I made this thread rather than posting in the Anime thread because I felt that having one thread for everything anime and manga would be too messy and complicated. I also made this because I regularly check up on the weekly Shonen Jump chapter releases (in particular, the "Big Three"). This thread will be riddled with spoilers, so I advise that you be careful when reading through this thread.
Now before I allow posts, I need to lay some ground rules to keep this thread in order:
- When commenting on a chapter, be sure to specify what manga you're refering to in bold to avoid confusing anyone
- While discussion of manga is what this thread is about, this is not the thread to ask for scans and the like. Don't post links that shouldn't be here
With that all down, I'll move on to today's Big Three release:

Bleach 480 - So it seems this is the final Bleach arc. I don't really have much to say about this chapter since not a lot really happened. The chapter was a lot like that one chapter where Shuhei Hisagi and some shinigami freshmen were attacked by those massive hollows. Um, hopefully the girl there isn't dead because it looks like she's dead.
Naruto 573 - Tobi appears to be tense, but he can't admit it. Anyway, not much happened. Though Sasuke appears at the end, so I guess we should expect Naruto and Sasuke to have their ultimate match finally. I'm guessing it won't be the last though, and something will interrupt.
One Piece 656 - A dragon is interesting, but I feel this chapter was missing the potency the previous ones had. There's a huge mystery going on about Punk Hazard, and the Shichibukai being brought up is interesting, but I'd honestly prefer seeing Smoker and Luffy go at it. Just to see if Luffy can actually do anything now.