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Will Nintedo Grow Up!

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#1 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:01 AM

While watching the Zelda HD Demo (viewed it 20 times), I can understand why Nintendo lovers are so excited about this new mystical machine that may change the very way we interact with are video games and the experiences we might have with them. However, something seemed very familiar to me in the Zelda HD demo. Take away the very detailed ferocious spider, the cool lighting effects, and the detailed Hd background and all you have left is sparkling fairies and a very detailed CUTE pre-teen looking Link. Don't get me wrong it's beautiful. Very very beautiful. However, Nintendo is stepping into the realm of the " Hardcore" gamers, and a hardcore gamer such as myself is not easily fooled by such a beautiful cute Link; it will only lead to beautiful cute games. I believe that Nintendo should take the opportunity it has with the Wii U to grow up all of it's video game franchises.

Can u imagine a 20+ y/o Link dressed in full(adult) armor, shiny but blood stained shield and sword. On his face a scare or scares from the numerous battles in hyrule during his earlier years, and at his feet lies the head of of the last Hyrule fiend that he just slaughtered. No mask, No Ocarina of Time( well they can leave in the Ocarina part), Just dragons, Warlords, and of course the spider(it's a damn good looking spider). That's hardcore.
Maybe take Mario make him an ex-mobb leader on the run. Imagine this; Mario running through the streets of Chicago, being chased by some hinchmen hired by none other than mafia kingpin himself "King Koppa". Mario runs into a pizza dinner owned buy his brother and under boss "Lugi". Lugi hands him a tommy gun, and they begin to shoot their way out of the dinner and into the streets. The hinchmen surround them and their only option is to crawl into a man hole and make their way throughout the sewage where the stumble onto a world not of turtles and mushrooms, but one where "Koppa's" hinchmen run an illegal drug trade (mushrooms) and perform kidnappings( Princess). Let the rescue begin!

I realize that these are all just made up, but what I'm trying to get at is maybe Nintedo does have a powerful system that can produce HD graphics and is better then the other home console systems, but, they( nintendo) has to produce their own hardcore(grown-up) games in order to lead the way for third party developers. Microsoft did it with Halo. We will have to wait and see if Nintendo can produce it's own hardcore games or will it be left in the hands of third party developers.

#2 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:16 AM


I disagree with you, if Nint endo change there franchises that drastically will actually make there current fans sicken. I would rather see a brand new IPs than changing there current franchises to suit the wants of the hardcore.
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#3 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:26 AM

I have to agree with Caius. If Nintendo were to change the current IP's it would hurt them rather than help. I think that if Nintendo were to make more mature IP's such as Eternal Darkness. I dont see them making a mature LoZ or Mario. But I do see a completely new mature IP.

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:27 AM

No offence, but I'm not that keen on your ideas. The Legend of Zelda would lose a lot of its magic if it was simply dragons, warlords and giant spiders. As for Mario, he's a plumber, not a mafia leader and I'd rather that didn't change. Both of these series have millions of fans, most of whom would be against these changes. Although Nintendo want to attract core gamers to the Wii U, they also want the Wii U to appeal to casual gamers and kids. I'm all for more mature titles on the Wii U, but I don't think they should replace Nintendo's current IPs.

#5 Meelow100


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:34 AM

So you want Link to look like this?Posted Image

Legend of Zelda is in a fantasy world that if you took out the fantasy in Legend of Zelda and wanted it to be like World of Warcraft then Zelda will loose it's magic. Legend of Zelda alwasy been a core series and just because it has it's fairys does not make it childish.

Edited by Meelow100, 15 January 2012 - 09:34 AM.

#6 Crackkat



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 09:55 AM

ok im going to explain this the best i can.

1) the minute u said "Take away the very detailed ferocious spider, the cool lighting effects, and the detailed Hd background and all you have left is sparkling fairies and a very detailed CUTE pre-teen looking Link" u failed. because there is no need what so ever to "take away" those things. what nintendo does is keep those things in ASWELL as the "cute link," and by doing so, it made a hard core game that APPEALS to EVERYONE!! a vital aspect of nintendo, the game that you wanted zelda to turn into (head on the ground, blood on the shield,) those games dont sell so well, i promise you, they sell well, but no where even close to the sales of the current zelda games, because zelda currently appeals to everyone.

2) then u said "a hardcore gamer such as myself is not easily fooled by such a beautiful cute Link; it will only lead to beautiful cute games." have u not played twilight princess? the darkest zelda game out there, and what did link look like? just like the zelda hd demo, cute, young and innocent, but it was a dark hardcore game, because the massive spiders and and other stuff balances out the fairies and stuff.

conclusion: nintendo appeals to everyone, so they wont put in the cut off head and blood. secondly the fairies and "cute pre-teen boy" mixed with giant spiders is called fantasy, its a genre that works amazingly and we love it for what it is. it shouldnt change into an elder scrolls game

Edited by Crackkat, 15 January 2012 - 09:56 AM.

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#7 Deadly Virus

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:12 AM

Nintendo's franchises are mostly fine as it is, but I do think they could benefit from a bit of a more mature tone, especially in the case of Zelda or Metroid where the settings are practically perfect for such a thing. Of course "mature" doesn't have to always mean gritty, realistic and overly violent. But IMO Zelda/Metroid could do good with some more developed storylines, voice acting (Apart from Link of course) and just a little bit more blood in it, just not overdone. If Nintendo was to do this they would be able to maintain the general feel of the games that people love, while also making them look more appealing to hardcore audiences. A lot of non-Nintendo gamers complain that Zelda's lack of voice acting makes the game seem less deep, and that the storylines are too childish. These are critiscisms that Nintendo would do well to take into consideration, just not too far.

Changing Mario is just out of the question though. It's always been a very light-hearted platformer series targetted at all ages, it's the whole reason that the character is so recognised and successful as Nintendo's mascot. If you want to see Mario appear in a more mature title, then probably the Super Smash Bros series would be best for that. They've already gone in that direction in some respects, as you can see from Mario's overall grittier look in Melee and Brawl.

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#8 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:12 AM

With the wii and wii u both sitting on the shelf at the same time, their is no way to differentiate a wii u Zelda game from a wii Zelda game. Only the graphics will prove to be different. How long can Zelda live in fairy tale land as a kid warrior. Nintedo will just be making the same up grades of their existing wii games onto the wii u. Just fancier graphics and a few tricks from their Awsome new controller. We're talking hardcore gaming here, and if theres going to be two wii systems on the market then theirs no need for backwards capatibilty because people can just use the wii. The wii u does not make wii u game better graphically so there's no need to use the wii u for wii games, just use your wii for them. This will allow the existing wii users(mostly young) to continue playing their current cute games and allow Wii U users to see Nintendo old games get a more adult upgrade. I have every single nintendo console and handheld ever made, I'm 34, ready for my Zelda to grow up.

#9 Two-Tailed Link!

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:35 AM

Nintendo shouldnt change IPs from E(or T) to M , they should make NEW IPs. I wouldnt want to see and M rated Mario..... Although Realistic Mario and Bowser....
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I just love this guy! NEW POWER UP! UGLY MARIO!

But you know? The real question is...
Will YOU grow up?
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#10 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:36 AM

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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#11 Two-Tailed Link!

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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:38 AM

Oh and... Leave all the Nintendo Realism to Smash Bros!
KID ICARUS UPRISING FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#12 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:44 AM

Already grew, own 2 very successful business, so successful all I do from 8am-1pm is paperwork. After that it's back to Nintendo. I'm more of a visionary. Just think of a more adult alternative of nintendo's current games. The possibility of Mario stomping on a turtle and its guts come out instead of a shell. Still produce regular franchise games but give hardcore gamers a different alternative of the same game.

#13 Xiombarg


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 10:46 AM

With the wii and wii u both sitting on the shelf at the same time, their is no way to differentiate a wii u Zelda game from a wii Zelda game. Only the graphics will prove to be different. How long can Zelda live in fairy tale land as a kid warrior. Nintedo will just be making the same up grades of their existing wii games onto the wii u. Just fancier graphics and a few tricks from their Awsome new controller. We're talking hardcore gaming here, and if theres going to be two wii systems on the market then theirs no need for backwards capatibilty because people can just use the wii. The wii u does not make wii u game better graphically so there's no need to use the wii u for wii games, just use your wii for them. This will allow the existing wii users(mostly young) to continue playing their current cute games and allow Wii U users to see Nintendo old games get a more adult upgrade. I have every single nintendo console and handheld ever made, I'm 34, ready for my Zelda to grow up.

You're not going to get an adult upgrade, they aren't Nintendo's target demographic. Link is a specific character and the gameplay is what makes the game. These games are meant to be family friendly, so that all people can play it have have fun. If you want total blood, massacre, and slaughter in a Zelda game, that's what's going to take away from it. Heck, most fans would hate that move.
For the "more mature audeince" or blood crazed people, there may be games like that, but most are Indie games. It's not a smart marketing decision as that specific market is small compaired to the others. As for more mature games, they will make them. As the Wiiu finally leaves behind the motion gimmick, it opens up the possibility for more games like the Elder Scroll series and shooter games.

#14 Garolymar



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:06 AM

Nintendo doesn't need to change Mario or Zelda to attract a mature audience, they've been doing the same thing for years and older gamers still buy their games because they appeal to both crowds. Nintendo adding drugs and blood would just be silly to be perfectly honest, the game concept you posted sounds like a bad newgrounds video and less then a game.
Nintendo just like classic Disney and Pixar make things that just hit a certain chord with people that regardless of what they look like they can still be enjoyed by both old fans and young fans alike.
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#15 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:09 AM

Nintendo doesn't need to change Mario or Zelda to attract a mature audience, they've been doing the same thing for years and older gamers still buy their games because they appeal to both crowds. Nintendo adding drugs and blood would just be silly to be perfectly honest, the game concept you posted sounds like a bad newgrounds video and less then a game.
Nintendo just like classic Disney and Pixar make things that just hit a certain chord with people that regardless of what they look like they can still be enjoyed by both old fans and young fans alike.

#16 Tux


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:09 AM

Already grew, own 2 very successful business, so successful all I do from 8am-1pm is paperwork. After that it's back to Nintendo. I'm more of a visionary. Just think of a more adult alternative of nintendo's current games. The possibility of Mario stomping on a turtle and its guts come out instead of a shell. Still produce regular franchise games but give hardcore gamers a different alternative of the same game.

A visionary? Lol, why would anyone want to buy a realistic turtle stomping game? That would be an awful game. I can tell you right now, that isn't what hardcore gamers want. Anyways hardcore doesn't have to mean violent, which it seems like you're confusing it with. Metroid and Zelda are definitely "hardcore" games. Mario has mass appeal between both the casual and hardcore markets, but if you actually want to 100% a Mario game you're in for some tough level towards the end.

I do agree that they need to have more of a presence in the wooing the hardcore gamers back to their console, but the route you're suggesting won't do that. Just my opinion. They need to make new IPs or better work with the 3rd party publishers to make sure they have hardcore games coming out for the Wii U on a consistent basis. They seem to already be doing the latter and hopefully they are working on the former.

#17 Gameboysoadvance



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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:11 AM

I'm not saying stop the games they already make, just maybe a mature upgrade for one or two franchise titles.

#18 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:19 AM

I'm not saying stop the games they already make, just maybe a mature upgrade for one or two franchise titles.

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Apparently you can't read. Stop bashing Nintendo and buy a World of Warcraft game.

Edited by StreetPassWanter, 15 January 2012 - 11:19 AM.

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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#19 Tux


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:19 AM

I'm not saying stop the games they already make, just maybe a mature upgrade for one or two franchise titles.

Having one Mario game where he crushes realistic turtles is one too many. It would sell poorly and quite honestly sounds like an awful game to me.

#20 Xiombarg


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Posted 15 January 2012 - 11:23 AM

Apparently you can't read. Stop bashing Nintendo and buy a World of Warcraft game.

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