it and will be buying it at all cost. So expect me to be talking about it for a long, long time.
I think that we'll see announcements regarding it in E3 2011 and if not, it will eventually come.
Let's go through all the posts first:
@Sirralart RCP120 (#8): I wouldn't mind a few more third-party characters, but in the end, as Feld0 said, this is mainly for a celebration of Nintendo's titles and games and I'd like to keep it that way. Street Fighter already have their own series, so they aren't really a good start for Capcom's characters in Super Smash Bros.
@Wertville (#14): Final Fantasy's characters are unlikely to be represented, especially considering that they went a whole generation disregarding Nintendo's platform. Plus the main games have not originated on Nintendo platforms since since March, 1994 if you consider it where Final Fantasy VI was first released. Good luck with getting any Square Enix's characters in the fourth installment.
Well that was quick, now to propose my idea for the next installment. Gotta get that done quick before the new installment spoils some of it for me.
My Ideas for Super Smash Bros. 4:
The Character Roster
* by the character name indicates unlockable players.
Bowser Jr.*
Paper Mario*
Donkey Kong:
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
King K. Rool*
Other Mario Subseries:
Wario (Alternate costume same as previous game)
The Legend of Zelda:
Young Link* (Alternate costume is Toon Link)
Samus (Same alternate as before)
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Star Fox:
Pokemon Trainer
5th Gen Pokemon Character*
Captain Falcon
Samurai Gorah*
Fire Emblem:
Kid Icarus:
Golden Sun:
Custom Robo:
Ray MK II*
Ice Climbers
Balloon Fighter*
Mr. Game & Watch*
Snake* (Representing Konami)
Sonic* (Representing Sega)
Mega Man* (Representing Capcom)
Bomberman* (Representing Hudson Soft)
Explanation (And a lot of it):
First thing we should do is to keep our expectation low. This is personally a roster I think would do great and a very satisfying one, but I have a feeling that the roster could go down to as much as 43 characters, as any of these listed could be easily omitted. That said, it will be higher then 35 characters, count on that. I expect the player roster to be anywhere between 43 and 56 characters, so a lot to work with, so my rosters works at a realistic wish list that I hope is taken into consideration.
Some of these are more or less merely suggestions from other players.
I think it's plausible to assume that all or some of the original unlockable characters will be made available from the start. Captain Falcon will almost certainly be in, so if F-zero gets a second representive, then someone should take his place an an unlockable character. I just think he makes more sense as a starter then an unlockable. Same with Ness on the latter reason, thought he should be playable from the start as well since he's more well known then Lucas. I'd be fine with Jigglypuff and Luigi being unlockable, but again, prefer them as starters.
I removed Lucario because he did not originate in a video game and as such, is the least likely out of all Brawl characters to come back; yes even less then the clone characters and third-party characters. Do some research and you'll see that he originated in an anime Pokemon movie. The rule states that no character that does not originate in a video game may make an appearance. By including Lucario, they are contradicting this rule. He may be a video game character, but he does not have video game origin. Mark my words, when the developers figure out this, he will be removed instantly with possibly no reference to him in the game. It's not something I want, but something we'll probably have to deal with.
I'm not sure if we'll get third-party characters in the game, but I'll say it's very likely that we'll see them anyway. Snake and Sonic will probably be back since Konami and Sega are producing games with both characters on Nintendo platform and Sega has remained as a consistent supporter of Nintendo. As for representatives from different companies, Capcom and Hudson Soft are the most likely since they've been regarded as Nintendo's strongest supporters throughout the years and many games they make land on Nintendo's platform. I choose Mega Man because he represents the feeling of a Nintendo character very well compared to potential third-party characters, he is the most requested 3rd party character not in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and that the majority of his games have appeared on Nintendo platform. Same with Bomberman, except that he isn't as requested, although still pretty wanted. This is, however, the part that I care the least about. As awesome as it would be to play with Snake and Sonic again and as awesome it would be to play with Mega Man and Bomberman, if they have to drop anything, this is unfortunately the place to do it as it is harder to keep third-party characters in then Nintendo characters. We'll get anything from nothing to four third-party characters here.
Now if we get all of the four playable third-party characters, either all of them should be unlockable or have just one starter. Obviously, it won't be Bomberman, but any of Solid Snake, Sonic, or Mega Man would be the possible starter. Of those, I lean towards Snake as he is the first third-party character in Brawl.
One thing I do not wish to see are non-video game characters making an appearance, mainly because there's no need to and it destroy the purpose of the series, to play with Nintendo characters. It's impossible anyway since it is clearly stated that only video game character can make an appearance and they must originate in a video game. You could argue that anime characters could get in since Lucario is in, but he technically did not originate in a video game, so as said before, expect him to not make an appearance as a playable character in the next installment. That said, if Lucario stays in the game, then that opens a new possibilities of playable characters of mainly video game characters that appeared in a different format. Obviously, Goku and Naruto stands zero chance, but a few more characters could get in, so I'm kind of hoping video game characters with different origins don't get kicked out.
The Official Mega Man for SSB4 Thread
Want Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. 4? Click on the link in the text and show your support!
Posted 05 June 2011 - 06:38 AM
- Coreykun667 likes this
Posted 05 June 2011 - 04:19 PM

Edited by Limelight788, 05 June 2011 - 04:20 PM.
The Official Mega Man for SSB4 Thread
Want Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. 4? Click on the link in the text and show your support!
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Super, Smash, Bros, Ideas, Paper, Luigi, Paper luigi
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