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#141 3Dude



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:39 AM

It's funny how every time someone disagrees with they way you present your arguments, they're automatically supporters of GamerGate. I don't know anything about GamerGate, and, really, if I had to side with anyone in this thread, I'd side with the anti-GamerGate side. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna accept your deplorable disregard for the rules of the website.
1.- Aha, but in fact you have directly insulted and called people stupid. Just because they're accompanied by a real argument it doesn't mean they're not there. Or do you want me to quote the many, many times you've called Wydra a "brainwashed tool" and "ignorant prick"?
Also, how you seem think that having an argument that doesn't devolve into spiels made entirely from inflammatory language is treating it with kid gloves, is beyond me.
2.- Warning or no warning, censored or not censored, you're still posting a link that deals with and links to fetishistic content, a link you DIDN'T need to post because you're not going to find anyone contesting the legitimacy of a relatively easy to find meme. Look at the rule. It very clearly says "No posting" not "No posting without a warning" or "No posting unless you're 3Dude". Hold yourself accountable, will you?
3.- I'm not here to add anything to the ongoing debate, that's why I didn't address anything brought up. I'm not trying to discredit your argument, as you seem to think, I'm here to point out a big issue with the moderation of this website, that, sadly, is present in full force within this thread.
I'm not sure if that's addressed towards me, but just in case, I wasn't aware that GamerGate's mascot (didn't even know they had a logo or that Vivian James was their mascot previous to reading this terrible thread) was a rape meme. I was deeply disappointed when I read of it here, since I actually liked the concept of Vivian James and what TFYC's were doing with her. It's really too bad it ended up being typical 4chan crap.
I'm with everyone else on the sentiment that this thread should be locked.

1. Yeah, thats not nearly as much as you are trying to make it out to be, the first, a response at wydras ACTIONS, of contiunally, purposefully, repeating the same falsified information continually, a tactic called Argument by repitition and an activity participators are told to engage in the paste bin portions of every GG thread.


And the second, which is a response to his dehumanizing and disregaurding actual people being driven from their homes, at the hands of gamified harrassment he explicitely condoned. Which is an entirely apt description of his actions and behavior.

Yeah, no kid gloves, Im not going to foster an environment where that behavior is acceptable. Its already driven off many members of this board because it became a hostile place to be openly homosexual in the past. I have a ZERO tolerance policy for that kind of behavior. Being criticised of what you do is ENTIRELY different from what or who you are and have no choice in being. So yeah, Boo hoo, Im mean towards people who exhibit bad behavior. Maybe you would feel better if I looked him up online, hacked into websites and retreived information like what his real name is, where he specifically lives, who his parents are, and started sending death threats to his house forcing him to move? Yeah, thats totally more acceptable than being called out on your behavior and being told it like it is.

2. It was openly known that this would not be a censored discussion of gamergate, as such a discussion can simply not be had because of the full spectrum of the subject matter involved. That doesnt mean we are going to post images to full on nudity, but a link to text describing a thing thats pertinant to whats going on, yeah. Gamergate is full of ugly rainbow. Sorry. Also, I didnt realize that original article I linked to had a video to the actual glitch in action with uncensored nudity. When it was brought to my attention I changed it to an article without the video.

3. Thats fine you feel that way.

If you want this thread locked, anyone, who wants this thread locked, ask mourne, hes the one who decided to open the subject, its his to call closed. Thats a straight shot by the way, no hidden meanings. I think it should be locked as well.

Pertinent: https://medium.com/@...te-62c151c0eebb



#142 Bill Cipher

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Posted 22 October 2014 - 12:44 PM

It's funny how every time someone disagrees with they way you present your arguments, they're automatically supporters of GamerGate. I don't know anything about GamerGate, and, really, if I had to side with anyone in this thread, I'd side with the anti-GamerGate side. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna accept your deplorable disregard for the rules of the website.


1.- Aha, but in fact you have directly insulted and called people stupid. Just because they're accompanied by a real argument it doesn't mean they're not there. Or do you want me to quote the many, many times you've called Wydra a "brainwashed tool" and "ignorant prick"?


Also, how you seem think that having an argument that doesn't devolve into spiels made entirely from inflammatory language is treating it with kid gloves, is beyond me.


2.- Warning or no warning, censored or not censored, you're still posting a link that deals with and links to fetishistic content, a link you DIDN'T need to post because you're not going to find anyone contesting the legitimacy of a relatively easy to find meme. Look at the rule. It very clearly says "No posting" not "No posting without a warning" or "No posting unless you're 3Dude". Hold yourself accountable, will you?


3.- I'm not here to add anything to the ongoing debate, that's why I didn't address anything brought up. I'm not trying to discredit your argument, as you seem to think, I'm here to point out a big issue with the moderation of this website, that, sadly, is present in full force within this thread.


I'm not sure if that's addressed towards me, but just in case, I wasn't aware that GamerGate's mascot (didn't even know they had a logo or that Vivian James was their mascot previous to reading this terrible thread) was a rape meme. I was deeply disappointed when I read of it here, since I actually liked the concept of Vivian James and what TFYC's were doing with her. It's really too bad it ended up being typical 4chan crap.


I'm with everyone else on the sentiment that this thread should be locked.


I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.


Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 


On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

Edited by Doctor Strange, 22 October 2014 - 12:47 PM.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#143 3Dude



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 12:50 PM

I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.
Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 
On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

Gamergate wants nothing to do with the things you have brought up. They literally want the opposite, just look at 'Operation Bayonetta 2', where they demand the publisher uses their power of access to content to silence journolists who dont conform to the reviews they want.


If you want, since you technically posted the thread, I can lock it, and then mourne can decide whether or not to leave it that way when hes online next.



#144 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:09 PM

1. Yeah, thats not nearly as much as you are trying to make it out to be, the first, a response at wydras ACTIONS, of contiunally, purposefully, repeating the same falsified information continually, a tactic called Argument by repitition and an activity participators are told to engage in the paste bin portions of every GG thread.


And the second, which is a response to his dehumanizing and disregaurding actual people being driven from their homes, at the hands of gamified harrassment he explicitely condoned. Which is an entirely apt description of his actions and behavior.

Yeah, no kid gloves, Im not going to foster an environment where that behavior is acceptable. Its already driven off many members of this board because it became a hostile place to be openly homosexual in the past. I have a ZERO tolerance policy for that kind of behavior. Being criticised of what you do is ENTIRELY different from what or who you are and have no choice in being. So yeah, Boo hoo, Im mean towards people who exhibit bad behavior. Maybe you would feel better if I looked him up online, hacked into websites and retreived information like what his real name is, where he specifically lives, who his parents are, and started sending death threats to his house forcing him to move? Yeah, thats totally more acceptable than being called out on your behavior and being told it like it is.

2. It was openly known that this would not be a censored discussion of gamergate, as such a discussion can simply not be had because of the full spectrum of the subject matter involved. That doesnt mean we are going to post images to full on nudity, but a link to text describing a thing thats pertinant to whats going on, yeah. Gamergate is full of ugly rainbow. Sorry. Also, I didnt realize that original article I linked to had a video to the actual glitch in action with uncensored nudity. When it was brought to my attention I changed it to an article without the video.

3. Thats fine you feel that way.

If you want this thread locked, anyone, who wants this thread locked, ask mourne, hes the one who decided to open the subject, its his to call closed. Thats a straight shot by the way, no hidden meanings. I think it should be locked as well.

Pertinent: https://medium.com/@...te-62c151c0eebb

1. First off, let's stop with this facade. You had an issue with what I was saying, not doing. The only thing I was "doing" was commenting, and it's not that action in itself that made you go insane, it's what I said in my comments. Secondly, I barely quoted any specific information, I may have mentioned things that have happened frequently, but those things were either verified, or had so much proof in their favour that they might as well have been verified. Anything else and I most likely said "supposedly" or something of similar effect, because I don't speak in absolutes, unless i'm absolutely sure. I take very specific care in doing so. Anything else i talked about came from personal experience. Since I did not lie about my experiences, those are truthful. Even if did, you have no proof saying otherwise, and would have to assume it is true within reason. You on the other hand did post the same 4Chan discussion and articles (or at least articles saying pretty much the exact same, biased things) over and over again.

Now your next statement is completely untrue, and I felt it especially effensive because it's you attempting to paint me in some villainous light so that your behaviour seems justified. I did not dehuminize the people being driven from their homs, at leastcertainly not in the attempt to make it seem right like you're trying to make it seem. I disregarded them because I said that the issue was being blown out of proportion and not reflective of what the majority of gamergate is really about. That was and is my genuine belief. I'm not saying that to create an argument on whether or not you think this to be true, it is simply what I said and why I said it. 

Now you saying I condoned this behaviour is what really infuriates and disgusts me. I specifically said, several times that I in no way condone that behaviour, and that death and rape threats are without a doubt bad things. There is not going around that, there could not have been any misunderstanding of that. I was incredibly clear. Not only this a strawman argument, but it's one that is simply posted as an attempt to make me look like some sort of murdering rapist, which I, for very obvious reasons do not want to be called.

I also find it funny that you would talking about how peole shoudln't over react to criticism of their actions, and yet here you are, doing that very thing.

Finally, stop painting Waller as someone who would support doxxing. As it's been made clear to you, the fact he does not agree with your behaviour does not mean he is some scummy neo nazi from the depths of 4chan who supports extreme action like doxxing and death threats. He specifically said he leans more anti gamergate than gamergate. Just because someone deosn't agree with everything you say and how you said it, it doesn't mean they disagree with everything you said. That's taking them vs. us behaviour to the extreme, and in no way helps make this discussion go better. 


2.If it's NSFW, it's not allowed. You clearly new the link was nsfw since you said so. You broke the rules. Simple as that.



Disclaimer: I'm not getting into my personal opinion here, because I know that's what you'll try to say I'm doing but I'm not. This discussion is currently about your behaviour -and I suppose to some extent my behaviour- in this thread, and I'm more than willing to put aside gamergate to discuss this because I said pages ago, i don't think your behaviour is at all refective of someone who is supposed to be solving issues.

I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.


Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 


On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

First of all i very much disagree with how you propose this issue be solved, but i'd rather not get into it now, since I think it kind of distracts from the more important discussion at hand.

But your post does bring up two more things I want to address.

1. I certainly never yelled at you, nor did I try to belittle you or our beliefs in any way. I never yelled at anyone in the thread, and always simply always gave my honest opinon formed from my knowledge ad experience. I never even "yelled" at 3Dude. In fact I told him several times to calm down so that we could have a proper discussion.


2. The reason I support the locking of this thread does not have to do with me wanting argue with 3Dude about it. I stopped even attempting to seriously debate him several pages ago. I don't want this thread locked because to me it's silly to lock a conversation topic, especially one of such significance simply because one person doesn't like anyone else disagreeing with his views. I never supporting the locking of a topic unless it's actually devolved into flaming back and forth or blatant rule breaking. I, in my honest opinion, think I was being reasonable for the vast majority of this thread, and most of the other participants were as well, so i think there is a valid discussion to be had, and it would be a shame to see that discussion squashed without proper reason.


Also Mourn said to start a topic about it, you did nothing wrong.



Sorry for double post, people posted while I was still typing and I cant quote in an edit. :/






#145 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:15 PM

I am offended that everyone is offended. I am going to start a petition to end all petitions and don't want to be a part of any group that would have me as a member. 

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#146 3Dude



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:33 PM

No, wydra, you dont want it locked for the same reason you wanted to bring it here, and the same reason GG refuses to drop the Rancid hash tag.

You are completely oblivious to your actions because of your base assumptions.

And topic creator has stated he wishes the topic locked. I guess if mourneblade wants it back open he will.



#147 Xiombarg


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:44 PM

I'll have to think about how to deal with this after class...

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Gamergate, Discussion, Mourn Sanctioned this, Please dont assault statuses

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