Nearly every Nintendo console gets a revision later on.
NES/SNES/GCN,Wii. (N64 just got colors unless you include the Chinese only IQue which was a N64 in a controller with SD card games)
This is the pattern. Often smaller (except GCN) and features are removed.They are stripped down.
Even before Wii Mini a new Wii was released with GCN BC removed.
The pattern with Handhelds is the opposite. Game Boy got Pocket,a slimmer version with a better screen and later got color.
GBA got a clam shell design and backlit screen. DS got slimmer and better screen and DSI added a camera and better specs. 3DS did have the 2DS as an exception to the rule. Now NEW 3DS continues the trend.
If I were to guess the future Wii U will remove like Wii BC,SD card slot and maybe a couple it not all USB slots.