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General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

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#81 Mohsan Ali Butt

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Posted 13 May 2012 - 08:02 AM

I think they need to ditch the wii just get that out the way first and then mention the 3ds and then at the end drop the N bomb
and not hold back reveal the whole thing

#82 Keviin



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 09:01 AM

For you guys hanging onto slight hope to see a Zelda Wii U at E3... It's NOT going to happen! Now Zelda on 3ds might happen. There is a rumor out that nintendo is really going to blow the Vita away with some of the games they show at E3. Also another rumor is that second CPU has been unlocked and there will be a SIGNIFICANT visual upgrade with 3ds titles we will see at E3. Now back to the Wii U. I'm hoping to see F-zero Wii U at E3. I'm believing nintendo or 3rd party exclusive will show that Wii U does in fact leave PS360 in the DUST. I believe the online will be on par(if not exceed) PSN and Live day 1. I do believe the controller is going to change gaming. I think nintendo will announce MORE THAN ONE unknown feature for the console and the controller. I'm not expecting a name change but if its one it will be minor like but will without a doubt keep the Wii name somehow. They could surprise though and go a different route but I just don't see it. All in all I expect nintendo to blow away gamers at E3. The x factor is Sony. Will they show a tech demo of PS4 and what the graphics will look like. I expect them to do something like that to take a little thunder away from nintendo.

3DS will beat Vita anyway. And yes I really want a 3DS Zelda, it's been 2.5 years since ST (OOT does not count, though they could use that engine).

The only way a company could beat Nintendo this year is a new console
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#83 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 18 May 2012 - 08:15 AM

GTTV episode of Pach Attack, and I agree with this point. I don't get why people wouldn't, I don't know about you guys but in my family and people around me they personally don't care about the Wii U that much and more than happy looking forward to any new console by Sony or Microsoft because of the time they have been with that ecosystem.

Can someone really give me a strong counter arguement, I know that we core gamers will buy it and I am not dissing Nintendo in anyway, they make great games. In general the history reallyhas been you buy a Nintendo console mainly to play Nintendo games and that is the way currently it is going. I have asked a few friends etc and they would rather stick with the ecosystem they're in because they put more into that ecosystem where as with Nintendo it really is a fresh start on the ecosystem front.

By ecosystem I mean the online community, the owners and players and of course exclusive games. I am all down on buying one but you have to remember online community is a major factor, if none of your friends are on that system why would you pick it over a completely different one where all your friends are. Don't disregard this point.

Edited by Usman Mohammad, 18 May 2012 - 08:15 AM.

#84 Andy


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 09:13 AM

GTTV episode of Pach Attack, and I agree with this point. I don't get why people wouldn't, I don't know about you guys but in my family and people around me they personally don't care about the Wii U that much and more than happy looking forward to any new console by Sony or Microsoft because of the time they have been with that ecosystem.

Can someone really give me a strong counter arguement, I know that we core gamers will buy it and I am not dissing Nintendo in anyway, they make great games. In general the history reallyhas been you buy a Nintendo console mainly to play Nintendo games and that is the way currently it is going. I have asked a few friends etc and they would rather stick with the ecosystem they're in because they put more into that ecosystem where as with Nintendo it really is a fresh start on the ecosystem front.

By ecosystem I mean the online community, the owners and players and of course exclusive games. I am all down on buying one but you have to remember online community is a major factor, if none of your friends are on that system why would you pick it over a completely different one where all your friends are. Don't disregard this point.

When this generation first started, a lot of the people who had the PS2 said they would pass up on the 360 and just go for the PS3. Then, as we all know, Sony dropped the "599 US DOLLAR!" bomb, and everyone went for the 360. A Lot of these people had set up a "ecosystem" on the PS2 with Sony's exclusives. For example: My cousin (PS2 last gen, 360 this gen) has told me that he plans on coming down to my place to play Sly 4 when it releases. Heck, go to a Sly 4 video on YouTube, and odds are you'll see a few people asking if it'll be released on the 360. The point is, these "ecosystems" mean very little if you just show them something they like; be it price, exclusives, online, or whatever.
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#85 Freudian_Slip



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 01:19 AM

This is my prediction of the Nintendo Press Conference at E3 2012:

There may be a conflict of interests that can end up annoying Nintendo fans. Nintendo probably wants to show the world that they are being taken seriously by third party publishers with their core games. Because of this, it will be in Nintendo's interests to devote time to EA, Ubisoft, and Activision's big games. I mean, I can see Nintendo giving a ten minute demonstration of how much better Black Ops 2 is on the Wii U. I'm sure EA's John Riccitiello will go on stage and talk about all their support on the system (Battlefield, Origin ?). And then Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot will want to talk about Assassin's Creed and Rayman Legends. By then, a half hour will have gone by with just talk of "core" games that Nintendo fans have already seen on other systems hundreds of times. I'm not denying its importance, I'm just saying it may be boring.

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And don't forget, Iwata always likes to give a business lecture at the start of the conference. He'll be talking almost directly to the investors, explaining how the Wii suffered near the end of its lifetime and Nintendo had its first annual financial loss ever. He'll say how Nintendo knows what they have to do to reverse their fortunes. They need to entice the hardcore gamer while continuing to expand the mainstream casual market. This speech will take at least ten to fifteen minutes in itself. So, after Iwata's talk and the hardcore demonstrations, the conference will be 45 minutes in.
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Granted, there will probably be a few suprise announcements like GTA V and Crysis 3, maybe even Diablo 3. But, Nintendo fans will probably be jumping out of their seats already to see HD Nintendo games in action. But, no. Nintendo will then want to show that they haven't abandoned the casual mainstream audience and they will show the newest versions of Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Nintendogs, and Brain Age. After that, they will want to show how Wii U is a great social networking/media device. The Nintendo Network will be shown as a competitor to PSN and XBL and it will have things like video chat and Swapnote Wii U, plus a built-in art program. Nintendo will show how you can use the controller to surf the internet, watch TV or movies, access Facebook and other social networks, read a book, like on Kindle, and download smaller games from the eShop. But, that will all be leading to another point Nintendo wants to focus on: the ability to do any of these things while away from your TV screen. They'll show a girl looking through her bedroom window at the snow falling outside, taking a picture with the controller, and then sending it directly to her Facebook page. They'll show a teenager lying on his bed while playing an FPS. And finally, they probably won't show someone playing Angry Birds in the bathroom. (But they should!)

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Nintendo fans will be going nuts by now because they haven't seen any Zelda or Metroid. However, I skipped one important point. Retro Studios. In the hardcore gaming section of the conference, Nintendo will show how they themselves have been hard at work trying to woo the hardcore gamer by getting Retro Studios to make a new IP, an FPS with online multiplayer that will compete with the best in the business. (That Starfox-Metroid rumor smells off to me.) This game will look extremely epic and stunning, even to Nintendo fans who wanted Retro to be working on anything other than another FPS.

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But, the fans have been waiting more than an hour already to see Nintendo games. No such luck. It's time for the 3DS to get a little bit of the limelight. Cue tons of third party games including hordes of games that have been transferred from the flailing Vita to the 3DS. There will finally be a handful of FPS games shown embracing the third dimension. And Nintendo will have a few star games to show such as New Super Mario Bros 2 and a new Zelda game. Lastly, the eshop will have a proliferation of games coming from Nintendo and beloved smaller development teams like Renegade Kid and Wayforward Technologies. Between the soon to be massive library of third party releases announced for the 3DS and Nintendo's own star-studded holiday titles, the 3DS won't need much else to sell it to the investors.

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Nintendo fans, by this point, are having heart attacks. Ambulances have been called to resuscitate those who have fainted. When will the HD Nintendo games be shown?? Reggie walks on to the stage with a grin on his face. He knows there is only twenty minutes left to the 2-hour presentation. After a pep-talk, building the hype in the room, the screen darkens and everyone knows the time has come.

Super Smash Bros. Wii U - 3D. Pikmin 3 for Launch. New Super Mario Bros Mii. A highlight reel gives short but mind-blowing looks Zelda Wii U, Super Mario _____ Wii U, and Metroid Wii U.

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Nintendo fans are desperate for more but they will have to live with the brief glimpses they've been given into the future of Nintendo's cherished franchises. Youtube will be full of trailer analyses and websites will be studying the handful of screenshots like they were pages added on to the Bible. But, Nintendo isn't finished yet. They've saved the best for last.

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With five minutes left to the press conference, Miyamoto walks on the stage, alone, holding a Wii U controller. He tells the crowd he has something new to show. He finally has made a new IP to add to the treasure trove he has already amassed for himself. It's completely revolutionary and will introduce new forms of gameplay to the gaming world at large. What is it?

For the answer to that question, dear readers, you'll have to wait just a bit longer...

Edited by Freudian_Slip, 21 May 2012 - 01:25 AM.

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#86 Keviin



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Posted 21 May 2012 - 11:21 PM

~ snip ~

Lol agreed, it will be exactly that!

Edited by Feld0, 28 May 2012 - 04:00 AM.
Mega-quoting a massive post is unnecessary.

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#87 Bane



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Posted 24 May 2012 - 12:00 PM

~ snip ~

This actually sounds plausible.

Edited by Feld0, 28 May 2012 - 04:00 AM.
Please don't mega-quote massive posts.

#88 Link707



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 08:03 AM

Apparently ubisoft has a 1 hour time slot on the last day of e3 for TBA wii u titles...

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#89 Keviin



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 05:49 AM

^Splinter Cell 6?
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#90 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:23 AM

So my expectations are easy. I fully expect to be dazzled by amazing graphics. Retro using unreal engine 4 would be awesome (honestly dont expect that,but wouldby be awesome?). Watching third parties announce exclusives would be awesome. I'd expect to hear mention of the source, but Nintendo won't show exact specs.why should they? It be more effective to show what the specs can do.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#91 dagwood dang

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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:40 AM

Nintendo needs to do two major things:

1) Convince the core gamers, who didn't like the simplified elements in the Wii, that this is a whole different animal. Having gone from "Panda" to "Cybernetic Grizzly Bear"


2) Convince the new demographic they nabbed with Wii, that there's a reason to upgrade to this new machine.

The first one will be difficult, because those guys who turned away from Nintendo, really don't believe that Nintendo gets them.

and the Second will be difficult, because most of those casual gamers (grandpa,mom,dad) know little about tech/specs, forgot they even own a Wii, and feel just fine playing the simple mobile games on their iPhones.

What will help?
- A clear, simple, and awesome explanation of the Wii U and what it's capable of
- Cool demonstrations of the new controller, and what the features really mean for gaming
- A great distinction between Wii U and the older Wii system
- A solid lineup from 1st AND 3rd party supporters to help show the strength and formidability of Wii U
- I don't believe the 3DS Wii U connectivity will be much of a big deal to the mainstream (though many of you are excited about it), but it won't hurt to show it off.

- Obviously talks of things to come: a new 3D platform Mario game (Galaxy's fine, but a completely new subtitle might be better), an announcement from Rockstar's support for Nintendo, Kojima's secret title announced for Wii U, Retro's Game announced,... on and on.

These are some of the things I'm hoping to hear anyway. I can't wait to go. E3 HERE I COME!!!!

Edited by dagwood dang, 28 May 2012 - 09:55 AM.

#92 Keviin



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 02:46 PM

^they should really good. They will have hard advertising for sure..
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#93 Soul



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 02:48 PM

I want to see Far Cry 3 on WiiU.

#94 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 06:11 PM

Retro Studios making a FPS has always been a dream to me, but I don't think I will finally get my wish. Hopefully I am wrong!
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#95 Link707



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Posted 28 May 2012 - 07:21 PM

Honestly if they (Nintendo) can one up Sony and have games that look better than "The Last Of Us". Then they truly have won

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#96 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 07:49 PM

Honestly if they (Nintendo) can one up Sony and have games that look better than "The Last Of Us". Then they truly have won

I believe Nintendo will. :-P
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#97 BeyondSmash


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Posted 28 May 2012 - 09:05 PM

Here's the official E3 App for iDevices:

#98 Joshua


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Posted 29 May 2012 - 01:40 AM

Dang, good idea Freudian_Slip! Read the whole thing!

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#99 Keviin



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 02:02 AM

Retro Studios making a FPS has always been a dream to me, but I don't think I will finally get my wish. Hopefully I am wrong!

They could pull it off.
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#100 Marc



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Posted 29 May 2012 - 05:01 AM

I'm absolutely aching to know what Retro's secret project is. The suspense is... is... x_x

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