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A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

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#21 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 08:29 PM

It shouldn't be controversial at all.

As one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of this earth once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something.






#22 Cozmo


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 08:31 PM

That (almost) drama is what I'm talking about.

Gay marriage is an incredibly controversial topic. I shouldn't have to tell you it could cause serious drama. 



whats the point in life if one doesn't take chances and live on the edge a little. ;)  also on a more serious note, one of the main purposes of a forum to to express one's own opinions. is it not?

Edited by Cozmo, 08 August 2014 - 08:33 PM.

#23 Raiden


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 08:34 PM

As one of the greatest men to ever walk the face of this earth once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something.

Only if the other person wants to take it as such when nothing is there. Some people just like to find a fight when there is noone or nothing to fight.

He was just all alone. He couldn't enjoy a game with anyone else. Like living in a dream... That's the kind of man he was...


#24 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 08:42 PM

whats the point in life if one doesn't take chances and live on the edge a little. ;)  also on a more serious note, one of the main purposes of a forum to to express one's own opinions. is it not?


It is. However this will only end in an argument and no resolution or winner. The two different sides to the issues have supporters from two different walks of life. They will not come to an understanding, one side will inevitably feel they got the short end of the stick and be angry about it.

Only if the other person wants to take it as such when nothing is there. Some people just like to find a fight when there is noone or nothing to fight.

If the "It shouldn't be controversial" comment is what you're talking about then you're cray.






#25 Raiden


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 08:58 PM



The 1981 super computer that helped the movieTron?


Edited by Ryudo, 08 August 2014 - 08:59 PM.

#26 Cozmo


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:12 PM

It is. However this will only end in an argument and no resolution or winner. The two different sides to the issues have supporters from two different walks of life. They will not come to an understanding, one side will inevitably feel they got the short end of the stick and be angry about it.

If the "It shouldn't be controversial" comment is what you're talking about then you're cray.


well played, well played my worthy opponent. your choice of words is only matched by your beauty, but you have lost because this can happen with anything anyone says no matter the subject. therefore the only way to not create drama would be to not express ones feelings on a subject which would then defeat the purpose of a forum. dos thou not agree? i wait eagerly for your word.





#27 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:13 PM



The 1981 super computer that helped the movieTron?


Dang that looks sleek. Bet a beast like that runs something ridiculous like 0.5 ghz eh?






#28 Raiden


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:15 PM

Dang that looks sleek. Bet a beast like that runs something ridiculous like 0.5 ghz eh?

8MB of Ram 133 Megaflops baby! Cost $8 million!

#29 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:15 PM

well played, well played my worthy opponent. your choice of words is only matched by your beauty, but you have lost because this can happen with anything anyone says no matter the subject. therefore the only way to not create drama would be to not express ones feelings on a subject which would then defeat the purpose of a forum. dos thou not agree? i wait eagerly for your word.





I actually don't Issues like abortion while similarly controversial, I think have a definite wrong or right that when broken down can be seen by anyone from almost any walk of life.

8MB of Ram 133 Megaflops baby! Cost $8 million!

But soooo worth.






#30 Cozmo


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 10:01 PM

I actually don't Issues like abortion while similarly controversial, I think have a definite wrong or right that when broken down can be seen by anyone from almost any walk of life.

But soooo worth.


ah but in a world of black and white, there must exist a gray no? what may seem as wrong to you will be right to someone else, no matter the situation. the battle of right and wrong regarding opinionated statements uttered from the human tongue is one that can never be won. one can only simply play along. ares thou smellingith what i am stepping in?  






Edited by Cozmo, 08 August 2014 - 10:03 PM.

#31 CUD


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 10:17 PM

I actually don't Issues like abortion while similarly controversial, I think have a definite wrong or right that when broken down can be seen by anyone from almost any walk of life.

A great man once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something."


What is the definite right or wrong of abortion?


Could one not argue there is a definite right or wrong regarding gay marriage?

The argument of course would be that it is right to accept people regardless of sexuality.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#32 Raiden


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 10:53 PM

50 years ago the same convo was held about interracial Marriage. Same dance different tune. Intolerance never goes away it just changes the flavor.

#33 genev


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:12 AM

A great man once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something."


What is the definite right or wrong of abortion?


Could one not argue there is a definite right or wrong regarding gay marriage?

The argument of course would be that it is right to accept people regardless of sexuality.

You're kidding me? People still can't accept people with weight issues, tall people, short people, people who aren't that beautiful, people with disabilities,people with different color, people with different religion and they will accept people with different sexuality so easily? No way.

Edited by basketballfan, 09 August 2014 - 01:16 AM.

                                                          '' It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.''




#34 CUD


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:30 AM

You're kidding me? People still can't accept people with weight issues, tall people, short people, people who aren't that beautiful, people with disabilities,people with different color, people with different religion and they will accept people with different sexuality so easily? No way.


The difference is that people with the issues or characteristics you mentioned aren't having their rights infringed upon and discriminated against by politicians and hate groups.

The people with the characteristics you mentioned are accepted. Are you referring to someone being bullied because they're tall or short or different in whatever way? That's not really as big an issue if a small group doesn't accept an individual because they're different but when it happens on large scale to a large number of people is when the issues arise and when people are treated as less of a person because of something they cannot change.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#35 genev


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 06:07 AM

The difference is that people with the issues or characteristics you mentioned aren't having their rights infringed upon and discriminated against by politicians and hate groups.

The people with the characteristics you mentioned are accepted. Are you referring to someone being bullied because they're tall or short or different in whatever way? That's not really as big an issue if a small group doesn't accept an individual because they're different but when it happens on large scale to a large number of people is when the issues arise and when people are treated as less of a person because of something they cannot change.

First, I didn't talk about rights I talked about acceptance. You think the groups I mentioned are accepted, really? I haven't heard about people not being hired because their gay, but I have heard about people who weren't hired because they weren't good looking enough. If people can accept every different human being, then they will be able to accept gay people, but until then it won't be possible.


P.S I think that the group that is bullied the most is the people who have weight issues, not the gay group. Just look at a school in your neighborhood :)

                                                          '' It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.''




#36 Raiden


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:16 AM

 haven't heard about people not being hired because their gay, but I have heard about people who weren't hired because they weren't good looking enough.

This happened to me few years ago. Barnes and Noble. I was super prepped for the interview and even got there early. Well someone shceduled at the same time of my interview an interview with someone else. A cute girl. That's when I looked around and saw they were all cute girls working there. I knew right then. Gets better tho I am sitting waiting despite I got there early and then she comes in disorganized and late and they decide to interview her first. When it was my turn I knew I lost the job before I walked in the door. I did the interview but yea. yes I did see here working there some months later.

#37 genev


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:48 AM

This happened to me few years ago. Barnes and Noble. I was super prepped for the interview and even got there early. Well someone shceduled at the same time of my interview an interview with someone else. A cute girl. That's when I looked around and saw they were all cute girls working there. I knew right then. Gets better tho I am sitting waiting despite I got there early and then she comes in disorganized and late and they decide to interview her first. When it was my turn I knew I lost the job before I walked in the door. I did the interview but yea. yes I did see here working there some months later.

That's very unfair. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

                                                          '' It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong.''




#38 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 09 August 2014 - 08:52 AM

ah but in a world of black and white, there must exist a gray no? what may seem as wrong to you will be right to someone else, no matter the situation. the battle of right and wrong regarding opinionated statements uttered from the human tongue is one that can never be won. one can only simply play along. ares thou smellingith what i am stepping in?  






There are grays yes, but ultimately, the black and white  still exist. When it comes to the issue of murder, generally, most of the world is on the same page as to think it's wrong.


A great man once said:

"You wanna be startin' something.

You got to be startin' something."


What is the definite right or wrong of abortion?


Could one not argue there is a definite right or wrong regarding gay marriage?

The argument of course would be that it is right to accept people regardless of sexuality.


I'm not starting something, I'm giving an example of an issue that does have right or wrong. If I was starting something I would answer your questions.

Or I would ask them in the first place if you see what I'm saying...

The difference is that people with the issues or characteristics you mentioned aren't having their rights infringed upon and discriminated against by politicians and hate groups.

The people with the characteristics you mentioned are accepted. Are you referring to someone being bullied because they're tall or short or different in whatever way? That's not really as big an issue if a small group doesn't accept an individual because they're different but when it happens on large scale to a large number of people is when the issues arise and when people are treated as less of a person because of something they cannot change.



Where do you live? Cause I've never heard of a country where that's true.






#39 Cozmo


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 11:32 AM

There are grays yes, but ultimately, the black and white still exist. When it comes to the issue of murder, generally, most of the world is on the same page as to think it's wrong.

i see. i see. your words hold true, but you see my fair WydrA just because two minds are in unison over the lone opposition does not mean that it is true regarding someones feelings over a subject. fore you see, when ever a mind has been spoken about a topic, whether it be about the act of abortion, murder, or the funniest of felines, there will always be opposition. you can't always be afraid to step into the darkness and let your words into the ears of those that might be lurking in it. you have much to learn WydrA, much to learn indeed.



Edited by Cozmo, 09 August 2014 - 11:33 AM.

#40 CUD


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:06 PM

First, I didn't talk about rights I talked about acceptance. You think the groups I mentioned are accepted, really? I haven't heard about people not being hired because their gay, but I have heard about people who weren't hired because they weren't good looking enough. If people can accept every different human being, then they will be able to accept gay people, but until then it won't be possible.


P.S I think that the group that is bullied the most is the people who have weight issues, not the gay group. Just look at a school in your neighborhood :)


Where were these people being hired at?


Rights are acceptance on a larger scale. If gay people had equal rights then they would become more accepted in the long run. We're moving towards giving them equal rights anyway so their acceptance in Western society is increasing.

Personal experience in this issue isn't really relevant. Your experience is very limited in the grand scope of things, clearly the discrimination of gay people is a greater issue than someone not getting a job because of their appearance. If you're qualified enough you should get the job and if they choose their workers by another criteria then that is their decision, that is discrimination on a small scale and not discrimination against an entire group of people. Most decent people would hire the person that is right for the job not based on their appearance alone.


Homosexuality and being overweight aren't exactly comparable. One you're born with and the other, unless a genetic condition, you are not. More often than not weight issues are the result of one's lifestyle. You think people with unhealthy lifestyles should be more accepted than people with a sexual orientation that they had no choice over?


I guess you're right though, fat people should be able to get married too.


I'm not starting something, I'm giving an example of an issue that does have right or wrong. If I was starting something I would answer your questions.

Or I would ask them in the first place if you see what I'm saying...




Where do you live? Cause I've never heard of a country where that's true.


Okay, I get it you're avoiding discussion. Very productive on a forum to avoid discussion, nice work.


I live in Australia. What isn't true about what I said?


This happened to me few years ago. Barnes and Noble. I was super prepped for the interview and even got there early. Well someone shceduled at the same time of my interview an interview with someone else. A cute girl. That's when I looked around and saw they were all cute girls working there. I knew right then. Gets better tho I am sitting waiting despite I got there early and then she comes in disorganized and late and they decide to interview her first. When it was my turn I knew I lost the job before I walked in the door. I did the interview but yea. yes I did see here working there some months later.



That sucks for you since you had to go through the effort of the interview for nothing when they already had the type of person they wanted for the job picked out and most likely only gave you an interview to prove they gave different types of people a chance. Or perhaps it was all in your perception, not sure if you saw the Seinfeld episode where Elaine tried to get a job at the diner and thought they were discriminating against her because they were all large busted and pretty or whatever but it turned out they were the manager's daughters. Not saying that it's all that likely to be the same case since the manager at Barnes and Noble just wanting cute girls to work there isn't too far fetched in itself. In this case I would probably agree with you that they wanted cute girls to work there but sometimes people will perceive discrimination where it isn't.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


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