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WiiU hardware to "blow current gen out of the water"

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#1 Stewox



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 12:15 AM

"Everything I have been told is "best of the current generation by a country mile but not significantly beyond that."

It is the XBox to the PS2. The Gamegear to the Gameboy. The Mad Men Alison Brie to Community's Alison Brie. It'll look better, but generational transition probably won't apply to it.

On the plus side, there will probably be nothing hardware-wise stopping downgraded ports from what people think the new XBox will offer. We're talking, like, Witcher 2 on high settings vs. Witcher 2 on low settings. Same game, same basic idea, different graphics.

But games that do take advantage of the Wii U's hardware are going to blow this current gen out of the water. I am not sure we'll see that at E3 (seriously, think back to nearly every console's launch, most of those titles don't stand up today), but I'm sure we'll see it eventually."

"The XBox was a crazy beast if used right. But it was just an analogy, it wasn't meant to be a proper comparison of power.

Dreamcast to N64 might be a better comparison?"

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#2 Joshua


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 12:37 AM

Yay! More news of praise for the Wii U! It's a good relief from all that crap that came in the past few days.

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#3 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:04 AM

This could happen but only time will tell.

Then again I challenge nintendo or a third party to blow my mind at E3. Show me a game that blows this gen out the water quite frankly they need to. If they so call want the core gamer back.

#4 Keviin



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:36 AM

"there will
probably be nothing hardware-
wise stopping downgraded ports
from what people think the new
XBox will offer."

Dat thirdparty support.. Just imagine it.
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#5 Deadly Virus

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 03:07 AM

This sounds great to me. I especially like the Dreamcast to N64 comparison. Especially when you consider that the Dreamcast probably would have been able to handle a good portion of the PS2's library had it survived a few more years. And also, if I recall correctly, some parts of the DC hardware were actually BETTER than PS2, which seems like a good parallel to what we're hearing about Wii U and PS4/720.

I just hope the similarities between the two consoles aren't TOO big, or else... y'know... :blink:

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#6 Nollog


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 03:27 AM

Yeah, he talks more about it in the three or four pages after that too, answering some stuff.

On par with what I believed, and good enough for me.

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#7 Alianjaro



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 04:34 AM

This could happen but only time will tell.

Then again I challenge nintendo or a third party to blow my mind at E3. Show me a game that blows this gen out the water quite frankly they need to. If they so call want the core gamer back.

If you're talking about graphics and stuff, there's already Ninja Gaiden that looks awesome.
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#8 Crackkat



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 04:40 AM

This could happen but only time will tell.

Then again I challenge nintendo or a third party to blow my mind at E3. Show me a game that blows this gen out the water quite frankly they need to. If they so call want the core gamer back.

EPIC promised to unveil UE4 this year. that could be done on the wii u so you actually might end up seeing the wii u blow the current gen out of the water later this year
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#9 Keviin



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:11 AM

I dont get it. Does he consider it a current gen console? Because he said it was an Xbox to PS2, which are both of the same gen. This doesn't really sound promising..
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#10 Fig


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:15 AM

I dont get it. Does he consider it a current gen console? Because he said it was an Xbox to PS2, which are both of the same gen. This doesn't really sound promising..

"The XBox was a crazy beast if used right. But it was just an analogy, it wasn't meant to be a proper comparison of power.

Dreamcast to N64 might be a better comparison

Edited by Fig, 11 April 2012 - 05:16 AM.

#11 Keviin



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:02 AM

I think I get it... Dreamcast was 6th gen, and N64 5th gen if I'm not mistaken. Dreamcast was the weaker of the 6th gen (even though it outpowered other 6gen consoles on a few fronts) but still poweful for its time. Is that right?
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#12 Rockalot



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:04 AM

Sounds great! E3 can't come soon enough! I'm guessing we'll see Colonial Marines, Pikmin 3, and the Unreal Engine 4

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#13 Fig


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:24 AM

I think I get it... Dreamcast was 6th gen, and N64 5th gen if I'm not mistaken. Dreamcast was the weaker of the 6th gen (even though it outpowered other 6gen consoles on a few fronts) but still poweful for its time. Is that right?

Well, yes, but I think you're reading into exactly what he said too much. All we can really take from this info is that it will be more powerful than the current gen, and powerful enough to support multi-plat ports from the new Xbox.

And that games designed specifically for Wii U will "blow the current gen out of the water".... but what does that mean exactly? It's kind of subjective.

To summarize, this is good news.

#14 Meelow100


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:25 AM


#15 Keviin



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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:35 AM

Well, yes, but I think you're reading into exactly what he said too much. All we can really take from this info is that it will be more powerful than the current gen, and powerful enough to support multi-plat ports from the new Xbox.

And that games designed specifically for Wii U will "blow the current gen out of the water".... but what does that mean exactly? It's kind of subjective.

To summarize, this is good news.

Thanks for the clarification. It's really all I want from Wii U's specs: being good enough to get enough third party support. This indeed very good news.
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#16 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:57 AM

I have heard so many rumors I dont even care anymore. I dont know about you guys but good news or bad news this constant stream of rumors is just showing how unreliable they are. But still it is great to hear the good news. I just cant wait until E3 that way we can see what rumors are just made up and the ones that are actual leaks.

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#17 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:58 AM

Ninja gaiden does not blow anything this gen out the water

#18 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 07:53 AM

Ninja gaiden does not blow anything this gen out the water

BF3 on PC blows this gen out of the water.


#19 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:06 AM

Exactly PC! Even though there was an early quote by a developer saying they had a Wii U game on same level as high end PC. So we will see!

#20 Nollog


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:32 AM

I just had to share.

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