What are your thoughts on what the genius himself could be making this time?
I think all we know for sure is that it wont be UBER SUPER REALISTIC GRAPHICS lol. Miyamoto said in an interview its not that he cant do realistic graphics but he doesnt really like to do it cause then you have to do what people are used to and it restricts creativity. So he made Mario and Zelda which became 2 of the most if not the 2 most well known and loved games serise in the world.
I think if this game becomes as popular as Mario and Zelda then its something that can finally shut up the people who say Nintendo needs to make something NEW!!! If it becomes as amazing as Mario and Zelda then that will be a slap across Sony and Microsoft.
Anyway got abit off topic there.
So it wont be realistic graphics which is perfectly fine by me.
Could it be an adventure game? like Zelda or purhaps a platformer like Mario was? Maybe he will go in a complete shocker of a direction? Maybe an RPG that could beat even Xenoblade as (the best JRPG ever)
anyway what do you think?
Remember this is just for fun to pass the time. Purhaps we may learn alittle bit of what it is at E3? We can only hope.
Keep gaming Nintendo fans