PlayStation 4 will probably be alot stronger then the Wii U and Xbox 720
Posted 13 January 2012 - 01:32 PM
But that's only because the PS4 will most likley release in 2016 according to Sony
(Sony did not say anything about Wii U and 720 they said the 2016 release date).
Posted 13 January 2012 - 01:39 PM
Posted 13 January 2012 - 01:51 PM
Based on Sony and Microsoft's continued performances and unchanging philosophies in gaming hardware in the face of failure, I suspect we're going to be seeing a very different gaming industry in terms of hardware and major players by the end of this decade. At this point, the days of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are visibly nearing a point of unsustainability, and when the Playstation and Xbox brands take their leave, it'll be Nintendo facing an even more complicated situation with Apple and potentially Google and other competitors as the face and structure of the video game industry continue to evolve and alter - it'll be up to Nintendo to remain as sharp and adaptable as they are now to keep their leadership position. Given that they're the only major player in gaming hardware that's entirely dedicated solely to video games and gaming devices - as opposed to simply having that as a mere division of a much larger electronics megacorporation - they're the only one with much real history, perspective, or vision when it comes to the medium as anything more than a simple feature on an electronic device. Their size, sharp leadership - which kept them in fantastic financial shape with careful management and hardware design even in their decade in last place in hardware - and focus as a smaller, dedicated company has been nothing but an advantage to them in this industry that the megacorporations can't touch. Losing them would be catastrophic to gaming as a whole.
That said, the future's only going to get more interesting, the 3DS is going to keep evolving as we get more firmware updates - December's huge one was just the start - features, and all sorts of games, and we haven't even really seen the tip of the iceberg with the Wii U yet. Exciting times ahead. Not so much for the present competition, though, going on their failure to react or adapt to failure and their increasingly clear visible lack of understanding of why Nintendo is as successful as they are now, or how to reach out to - let alone respect - the mass market audience.
Posted 13 January 2012 - 02:17 PM
I've seen comments from the Sony CTO basically stating that their future plans are still focused on putting out really beefy, cutting edge hardware. Considering how badly that burned them with the PS3 - the biggest financial disaster in the history of the video game industry - and how badly that's working out with the Vita, it's safe to say at this point that Sony's future as a gaming hardware player is rocky to iffy at best.
Based on Sony and Microsoft's continued performances and unchanging philosophies in gaming hardware in the face of failure, I suspect we're going to be seeing a very different gaming industry in terms of hardware and major players by the end of this decade. At this point, the days of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are visibly nearing a point of unsustainability, and when the Playstation and Xbox brands take their leave, it'll be Nintendo facing an even more complicated situation with Apple and potentially Google and other competitors as the face and structure of the video game industry continue to evolve and alter - it'll be up to Nintendo to remain as sharp and adaptable as they are now to keep their leadership position. Given that they're the only major player in gaming hardware that's entirely dedicated solely to video games and gaming devices - as opposed to simply having that as a mere division of a much larger electronics megacorporation - they're the only one with much real history, perspective, or vision when it comes to the medium as anything more than a simple feature on an electronic device. Their size, sharp leadership - which kept them in fantastic financial shape with careful management and hardware design even in their decade in last place in hardware - and focus as a smaller, dedicated company has been nothing but an advantage to them in this industry that the megacorporations can't touch. Losing them would be catastrophic to gaming as a whole.
That said, the future's only going to get more interesting, the 3DS is going to keep evolving as we get more firmware updates - December's huge one was just the start - features, and all sorts of games, and we haven't even really seen the tip of the iceberg with the Wii U yet. Exciting times ahead. Not so much for the present competition, though, going on their failure to react or adapt to failure and their increasingly clear visible lack of understanding of why Nintendo is as successful as they are now, or how to reach out to - let alone respect - the mass market audience.
I think if Sony and Microsoft leave gaming hardware then Sega would come back because they left because of Sony and there only competition would be Nintendo, so it would be like the old days "Nintendo vs Sega" and "who's better Mario or Sonic?". I would be sad if Apple and Google joined the console busniess (like a Apple and Google merger) if that ever happended Nintendo and Sega would need to team up to destory them and possibly ask Sony and Microsoft to help.
But that's what I think would happen if Sony and Microsoft left.
Posted 13 January 2012 - 02:28 PM

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Posted 13 January 2012 - 03:12 PM
- chipvader, giggity3000, Hank Hill and 1 other like this
Posted 13 January 2012 - 03:40 PM
Okay, so Wii U's graphics look like real-life. Sony suspects they can get a lot better than real-life? Not going to happen.
By saying Wii U's graphics look real-life, I'm guessing you saw the Tokyo Street demo, which was a demo for the controller's capabilities and not actually game graphics.
- Arkhandar likes this
Posted 13 January 2012 - 04:17 PM
By saying Wii U's graphics look real-life, I'm guessing you saw the Tokyo Street demo, which was a demo for the controller's capabilities and not actually game graphics.
yh!! how stupidly awesome is that!! they werent even trying to do good graphics there and it looked so realistic!! at the same time, a lot of processing power went into the controller in that demo too. imagine what it can do if they use the system's max potential, insane graphics, and imagine if they do that without using the controller's screen, just buttons, then they could have the most visually beautiful game ever made

- nintendo3DS likes this

Posted 13 January 2012 - 04:59 PM
yh!! how stupidly awesome is that!! they werent even trying to do good graphics there and it looked so realistic!! at the same time, a lot of processing power went into the controller in that demo too. imagine what it can do if they use the system's max potential, insane graphics, and imagine if they do that without using the controller's screen, just buttons, then they could have the most visually beautiful game ever made
You fail to understand.
It wasn't "game graphics" it's the same as taking google street demo, and making a section of it live. They essentially made a movie, but you could view it from 360 degrees.
They are ONLY showing off the potential capability of the 360 degree controller. But still very impressive. We don't know how many resources that Tokyo Street demo consumed, how long it took them to make it, or...anything about it..really. It was shown behind closed doors. Without any way of discovering how that demo was produced, or even processed by the Wii U console and hand-held...we can't really say anything other than the control method of viewing a given space in a static view (TV) and 360 degree view (Tablet). Which does make some cool possibilities for multiple monitor/TV setups...
For video game graphics, look at the zelda demo video.
Edited by nmeseth, 13 January 2012 - 05:03 PM.
Posted 13 January 2012 - 07:01 PM
For video game graphics, look at the zelda demo video.
I still think the Wii U can do much better than that.
- FireBoost06 and Crackkat like this
Bleh eh eh.
Posted 13 January 2012 - 07:41 PM
Posted 13 January 2012 - 08:17 PM
I still think the Wii U can do much better than that.
The hardware for the Wii U isn't even finalised yet. Also, games developed for consoles during the beginning of it's lifespan is the least it can do!
Don't forget that SONY executives themselves said that the power leap from the PS3 to the PS4 won't be as dramatic as it was from the PS2 to the PS3.
SONY knows that power isn't really working well for them financially and they would act accordingly if they were smart.
Signature by Cerberuz
Posted 13 January 2012 - 09:10 PM
Nahh the bird demo is better, japanese garden.For video game graphics, look at the zelda demo video.
Posted 14 January 2012 - 07:35 AM
You fail to understand.
It wasn't "game graphics" it's the same as taking google street demo, and making a section of it live. They essentially made a movie, but you could view it from 360 degrees.
They are ONLY showing off the potential capability of the 360 degree controller. But still very impressive. We don't know how many resources that Tokyo Street demo consumed, how long it took them to make it, or...anything about it..really. It was shown behind closed doors. Without any way of discovering how that demo was produced, or even processed by the Wii U console and hand-held...we can't really say anything other than the control method of viewing a given space in a static view (TV) and 360 degree view (Tablet). Which does make some cool possibilities for multiple monitor/TV setups...
For video game graphics, look at the zelda demo video.
ohh well thx for clearing that up, still pretty awesome though

Posted 14 January 2012 - 08:24 AM
In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...
(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)
Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:08 AM
I dont know if Sony has the money to support something more powerful than the Wii U without loosing all of their customers with a huge price tag. Also they arent really the richest at the moment. I think that the PS4 is going to have to co exist with the PS3 for a while too that way they will be able to carry production costs more. But this doesnt mean that it is going to be the most powerful I think that though it is going to be more powerful than the PS3. Now also due to Sony's lack of money they will have to do the same thing that Nintendo did and make the PS4 more of a casual game system because the casual industry is kinda up for grabs in this gen and no one has claimed it. So if you asked me I would say that financially the PS4 is the least likely to be the most powerful.
No one except Nintendo. Why else do you think they put Wii in the name. Nintendo have already stated that they are keeping the casual, while pushing for the hardcore more. And because the Wii U is going to be first this gen the casual market is closed to sony and mircosoft.
Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:10 AM
Sorry but Nintendo is attempting to claim the hardcore and so is Microsoft. The Wii wasnt even supposed to be casual but ended up being casual. The casual industry is still up for claiming.No one except Nintendo. Why else do you think they put Wii in the name. Nintendo have already stated that they are keeping the casual, while pushing for the hardcore more. And because the Wii U is going to be first this gen the casual market is closed to sony and mircosoft.
In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...
(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)
Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:13 AM
We're already seeing a pleasantly surprising amount of major western support pledged now, especially compared to the Wii, now that the Wii U's on a hardware level that the bigger western developers and publishers prefer. Continuing to court the strongest third party support they can pull in all regions is definitely vital, but it's less a matter of focusing on the 'hardcore' as it is a matter of continuing the Wii and DS strategy, like they are with the 3DS - all kinds of games for everyone, all styles of gameplay and every habit. Reggie's already emphasized that they're going to be reaching out to an even wider audience than with the Wii, which is just what we want to be hearing, frankly - it's as Iwata emphasized at E3 last year: 'wider and deeper.' A wider range of experiences for more people than we even saw this past generation, and even deeper and richer experiences of all sorts for all.
Thank you Ponkotsu.
You can't argue with the most factual member of the forums.
Edited by Nintendoes, 14 January 2012 - 10:22 AM.
Posted 14 January 2012 - 10:28 AM
Yeah but that doesnt mean that the casual group is necessarily theirs. We wont be able to know who rightfully owns the casual group until all of the counsels come out. Nintendo is really trying to get the hardcore and thus they wont quite have the time to keep the casual group so they really dont own the casual group. But I am human so I can be wrong.NINTENDO SAID THAT THEY ARE KEEPING THE CAUSAL WHILE PUSHING AGGRESSIVLY TOWARDS THE HARDCORE.
In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...
(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)
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