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Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

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#81 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 October 2014 - 12:36 PM

As previously stated, Nintendo is "new" to HD and is continuing to develop its tools and feature sets, polishing it's internal engines etc. There is no other reason NSMBU / Luigi U are 720p but that very reasoning. 

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#82 3Dude



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Posted 17 October 2014 - 12:40 PM

If you won't get into technical jargin then your thoughts are worthless when you been told by 3dude and others it can do 1080P just fine.
Seriously stop. Stop talking. Jesus are you the new Mahmood? Negative Nancy.


I personally feel he did a pretty good job expressing himself with this line right here:

"The best looking graphics in Native 720p and gameplay at 60fps."

Which I feel covers the best graphical fidelity, with 60fps, would be generally @720p, leaving exceptions of simply outstanding examples of technical prowess.

Also, to me this leaves room for:

lowering graphical bells and whistles for increased resolution, like 1080.

Or lowering frame rate to 30fps for increased graphical fidelity/bells and whistles and resolution.

Or even lowering resolution for increased graphical bells and whistles and frame rate.

I see considering the wii u to be a machine, where your best graphical effects for at 60 frames per second, is generally at 720p as pretty reasonable. And anything that surpasses that, would be fantastic and very impressive.

I definately see it as more reasonable than his prior negative nancy days of 'well see if it can have any good graphics', perhaps seeing fast racing neo screens made him consider the console had some grunt behind it third parties really were missing.



#83 Raiden


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Posted 17 October 2014 - 01:38 PM

That's a given it would have to lower textures and things on screen. That was never the issue. It was if it could do 1080P at all and we know it can. Was never the issue what it can do at 1080P just that it can. Some games like Sonic Lost World while upscaled is still 1080P and 60FPS.

Personally I'd take 720P 60FPS over 1080P 30FPS esp in a game like Bayonetta 2.


Kinda reminds me of Sony's claims to PS2 doing 166 Million polygons per second when Nintendo said Gamecube was 12 Million and people were all over it. They didn't get that 12 was with full effects. PS2 was spouting a theoretical number at best with no way to interact or no effects lol.

#84 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:12 AM

ok well lets look at their alternatives. say yes this machine can run 1080p like the others.... AND then no one decides to make 1080p games for the machine even your own internal developers arent making 1080p games so what does that do for you? The other alternative is say nothing which they pretty much did in the big skim of things. They had that Iwata ask about the hardware which was informative but in a Nintendo kind of way... you know give you just enough info without giving you anything. Iwata also had an interview with IGN which he stated that at launch developers were using about 50% of what was available on Wii U and they needed time like the other machines (ps360) to properly optimize. those things are fine but if they really wanted people to know what the machine could do spec wise then they should have said somethng at a trade show like E3 or somethng when the whole gaming world is wathcing.

I don't understand your reasoning. If you say the machine can run 1080, nd then you make it run 1080, it doesn't matter what 3rd parties are running, because it's been proven to run 1080. If anything it's a good thing because it outs third parties for the lazy scumbags they are.






#85 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:23 AM

I don't understand your reasoning. If you say the machine can run 1080, nd then you make it run 1080, it doesn't matter what 3rd parties are running, because it's been proven to run 1080. If anything it's a good thing because it outs third parties for the lazy scumbags they are.

for me it really does not matter... I bought pikmin 3, mario kart 7, donkey kong TF, the list goes on including will buy Bayonetta 2 guess what they all are 720p... it really does not matter. I am fine with what Wii U can do knowing what it can do. If I wanted 1080p 60fps with majority of titles I play I would go out and buy a pc for gaming which will probably not happen though I did think about a gaming pc at one point.

#86 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:27 AM

for me it really does not matter... I bought pikmin 3, mario kart 7, donkey kong TF, the list goes on including will buy Bayonetta 2 guess what they all are 720p... it really does not matter. I am fine with what Wii U can do knowing what it can do. If I wanted 1080p 60fps with majority of titles I play I would go out and buy a pc for gaming which will probably not happen though I did think about a gaming pc at one point.

I thought we were talking about why it's a terrible idea for Nintendo to say their system can only do 720p...






#87 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:34 AM

I thought we were talking about why it's a terrible idea for Nintendo to say their system can only do 720p...


I fell that would have lessen the whole Wii U is underpowered talk as people would have know what the console was designed to do. AGAIN I never said Wii U couldnt achieve 1080p in a game all I ever was saying from the beginning was the BEST possible graphics AT THIS POINT is achieved in 720p. is it possible for next year every Nintendo game will be running in 1080p I dont know the future so we can only wait and see. I do not think it would have been or is a negative thing for this machine to run good looking games at 720p 60fps.  I just dont like putting to much energy into these conversation as I really am not a technical OMG I need the best looking graphics. I played a Wii only for 6 years while two insanley more powerful HD consoles were on the market. gameplay is and always will be king for me.

#88 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:36 PM

I fell that would have lessen the whole Wii U is underpowered talk as people would have know what the console was designed to do. AGAIN I never said Wii U couldnt achieve 1080p in a game all I ever was saying from the beginning was the BEST possible graphics AT THIS POINT is achieved in 720p. is it possible for next year every Nintendo game will be running in 1080p I dont know the future so we can only wait and see. I do not think it would have been or is a negative thing for this machine to run good looking games at 720p 60fps.  I just dont like putting to much energy into these conversation as I really am not a technical OMG I need the best looking graphics. I played a Wii only for 6 years while two insanley more powerful HD consoles were on the market. gameplay is and always will be king for me.

So you think Nintendo saying their console is 100% definitely 1 step behind in terms of resolution would definitely make people who dislike Nintendo stop saying that Nintendo is definitely 100% behind in terms of resolution? It is never wise from a business perspective to put a limit on what your hardware can do. Not only will people constantly quote you saying so for negative purposes, but it will also give crappy third parties an excuse to put even less effort into their crappy ports. It's an incredibly stupid thing to do. I'm not a tech guy either, but we're not talking about tech right now, we're talking about the lack of sense in degrading your own console's abilities.






#89 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 05:30 PM

So you think Nintendo saying their console is 100% definitely 1 step behind in terms of resolution would definitely make people who dislike Nintendo stop saying that Nintendo is definitely 100% behind in terms of resolution? It is never wise from a business perspective to put a limit on what your hardware can do. Not only will people constantly quote you saying so for negative purposes, but it will also give crappy third parties an excuse to put even less effort into their crappy ports. It's an incredibly stupid thing to do. I'm not a tech guy either, but we're not talking about tech right now, we're talking about the lack of sense in degrading your own console's abilities.


I think it would have made it less of this big he said she said on the hardware. It really was ridiculous all the different opinions every one had. There are always those that are the extremisit for both side it being crap piece of hardware/underpowered and those that feel it can achieve 1080p and that every developer is just being lazy. I tend to try and stay in the middle. I think Nintendo speaking of the best graphics at 720p 60fps would have given a lot more people prespective.

#90 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 06:04 PM

I think it would have made it less of this big he said she said on the hardware. It really was ridiculous all the different opinions every one had. There are always those that are the extremisit for both side it being crap piece of hardware/underpowered and those that feel it can achieve 1080p and that every developer is just being lazy. I tend to try and stay in the middle. I think Nintendo speaking of the best graphics at 720p 60fps would have given a lot more people prespective.

But at what cost. Sure, people wouldn't have to speculate what the console can and can not do, but it's not worth having the upper limits of the console being written off and giving third party developers excuses. People are always going to argue, so let them argue and prove the dumb ones wrong. That's what they should have done and that's what they did.






#91 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 06:14 PM

But at what cost. Sure, people wouldn't have to speculate what the console can and can not do, but it's not worth having the upper limits of the console being written off and giving third party developers excuses. People are always going to argue, so let them argue and prove the dumb ones wrong. That's what they should have done and that's what they did.


It wasnt just the gamers though.... it was developers and publishers also. I mean the amount of disrespect from developers and publishers Wii U has seen is unprecedented. Didnt the freaking Dice developers did an april fools prant on twitter saying frostbite was running on Wii u or something like that.I guess stupid is stupid... but whatever. Wii u is what it is a console that has very fun games to play and I am ok with that. just like I was ok with the Wii, gamecube, n64... I buy and play on Nintendo consoles because they offer the most fun games... IMO anyway.

#92 3Dude



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 07:12 PM

I keep coming into this thread every bump hoping for new screens :(



#93 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 October 2014 - 07:22 PM

I keep coming into this thread every bump hoping for new screens :(


YEAH ... you probably are not the only one. I asked them on twitter and they said they had no specific date for next set of screens or gameplay vid... so we all are in waiting mode.

#94 Mewbot


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Posted 19 October 2014 - 10:00 PM

YEAH ... you probably are not the only one. I asked them on twitter and they said they had no specific date for next set of screens or gameplay vid... so we all are in waiting mode.



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#95 Mahmoodinho98


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:31 AM

Sorry, but no.  Pointing to the good looking Nintendo first party games only prove Nintendo has talented artist and programmers.  The HD5550 can run Batman Arkham City in 1080p native, and hold a framerate well above 30 fps.  Wii U struggled to run it at 30fps in 720p native.  I dont argue that these ports werent properly optimized for Wii U, but PC games arent optimized either.  A PC with the same specs as a console should never outclass it.  Ignoring game performance, some pretty educated people wete able to actually count the registers, and there were only enough for 160 spu's.  So the two scenarios we have is that either Wii U's GPU is a close match to the HD6450, even power draw supports this, or its close to the HD5550 but for some reason severely underperforms.  The HD5550 can run ever single multi plat far better on PC than the Wii U runs them.  It would actually support the idea of incompetance if Nintendo built a console that is less than the sum of its parts.  

Lets make it very simple

1. optimisation : it can make a huge diffrence interms of framerate, quality and resolution, a good example is PES 15. Fox engine isnt optimised for Xbox one resulting in a resolution of 720p compared to 1080p on PS4.

2.Computers are running much higher specs, here is what i mean

 Wii U  has 2gb of ram and 32mb of esram. it runs  arkham city (with very little optimisation ) at 720 30fps.  the computer which is running the game with 1080p probably has  atleast 4gb or ram and a core i3 processor which is 4 times more powerfull than that of ps4 and xbox one.

3. the game was intended for limmited number of systems and the Wii U version was just and xbox 360nwith diffrent UI.

4. even the game is not running well on its intended systems. here is quote from Wikipedia"

Technical issues

During launch week, issues were found to exist in the code-restricted content. Some customers discovered the code to be missing from their copy, preventing them from obtaining the Catwoman story missions. The problem was reported by customers in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Warner Bros. issued a statement claiming that the missing codes had affected less than 0.5% of customers.[227] Upon release in the United Kingdom, a technical issue rendered the game unplayable for some players, booting them from the game with an error message that the "downloadable content is corrupt." Rocksteady European community manager Sarah Wellock claimed that the fault lay with the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live online systems.[228]

In early November 2011, Rocksteady confirmed that it was investigating reports by numerous users that save files for the Xbox 360 version of the game were being erased without prompting, resulting in players losing their progress and being unable to complete the game.[229][230] On launch, performance issues arose for the PC version when DirectX 11 features were enabled; the developer acknowledged the inconvenience and recommended to run the game with DirectX 9 while a title update was released to address this matter."


if you want more . Arkham city runs terribly on my PC which has an amd 9590 CPU and GTX 970.

#96 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 October 2014 - 02:55 PM

This just in... Wii U is a 1080p console. LOL just had to post this with confirmation of SMASH

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#97 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 23 October 2014 - 04:28 PM

This just in... Wii U is a 1080p console. LOL just had to post this with confirmation of SMASH

oh Smash is 1080 60 fps?

i honestly didn't look into it, it's of very little concern to me since I know the experience will be awesome either way.






#98 NintendoReport



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Posted 23 October 2014 - 04:44 PM

oh Smash is 1080 60 fps?
i honestly didn't look into it, it's of very little concern to me since I know the experience will be awesome either way.

I agree. Was stated near beginning of smash direct
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#99 Raiden


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 08:30 PM

HERP DERP Wii U can't do 1080P.  DERP ports don't count,remasters don't count,2D games don't count,Upscaled doesn't count herp de derp de doop.


So what will be the exuse be now how Smash doesn't count lol

#100 Mewbot


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Posted 24 October 2014 - 04:11 AM

Fox engine isnt optimised for Xbox one resulting in a resolution of 720p compared to 1080p on PS4.

Xbox One isn't optimised for Xbox One. If you hadn't noticed, almost all games run worse on the One than the PS4 due to a POWER difference, not optimisation. You can claim optimisation if the console is more powerful and still running the games worse (like the Wii U vs PS360 thing), but if the power difference actually exists then it's hard to call it an optimisation problem.


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